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Ensign snared

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This isn't so much about another pol busted for not keeping his zipper zipped, but rather the media's take. In every piece I've read and heard about Sen Ensign's confessional they all pretty much refer to him as a "rising star in the GOP", "a true conservative voice" and "a possible run for the Republican presidential nomination". Which made me wonder....this guy is (was?) the face of the new GOP? I never heard of him before and I doubt very many have. If he was looked at as a new face in the GOP then the party is in more trouble than I thought.

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On the bright side....at least he was sleeping with a woman.

Yep. And I don't think it was in a toilet. It is kind of strange that the woman would be his treasurer, her husband worked for him, too, and their son worked there, too. Keeping it all in the office/family.

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I read he was also a member of the creepy Promise Keepers group, cult, whatever. I guess he was a very staunch conservative, veering well to the right of mainstream American opinion at this time. Still, some reports actually hinted he was doing this confession bit as a prelude to a presidential run. I don't see how that's possible.

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From Wiki, Ensign's take on marriage:



In 1998, after President Bill Clinton admitted to having committed adultery with Monica Lewinsky, Ensign called on him to resign, saying, "He has no credibility left."


In 2004, Ensign spoke on the Senate floor in favor of the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have barred states from recognizing same-sex marriage. Ensign said:


Marriage is the cornerstone on which our society was founded. For those who say that the Constitution is so sacred that we cannot or should not adopt the Federal Marriage Amendment, I would simply point out that marriage, and the sanctity of that institution, predates the American Constitution and the founding of our nation.

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Just so these quotes aren't swept under the "ignore Wikipedia" rug, I'm going to provide the sources from which they are cited:


From Wiki, Ensign's take on marriage:



In 1998, after President Bill Clinton admitted to having committed adultery with Monica Lewinsky, Ensign called on him to resign, saying, "He has no credibility left."


# ^ Batt, Tony (September 11, 1998), "Ensign urges Clinton to quit", Las Vegas Review-Journal, http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/199...ws/8200206.html


In 2004, Ensign spoke on the Senate floor in favor of the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have barred states from recognizing same-sex marriage. Ensign said:



Marriage is the cornerstone on which our society was founded. For those who say that the Constitution is so sacred that we cannot or should not adopt the Federal Marriage Amendment, I would simply point out that marriage, and the sanctity of that institution, predates the American Constitution and the founding of our nation.




John Ensign (July 13, 2004). Ensign Defends Sanctity of Marriage on Senate Floor. Press release. http://ensign.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?...13-82f3ca2ccba4. Retrieved on 2009-06-17.

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Question: If you're separated from your wife are you allowed to sleep with another woman? Just wondering what the rules are on "Separation". Are there any? If there are could someone link me to them?



Depends, is the woman (or man in your case) married?

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Ah, infidelity. So glamourous on the front end and for those peering in from the outside. Tabloit and gossip fodder for dinner convos, while everyone giggles...but nothing less than a living hell for those who actually go through it. Im sure we all know someone who has.

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From Wiki, Ensign's take on marriage:



In 1998, after President Bill Clinton admitted to having committed adultery with Monica Lewinsky, Ensign called on him to resign, saying, "He has no credibility left."


In 2004, Ensign spoke on the Senate floor in favor of the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have barred states from recognizing same-sex marriage. Ensign said:


Marriage is the cornerstone on which our society was founded. For those who say that the Constitution is so sacred that we cannot or should not adopt the Federal Marriage Amendment, I would simply point out that marriage, and the sanctity of that institution, predates the American Constitution and the founding of our nation.

Hmmm so another wingnut turns out to be a major hypocrite.


I'm totally shocked. :wallbash:

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Ah, infidelity. So glamourous on the front end and for those peering in from the outside. Tabloit and gossip fodder for dinner convos, while everyone giggles...but nothing less than a living hell for those who actually go through it. Im sure we all know someone who has.

This is somewhat the trifecta of infidelity though. The woman is an underling, a campaign staffer in his office, who has her hands on the purse strings. The Senator knows her husband quite well, as he works as an official Senate staffer there, too. And their son is part-time employed as well.

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Let's see if he has the courage of his convictions - or is just another political slimeball.


Why should he be different than all the others? Are there any that are not slimeballs?



Frankly, extramarital affairs rank pretty low on my list of 'slimeball' activities for politicians. These are people who collectively hand out billions of dollars of our money in pork to their campaign contributors and no one even bats an eye. It's sad that our country is still so clueless about things that matter and instead hung up on what people do in the bedroom.

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Senators are human too!!!!!


They are under a lot of pressure. They should keep their vows of marriage and to the constitution but sometimes it is hard.


There are just so many people that don't show the proper respect, that the tension has to break somewhere. Sometimes they snap at people and other times they sleep around. It is not an excuse, but it is understandable.

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