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I think your first statement misses the point. It's not whether or not the location remains a secret. It's whether he gave specific directions to the realtor to keep things on the lowdown and whether she complied or not.


As for your second statement, because for all intents and purposes the season will be over by January 1st, it's possible that Owens is looking for a six month lease. Thirty thousand dollars for six months. He gets to live in a palace with no strings attached. Why would he buy if there is no certainty that he'll be a Buffalo Bill next season? And why shouldn't he rent an upscale house? He has (undoubtedly) a need for space. He has a personal assistant, he surely has an entourage, friends, family, etc. I would think he would need a pretty large house.


I did not miss the point. It is inconceivable that a guy with a pathologic compuslion to share every mundane aspect of his life in Buffalo with the public would instruct anyone to keep his new address secret. He's being filmed for crissakes.


I never suggested he would buy a house in Buffalo. That would be nuts, no matter how long he stays. What I clearly said was that it would be crazy to pay a homeowner far more than it costs to carry the house every month. 30 thousand for 6 months in Buffalo? In that "palace"??

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I did not miss the point. It is inconceivable that a guy with a pathologic compuslion to share every mundane aspect of his life in Buffalo with the public would instruct anyone to keep his new address secret. He's being filmed for crissakes.

inconceivable? i disagree with that.


as for mundane, my twitter site would be mundane if i kept it up to date. i'd hazard a guess most of ours would be, as well. but for someone with 41,000-plus followers, i'm guessing he's keeping them interested.




Well where are they going to find another mansion to rent in OP? This is getting stupid. Has any Bill ever had so much trouble finding a place to live?



The realtor was at fault...she showed the house to the media


Thank you. TO, regardless of his desire to be in the public eye, has all the right in the world to be upset at a realtor that lets a news castor into his house to film for a spot on the nightly news. If TO invites all the cameras in, that's one thing. But, it's not her place to allow access to his soon to be home.


I agree, this is getting stupid.....


There are PLENTY of nice places to live in the area.... How come TO is the only Bill or Sabre that can't seem to find decent housing? I guess all the other guys are slumming it up or staying in "places that my grandma would live in" as Owens put it on his Twitter page a while ago....


And before people start bashing the NHL, realize that Ryan Miller, Tim Connonly, Thomas Vanek, and Jason Pomminville make more than most Bills players.


Hell, Vanek makes more than Owens. Ryan Miller makes about the same. I haven't seen either of them living under bridges.

I agree, this is getting stupid.....


There are PLENTY of nice places to live in the area.... How come TO is the only Bill or Sabre that can't seem to find decent housing? I guess all the other guys are slumming it up or staying in "places that my grandma would live in" as Owens put it on his Twitter page a while ago....


And before people start bashing the NHL, realize that Ryan Miller, Tim Connonly, Thomas Vanek, and Jason Pomminville make more than most Bills players.


Hell, Vanek makes more than Owens. Ryan Miller makes about the same. I haven't seen either of them living under bridges.

What you say is true however the guys you mention are all (for better or worse) core players on the Sabres. They've all been locked up to long term deals.


Until proven otherwise, TO is a one-year rental. In addition, football players and hockey players have a slightly different relationship with the city, generally speaking.

inconceivable? i disagree with that.





More proof that despite what many here think, TO is a master manipulator of the media.


with all due respect, the reason i disagreed with Mr. WEO's position is because he postulated an absolute conclusion: "it's inconceivable." had he, perhaps, written "it's not inconceivable," then he would have been on firmer ground.


and i now question his authority as a result of his blunt response to my disagreeing with him, and the suggestion that i am among those caught in some manipulative net.


by no means do i consider myself an "authority" on much if anything, and yet i would hope that i have a sense of how the media works and also a little insight into T.O. in having dealt with him now on numerous occasions, including several 1-on-1 interviews.

i'm merely asking Mr. WEO what his credentials might be when it comes to the insights he's providing, and wondering whether he might, in fact, be the one who's being manipulated by the media because his opinions in regards to T.O. -- the "pathologic compulsion" comment in particular -- are ones that have been well covered in the press and on tv.


he has a right to his opinions, as much as i have a right to challenge them. and all i'm asking is whether Mr. WEO reached his opinions based upon personal experience or from the comfort of his living room couch?



I agree, this is getting stupid.....


There are PLENTY of nice places to live in the area.... How come TO is the only Bill or Sabre that can't seem to find decent housing? I guess all the other guys are slumming it up or staying in "places that my grandma would live in" as Owens put it on his Twitter page a while ago....


And before people start bashing the NHL, realize that Ryan Miller, Tim Connonly, Thomas Vanek, and Jason Pomminville make more than most Bills players.


Hell, Vanek makes more than Owens. Ryan Miller makes about the same. I haven't seen either of them living under bridges.



Are you SURE no other Bills or Sabres players haven't had trouble deciding on/finding a place to live? I think the difference here is reporters and cameras follow TO around, and he seemingly tweets his every thought. The real difference, IMO, is TO's willingness/eagerness to discuss these rather mundane issues with the public.


While this is a funny story, from a fan perspective, it just isn't important in any meaningful way. If there were discrimination issues, or something like that, then it would be real news. But having a falling out with a real estate agent is hardly unusual.


So The Queen manages to find a house in BuffTown (several, in fact) - the Fking Queen of England (!!!) - yet that attention-starved, mentally-arrested, 36-year-old adolescent can't find a place to 'hang his hat' for the next 6 months??? :rolleyes:



So The Queen manages to find a house in BuffTown (several, in fact) - the Fking Queen of England (!!!) - yet that attention-starved, mentally-arrested, 36-year-old adolescent can't find a place to 'hang his hat' for the next 6 months??? :rolleyes:



When does the Queen move into her Bufftown home? Did TV crews go through it before she bought it and gave permission? And why pay double the house's value?

So The Queen manages to find a house in BuffTown (several, in fact) - the Fking Queen of England (!!!) - yet that attention-starved, mentally-arrested, 36-year-old adolescent can't find a place to 'hang his hat' for the next 6 months??? :rolleyes:







The Queen BOUGHT a home. Apparently, she couldn't find an acceptable rental, either. But let's give HRM some credit, she managed to complete the deal without the drama and the Flavin. FLAVIN!


I wonder if she'll tweet something about it, later today?

When does the Queen move into her Bufftown home? Did TV crews go through it before she bought it and gave permission? And why pay double the house's value?

Well, actually, The Queen won't be living there - the house is for Canadian Consul General Stephen Brereton. But you already know that because you read the article


And, since you did, you probably saw that is was prominently covered in the press - not on TV, but on the front page of the BN City Section. Even gave the exact address. Also metioned the price - which, btw, is probably double the house's actual value. (Dumb Canadians.)


And, also btw, if I rent a property to someone who doesn't take possession and start paying rent until July 1st, I can do whatever the fk I want with my property between now and then - including media tours, if I so please.


here's what i don't get, and it's been kind of itching to come out these past few days.

what has T.O. done wrong since arriving in Buffalo? from my perspective, other than a few amusing tweets, here's what's happened over the past four months:


-- he was present for a few offseason voluntary workout sessions.

-- he attended all but 2 voluntary minicamp practices.

-- he has hailed bills fans for embracing him and welcoming him to town.

-- when asked why he felt he deserved the key to the city, owens directed the question toward the mayor and then added he's sure there are many people in town worthy of the recognition.

-- he's said nice things about his teammates and talked up the offense and defense.

-- he's spent time after practice to work with trent and lee evans.

-- he alleged that a homeowner refused to allow him to view a home because of potential "drama."

-- when finally agreeing to lease a home, someone breaks his confidence by discussing the transaction and then allows cameras inside the residence.

-- he's offered a chance for a youngster to win an expenses-paid trip to his football camp in dallas. and had he known he would've been released, he would've considered holding a youth camp in buffalo, but the wheels were already rolling on the camp in dallas, so he didn't want to disappoint anyone there.

-- he's provided assistance in helping bobby april's katrina fundraiser.

-- he blamed tony romo and oc garrett for his release from dallas, a move that still disappoints him.

-- he's looked for a place to live in western new york, rather than, as some suggested he might, toronto.

-- he's not said anything wrong about buffalo's night life.

-- he's not been arrested.

-- he's not suggested the franchise might be better relocating to toronto.


so of course i can see how owens can be regarded as being an attention-starved, mentally-arrested person with pathological compulsions.





Well, actually, The Queen won't be living there - the house is for Canadian Consul General Stephen Brereton. But you already know that because you read the article


And, since you did, you probably saw that is was prominently covered in the press - not on TV, but on the front page of the BN City Section. Even gave the exact address. Also metioned the price - which, btw, is probably double the house's actual value. (Dumb Canadians.)


And, also btw, if I rent a property to someone who doesn't take possession and start paying rent until July 1st, I can do whatever the fk I want with my property between now and then - including media tours, if I so please.

well, if you would provide media tours prior to that lease agreement being signed and your potential tenant changes his/her mind then i guess you get what you ask for. but what do i know being a dumb canadian and all.





The Queen BOUGHT a home. Apparently, she couldn't find an acceptable rental, either. But let's give HRM some credit, she managed to complete the deal without the drama and the Flavin. FLAVIN!


I wonder if she'll tweet something about it, later today?

Well, the day is young here (though early evening there) and I haven't checked Her Twitter page, but I wouldn't be shocked to see Liz fly into a fit of apoplectic rage when She finds out that both the address and sale price were published in the highly prominent publication, The Buffalo Snooze!!!


She may even back out when She discovers that She paid $1.4M for a home that sold for only $540K in 2004, and that was recently valued for only $750K!


Damn that Herbie Siegel. :rolleyes:

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