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A good start...




So The One wants to reform health care, yet, being the lawyer that he is, won't consider limiting malpractice awards. Nice- that's change you can believe in alright.


Just wait and see what happens when he gives 'free' health care to those who pay nothing for it. If you think we have too many lawsuits now, what will happen when healthcare gets rationed? Just like the corrupt and broken worker's comp system, this will be a jackpot for the general trash that exists in our society. Can you say Celino and Barnes on steroids?


One major reasons why healthcare is so expensive is because of the hyper litigious society we live in. Granted, this far from being the only reason, but why won't Obamer even consider limiting awards? I think we know the answer to that...

A good start...




So The One wants to reform health care, yet, being the lawyer that he is, won't consider limiting malpractice awards. Nice- that's change you can believe in alright.


Just wait and see what happens when he gives 'free' health care to those who pay nothing for it. If you think we have too many lawsuits now, what will happen when healthcare gets rationed? Just like the corrupt and broken worker's comp system, this will be a jackpot for the general trash that exists in our society. Can you say Celino and Barnes on steroids?


One major reasons why healthcare is so expensive is because of the hyper litigious society we live in. Granted, this far from being the only reason, but why won't Obamer even consider limiting awards? I think we know the answer to that...



Also, cut out the illegals from using it.

Now he wants to add another fifth of the economy to govt control.

Communism here we come.

Also, cut out the illegals from using it.

Now he wants to add another fifth of the economy to govt control.

Communism here we come.


I disagree with the policy, but at least Rush had the grace to say. "I don't want to be dramatic here." before he called it socialistic and explained it would take all our freedoms away. Not you, no you feel the need to go straight over the top without a disclaimer.


For the record, I think it is a dumb idea for government to be in charge of insurance. Barring the idea of farming it out to private companies, which isn't on the table and I am unsure it would work, I say we let it be. Our economy is just now beginning to show signs of recovery. We have the devaluation of the dollar to consider, and the doubt of our foreign investors.


Still, you are a putz Wacka.


Edit - Fastback, you have to realize that joke was funny when most of us were kids. When you get out of your teens, it isn't as funny.


Now when you inevitably reply that you are 40+ I will answer something along the lines of "Well, let me know when your emotional maturity catches up." You will in all likelihood insult my manhood. I will shrug and we will move on.


I say the above in the hopes of staving off the incipient flame war that will result. Every post kills a penguin (what with global warming and all, hey there's good news for you Tom) you know :thumbsup:


Oh and to be honest, I am drunk. Ice cold Stoli btw. I had an odd craving. I almost did Grey Goose L'Orange, but that isn't vodka. :thumbsup:

I disagree with the policy, but at least Rush had the grace to say. "I don't want to be dramatic here." before he called it socialistic and explained it would take all our freedoms away. Not you, no you feel the need to go straight over the top without a disclaimer.


For the record, I think it is a dumb idea for government to be in charge of insurance. Barring the idea of farming it out to private companies, which isn't on the table and I am unsure it would work, I say we let it be. Our economy is just now beginning to show signs of recovery. We have the devaluation of the dollar to consider, and the doubt of our foreign investors.


Still, you are a putz Wacka.


Edit - Fastback, you have to realize that joke was funny when most of us were kids. When you get out of your teens, it isn't as funny.


Now when you inevitably reply that you are 40+ I will answer something along the lines of "Well, let me know when your emotional maturity catches up." You will in all likelihood insult my manhood. I will shrug and we will move on.


I say the above in the hopes of staving off the incipient flame war that will result. Every post kills a penguin (what with global warming and all, hey there's good news for you Tom) you know :thumbsup:


Oh and to be honest, I am drunk. Ice cold Stoli btw. I had an odd craving. I almost did Grey Goose L'Orange, but that isn't vodka. :thumbsup:

Well I will give you credit for being honest. Do you have to blow into a mouth piece before using your computer?

A good start...




So The One wants to reform health care, yet, being the lawyer that he is, won't consider limiting malpractice awards. Nice- that's change you can believe in alright.


Just wait and see what happens when he gives 'free' health care to those who pay nothing for it. If you think we have too many lawsuits now, what will happen when healthcare gets rationed? Just like the corrupt and broken worker's comp system, this will be a jackpot for the general trash that exists in our society. Can you say Celino and Barnes on steroids?


One major reasons why healthcare is so expensive is because of the hyper litigious society we live in. Granted, this far from being the only reason, but why won't Obamer even consider limiting awards? I think we know the answer to that...


As an economic ideal I agree that awards should be limited. However, it's not slimy lawyers awarding the money it's juries made up of other Americans. I believe that limiting awards is limiting rights.


If it was up to me I'd limit medical awards but not product liability awards.


Unfortunately it's been proven that companies have used calculators to figure out the cost of fixing something over the cost of damages that could be awarded in courts. Some will say that this happened years ago and hasn't happened recently. It's my opinion that high legal penalties are the reason why it happens infrequently now.





Also, cut out the illegals from using it.

Now he wants to add another fifth of the economy to govt control.

Communism here we come.


I agree with illegal aliens being shut out of medical care unless someone, like an employer, agrees to cover their bills.



Well I will give you credit for being honest. Do you have to blow into a mouth piece before using your computer?




BTW, here's another old lawyer joke;


Why don't sharks attack lawyers? Professional courtesy. BA DUM BUM!!! Ptsch!

I disagree with the policy, but at least Rush had the grace to say. "I don't want to be dramatic here." before he called it socialistic and explained it would take all our freedoms away. Not you, no you feel the need to go straight over the top without a disclaimer.


You'd be hard-pressed to find a way to implement government-sponsored or -run universal health coverage without socialized (in the non-alarmist sense) medical care. You simply can't increase demand for health services and decrease health care costs without controlling the "supply" side of the equation as well.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a way to implement government-sponsored or -run universal health coverage without socialized (in the non-alarmist sense) medical care. You simply can't increase demand for health services and decrease health care costs without controlling the "supply" side of the equation as well.


I am not quibbling about the socialism bit, more the taking all our freedoms away. And that was with Rush, Wacka felt the need to call it communism.

I am not quibbling about the socialism bit, more the taking all our freedoms away. And that was with Rush, Wacka felt the need to call it communism.


Well, it will strip people of SOME freedoms, potentially. For example: if the government controls health care access, they can then very easily prevent all abortions, simply by not paying or authorizing them.


Really, you'd think the right would like this idea...

Well, it will strip people of SOME freedoms, potentially. For example: if the government controls health care access, they can then very easily prevent all abortions, simply by not paying or authorizing them.


Really, you'd think the right would like this idea...


I am just glad you are not in an advisory position. You have this mindset that causes you to come up with all sorts of evil ways to bend and manipulate the system. I say that in the best way possible...


Socialism is communism light.

Lets see, the govt control most of the auto and banking, Then with the One's socialized medicine, they control health care. When more papers fold, they'll try to control the newspaper industry.That's Pravda.


I said "communism here we come". I didn

't say it was here yet.

Socialism is communism light.

Lets see, the govt control most of the auto and banking, Then with the One's socialized medicine, they control health care. When more papers fold, they'll try to control the newspaper industry.That's Pravda.


I said "communism here we come". I didn

't say it was here yet.




I like your ideas... I wish the government would have just let every bank and automaker fail instead of helping them out. And really, why have health care reform? I don't mind paying high prices for my medicine, insurance and doctors visits. I wish the government would do nothing but worry about National Security and our roads.

Socialism is communism light.

Lets see, the govt control most of the auto and banking, Then with the One's socialized medicine, they control health care. When more papers fold, they'll try to control the newspaper industry.That's Pravda.


I said "communism here we come". I didn

't say it was here yet.


Well, what's your solution to the tanking of the financial sector and auto industry? Tax cuts? And the problem of health care taking up 16% of GDP while leaving 45 million people uninsured? Tax cuts?


As far as socialized medicine...Medicare has been around a long time. Isn't that socialized medicine? The One must have been pretty young when he started Medicare.


If insurance companies are so efficient and Medicare is so bureaucratic, why are the insurance companies so deathly afraid of a public health care option? If the insurance companies can do it cheaper, with better quality and better customer service, why would they be unable to compete with a choice of a public plan?


Or do you support corporate welfare for health insurance companies? Guarantee them a profit like the Republican Congress did with the Medicare drug program? Or preventing the government from negotiating discounts for drugs? Those sound like great free-market solutions.


I love the way Republicans call sucking on the left tit of the government socialism, while they suck away on the right tit with corporate welfare programs.

I am just glad you are not in an advisory position. You have this mindset that causes you to come up with all sorts of evil ways to bend and manipulate the system. I say that in the best way possible...


Goes a long way towards explaining why I'm for minimal government interference though, doesn't it? :thumbsup:

Well, what's your solution to the tanking of the financial sector and auto industry? Tax cuts? And the problem of health care taking up 16% of GDP while leaving 45 million people uninsured? Tax cuts?


As far as socialized medicine...Medicare has been around a long time. Isn't that socialized medicine? The One must have been pretty young when he started Medicare.


If insurance companies are so efficient and Medicare is so bureaucratic, why are the insurance companies so deathly afraid of a public health care option? If the insurance companies can do it cheaper, with better quality and better customer service, why would they be unable to compete with a choice of a public plan?


Or do you support corporate welfare for health insurance companies? Guarantee them a profit like the Republican Congress did with the Medicare drug program? Or preventing the government from negotiating discounts for drugs? Those sound like great free-market solutions.


I love the way Republicans call sucking on the left tit of the government socialism, while they suck away on the right tit with corporate welfare programs.

In regards to your socialized medicine comment, how is that working out?


Also, it's not public health care option, it is called Washington takeover of healthcare :thumbsup:

Well, it will strip people of SOME freedoms, potentially. For example: if the government controls health care access, they can then very easily prevent all abortions, simply by not paying or authorizing them.


Really, you'd think the right would like this idea...


That's because you haven't thought it out except in your own illogical mind. The political right has never tried to stop abortion except when they knew the measure would fail and they could pretend to be pro-life, and people who are against pro-murderers still like the idea of freedom.


Freedom isn't the right to do what you want, but the right to do what is within the confines of morality.

That's because you haven't thought it out except in your own illogical mind. The political right has never tried to stop abortion except when they knew the measure would fail and they could pretend to be pro-life, and people who are against pro-murderers still like the idea of freedom.


In other words, there's no pro-life lobby. Just pro-choice, and "we want to be pro-life, but if we won we wouldn't get any more attention"?


You are a complete moron, you know. Given the long history of the pro-life lobby trying to restrict federal funding to anyont who even uses the word "abortion", you actually think that another conservative administration and congress that was handed a federal medical program wouldn't try to use it to restrict availabilty of abortion procedures?


Freedom isn't the right to do what you want, but the right to do what is within the confines of morality.



Specifically, the confines of your morality. Shame you can't see the irony.

In regards to your socialized medicine comment, how is that working out?


Also, it's not public health care option, it is called Washington takeover of healthcare :thumbsup:


Are you saying that Medicare should be abolished because it is socialized medicine? Congress has given Medicare Advantage companies the opportunity to compete against government run Medicare. What are the results?


From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Website:


Do private plans cost more than it costs the regular Medicare program to cover the same beneficiaries?

Answer: Both the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) — Congress’ expert advisory body on Medicare payment policy — and the Congressional Budget Office have found that private plans are paid 12 percent more, on average, than it would cost traditional Medicare to cover the same beneficiaries.[1] According to an analysis by the Commonwealth Fund, these overpayments currently are estimated to average about $1,000 for each beneficiary enrolled in a private plan.[2]


The private plans and the Administration have attempted to cast some doubt on these estimates, contending they may be inflated.[3] Such claims do not have merit. Peter Orszag, director of the Congressional Budget Office, recently testified that “such claims are simply inaccurate.”[4] MedPAC similarly dismissed such claims in its most recent report to Congress in June 2007.[5]


Moreover, according to CBO, the overpayment per beneficiary is likely to rise in the future because enrollment growth in the private plans is concentrating in geographic areas with the highest overpayment rates.[6]

Are you saying that Medicare should be abolished because it is socialized medicine? Congress has given Medicare Advantage companies the opportunity to compete against government run Medicare. What are the results?


From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Website:


Do private plans cost more than it costs the regular Medicare program to cover the same beneficiaries?

Answer: Both the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) — Congress’ expert advisory body on Medicare payment policy — and the Congressional Budget Office have found that private plans are paid 12 percent more, on average, than it would cost traditional Medicare to cover the same beneficiaries.[1] According to an analysis by the Commonwealth Fund, these overpayments currently are estimated to average about $1,000 for each beneficiary enrolled in a private plan.[2]


The private plans and the Administration have attempted to cast some doubt on these estimates, contending they may be inflated.[3] Such claims do not have merit. Peter Orszag, director of the Congressional Budget Office, recently testified that “such claims are simply inaccurate.”[4] MedPAC similarly dismissed such claims in its most recent report to Congress in June 2007.[5]


Moreover, according to CBO, the overpayment per beneficiary is likely to rise in the future because enrollment growth in the private plans is concentrating in geographic areas with the highest overpayment rates.[6]


No, what I'm saying is that Medicare will soon be bankrupt, that Medicare's funds will be completely depleted by 2017, that Medicare's program for hospital expenses will pay out more in benefits than it collects this year, just as it did last year for the first time. That's what I am saying, and I have no reason to believe that Washington's take over of healthcare will be no more cost efficient for the taxpayer than Medicare is.

I am just glad you are not in an advisory position. You have this mindset that causes you to come up with all sorts of evil ways to bend and manipulate the system. I say that in the best way possible...


Gee, it's a good thing people never actually game the system in practice.

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