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Iran WTF


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And the guy that started Twitter hasn't figured out how to make money yet? :thumbsup:


Well, he already turned down an offer for $500 million for it, and maybe up to a billion, which he still says he won't sell for. So it's not as though it's "worthless". :thumbsup:


Maybe in Iran they are simply arguing amongst themselves about who to appoint Supreme Twitter.

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This just indicates that this could turn into a civil war/revolution in Iran...In any event, Mousavi could end up becoming a martyr - this is a powerful message that indicates he knows that attempts on his life will take place (if they haven't already), but he is willing to pay that price...If he is indeed assassinated @ some point - does it end the uprising or kick it into overdrive?

There are other reformers who could step into his role. However if there is a crackdown it could be pretty nasty. Not long after the revolution there was a fair bit of bloodshed (read a lot) where the ayatollahs went after the other groups that overthrew Pahlavi and his cronies.


The revolutionary guards and the basij include a lot of hardcore nutjobs who will be more than happy to put the people protesting 'in their place' (probably a large pit, after they are done).

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Well, he already turned down an offer for $500 million for it, and maybe up to a billion, which he still says he won't sell for. So it's not as though it's "worthless". :wallbash:


Maybe in Iran they are simply arguing amongst themselves about who to appoint Supreme Twitter.


I didn't mean by making money off of selling it. I could sell my car and make money off that. I'm talking about recurring revenue.

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I didn't mean by making money off of selling it. I could sell my car and make money off that. I'm talking about recurring revenue.


You could make 500 million selling your car? There are a dozen ways to monetize it right now if he wanted to. He hasn't decided as far as I know what is the best way to do it yet, and has just decided so far to let it grow and grow first. He was planning on starting to make money next year but changed that recently because he didn't want to have to raise money this year, when no one seems to have any. But usually, if someone were to offer 500 million-billion dollars for your business there is a way to make money. Not always, but usually. It will likely be some kind of product-based model though, like google did, plus some corporate money or corporation charges and they are building apps like the iphone has. There really are a lot of options, although not all of them are good ones.

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You could make 500 million selling your car? There are a dozen ways to monetize it right now if he wanted to. He hasn't decided as far as I know what is the best way to do it yet, and has just decided so far to let it grow and grow first. He was planning on starting to make money next year but changed that recently because he didn't want to have to raise money this year, when no one seems to have any. But usually, if someone were to offer 500 million-billion dollars for your business there is a way to make money. Not always, but usually. It will likely be some kind of product-based model though, like google did, plus some corporate money or corporation charges and they are building apps like the iphone has. There really are a lot of options, although not all of them are good ones.


The management team, from what I've read, at Twitter sometimes sounds like they don't know what they're doing. They want to make money, they just don't know how. The don't want to advertise because they don't know how or anything about advertising. What venture capital firm is going to throw that kind of money at a company that has no business model on how to generate revenues. And $500mill was offered from Facebook, probably not because Facebook thinks Twitter as it stands is a money maker but putting it together with their social network platform could create some heafty revenu.

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The management team, from what I've read, at Twitter sometimes sounds like they don't know what they're doing. They want to make money, they just don't know how. The don't want to advertise because they don't know how or anything about advertising. What venture capital firm is going to throw that kind of money at a company that has no business model on how to generate revenues. And $500mill was offered from Facebook, probably not because Facebook thinks Twitter as it stands is a money maker but putting it together with their social network platform could create some heafty revenu.


I could almost guarantee that Twitter could fetch a billion dollars right now. It's an incredible phenomenon, and not likely to go away. Some of those old dot coms really had no way of making money. Twitter could start making boatloads of money tomorrow. It's not as easy to see as, say, google, but there are a lot of ways to monetize it right now, and not just ads. It's hard to know right now what is the best way, however, because the thing is exploding on a monthly basis, all over the world.

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It's very possible this could be the final straw that leads to revolution, but it just doesn't seem like it's there yet.


And really, I'm not sure if I hope I"m wrong about that or not.

Some big stuff happening this weekend. While I think there are some big steps to revolution, things are progressing further (or at least faster) than I thought they would. I think Khamenei is almost running down a script of the exact wrong things to do and say through this whole thing.

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Some big stuff happening this weekend. While I think there are some big steps to revolution, things are progressing further (or at least faster) than I thought they would. I think Khamenei is almost running down a script of the exact wrong things to do and say through this whole thing.

I was waiting to see whether the protesters would take to the streets after The Supreme Leader dared them to do so. And they did, which is a HUGE sign of defiance, since things never got this far in the past 30 years (and actually, protesters have taken to shouting from rooftops "death to the dictator, which ironically is what they did during the final days of the Shah or Iran).


I was also curious to see if Mousavi was willing to die for his cause, and it appears he is, as he has "taken a bath" and is "ready to become a martyr." All the while, A'manutjob (kudos to Jay Leno for that one) is playing the hypocrite for criticizing the US for "meddling in [their affairs]" when Mousavi is really the one pulling the strings.

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I was reading the Jay R story on the stadium wall...and then went to msnbc and saw this link...


This is exactly was we have separation of church and state spelled out in the consititition... :rolleyes:




This is one helluva story...the outcomes have the ability to/will transform the middle east for years to come...


Maybe Dan Marino can offer them a free autogpraphed football... :rolleyes:

Goes to show that we dont have to strong arm the Iranians .The people want a change.We need to support that subtley.

I'm 50/50 on whether we should bomb their nuke facilities.

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Goes to show that we dont have to strong arm the Iranians .The people want a change.We need to support that subtley.

I'm 50/50 on whether we should bomb their nuke facilities.

At this point, no way the US even entertains bombing them. They'll let this situation flesh itself out. And I just learned that The Supreme Leader Khamenei, has control over the nukes. I think he's enlightened enough not to use them unless in dire circumstances, which is true of the US.

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Let's see you basically have a unelected supreme cleric ruler along with a 12 member cleric body who determines who runs in an election and could easily ensure "their" candidate wins an election, can force "elected" officials to pass or not pass laws ...


He is a one man pope, supreme court and basically dictator....


Yes the protests are related to what amounts to a coup, there is some back-tracking where the head cleric who initially asked all to embrace the asshat president and how is now indicating that his 12 man cleric body will look for voting irregularities...



Bill Maher made the analogy that it is like replacing the US Supreme court, and giving Pat Robertson the final say on everything...

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At this point, no way the US even entertains bombing them. They'll let this situation flesh itself out. And I just learned that The Supreme Leader Khamenei, has control over the nukes. I think he's enlightened enough not to use them unless in dire circumstances, which is true of the US.

u may be right....but these protests are just showing the severity of the peoples' anger and frustration.Whether they can actually effect any change....remains to be seen. Once they have nukes,however, they have much more power to continue what they are presently doing--like arming terrorists .-Its not such a simple or obvious answer.

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I was in Ukraine for the Orangee Revolution. Takes a lot of guts to go out on the streets against armed police, army and militia. Unfortunately the general rule is a tremendously violent reaction and arresting or exiling of leaders and back to business as usual. Its about power more than religion. Still..every once in a while the good guys win one.

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