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This last week, on my way to work, I almost made someone flip their car. That was kind of freaky.


Some guy in a gigantic, somewhat battered, 80's Oldsmobile was weaving traffic and being a general jackass. I was in the fast lane and spotted him barreling down on me. When he started tailgating, I did a quick hit on the brakes to get him to back off. Instead of backing off, or continuing to tailgate, he decides to swerve- hard. We were probably doing about 75, going down a pretty steep, curvy stretch of the freeway. His car had absolutely no firmness in the suspension, and I could see the right(uphill) side of his car lifting off the pavement (as he was cutting directly across 3 lanes of traffic). He was able to pull left and regain control without hitting anyone- thank god.


About 30 seconds later he caught up to me again and I looked over. He didn't notice I existed, as he was busy yelling at somebody on his cel phone. He got through some nearby traffic and continued wobbling around the various lanes, off to whatever hell he was off to.


I think I'll stick to spraying tailgaters with my windshield washers in the future- it's usually good for a laugh if they've got their windows down.

  BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:
This last week, on my way to work, I almost made someone flip their car. That was kind of freaky.


Some guy in a gigantic, somewhat battered, 80's Oldsmobile was weaving traffic and being a general jackass. I was in the fast lane and spotted him barreling down on me. When he started tailgating, I did a quick hit on the brakes to get him to back off. Instead of backing off, or continuing to tailgate, he decides to swerve- hard. We were probably doing about 75, going down a pretty steep, curvy stretch of the freeway. His car had absolutely no firmness in the suspension, and I could see the right(uphill) side of his car lifting off the pavement (as he was cutting directly across 3 lanes of traffic). He was able to pull left and regain control without hitting anyone- thank god.


About 30 seconds later he caught up to me again and I looked over. He didn't notice I existed, as he was busy yelling at somebody on his cel phone. He got through some nearby traffic and continued wobbling around the various lanes, off to whatever hell he was off to.


I think I'll stick to spraying tailgaters with my windshield washers in the future- it's usually good for a laugh if they've got their windows down.

He's probably been trying for 20 years to get it running. Of course his driving skills are rusty.

  Wacka said:
Here they have signs on the freeway saying :


"No injuries? Pull to shoulder."

That's because goats eating the weeds on the embankment cause a 3 mile jam or a murder investigation on a seldom used off ramp (there was nothing blocking the road causes a 15 mile, 3 hour jam.


I should have added: Whenever possible. :nana:



  BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:
This last week, on my way to work, I almost made someone flip their car. That was kind of freaky.


Some guy in a gigantic, somewhat battered, 80's Oldsmobile was weaving traffic and being a general jackass. I was in the fast lane and spotted him barreling down on me. When he started tailgating, I did a quick hit on the brakes to get him to back off. Instead of backing off, or continuing to tailgate, he decides to swerve- hard. We were probably doing about 75, going down a pretty steep, curvy stretch of the freeway. His car had absolutely no firmness in the suspension, and I could see the right(uphill) side of his car lifting off the pavement (as he was cutting directly across 3 lanes of traffic). He was able to pull left and regain control without hitting anyone- thank god.


About 30 seconds later he caught up to me again and I looked over. He didn't notice I existed, as he was busy yelling at somebody on his cel phone. He got through some nearby traffic and continued wobbling around the various lanes, off to whatever hell he was off to.


I think I'll stick to spraying tailgaters with my windshield washers in the future- it's usually good for a laugh if they've got their windows down.


That was you!

  dpbillsfan said:
Last year a trash dumpster that hadn't been lowered all the way hit an overpass and landed on the truck in front of me. I narrowly missed it as it came tumbling down the road. I thought for sure the guy was dead when I got to his truck. He walked away with only a couple of cuts and bruises. I on the other hand darn near crapped my pants.


Speaking of stuff like that... A few years ago I got to witness first hands a wicked allision on the river between a tow boat (pushing 6 barges) and the bridge (130th Street) just above the lock. The pilot was on his cellphone arguing with his girlfriend when he forgot to lower the pilot house fast enough and clear the bridge (that bridge is fixed)! :wallbash::doh: Good thing he wasn't killed. I even took pictures... The piston that raises the pilot house looks like a bent tinker toy.


The only way I can figure out how to post a picture here is by putting it as my personal profile photo... I you want to see it, the picture is there! It will be there in a few minutes!


EDIT: :doh::lol: I can't even do that (post the picture)... Too big!! Sorry!!


Back when I was in college, I was driving on icy roads one winter when the car in front of me hit the oncoming truck. I slammed on my breaks (I know, not a smart thing to do on icy roads :doh: but had no choice) and stopped about a foot from the wreck. It seemed I was sliding forever but finally the bumper on my Chevy Luv truck caught on the guard rail on the side of the road. I think that's what stopped me in time. It's been over 10 years since it happened but I can still remember it clearly. The wreak itself happened so fast but as I was witnessing it, it seemed like it was going in slow motion. The tires flying off the on coming truck was pretty scary too. Luckily both drivers survived but the guy in the truck was pretty banged up. Not a fun sight to see. I was pretty shaken up for a few days after it happened.


Another time I was driving on a highway and this jeep in front of us just all the sudden flipped. It rolled a few times before it stopped. Luckily we were far enough behind to see it and swerve around it.


  LanaK6 said:
Back when I was in college, I was driving on icy roads one winter when the car in front of me hit the oncoming truck. I slammed on my breaks (I know, not a smart thing to do on icy roads :doh: but had no choice) and stopped about a foot from the wreck. It seemed I was sliding forever but finally the bumper on my Chevy Luv truck caught on the guard rail on the side of the road. I think that's what stopped me in time. It's been over 10 years since it happened but I can still remember it clearly. The wreak itself happened so fast but as I was witnessing it, it seemed like it was going in slow motion. The tires flying off the on coming truck was pretty scary too. Luckily both drivers survived but the guy in the truck was pretty banged up. Not a fun sight to see. I was pretty shaken up for a few days after it happened.


Another time I was driving on a highway and this jeep in front of us just all the sudden flipped. It rolled a few times before it stopped. Luckily we were far enough behind to see it and swerve around it.



Never, ever admit to driving a Chevy Luv. Just sayin. :wallbash:

  G. Host said:
In Buffalo with my family and as usual my we have the mini-van which my wife drives almost all of the time except to give her a break on trip from VA. We are driving from West Seneca to Blasdell, get a little gas and she asked if I could drive because she was a little tired. It is a little after dawn with mist and I am going a little less than speed limit (hate the van) and when I get to green light on Southwestern near Wilson Farms I hit the brakes HARD. My daughter rolls onto floor (laying down on bench w/o seat belt again, my wife goes forward jolted by seat belt and yells what the matter. The next instant a car comes barreling through light inches in front of van across Angie road going North probably going 55. He scrapped front bumper a bit an just continued on driving. Now this was not someone who was running red light and just missed it - light was green all the way from where I turned from Transit to Southwest. The idiot just was ignoring lights, going very fast and I just happened to catch the car out of corner of my eye. If I had broke less than 2 seconds later he would have collided straight into drivers side door. If I'd attempted to speed up the mini-van it would have hit the back of it. My wife said she never saw him and wouldn't have.



Consider yourself lucky - this could have been very bad

  Steely Dan said:
Never, ever admit to driving a Chevy Luv. Just sayin. :wallbash:



When you are poor and in college anything with wheels that operates suffices as transportation :doh:

Guest three3

yes, all the time. please be kind to motorcyclists. we are at your mercy

  LanaK6 said:
Mine looked 100% better than that one.


The LUV soldiered on until 2005.





Automotive tooling doesn't die - it goes to other markets. The Ford Maverick migrated to Ford of Australia, and was manufactured for many a year - I think it was re-named as Futura.


1967 Dodge Polaras were built in South America for years and years.


The original Ford Escort tooling went down to Brazil and the vehicle was built by the late Ford/VW consortium, Autolatina.


Just in case you were wondering...



  three3 said:
yes, all the time. please be kind to motorcyclists. we are at your mercy


No sh--. 4 accidents in the last 4 days in West Seneca & Cheektowaga, one dead. All 4 had someone pull in front of them






This guy has it right

  G. Host said:
In Buffalo with my family and as usual my we have the mini-van which my wife drives almost all of the time except to give her a break on trip from VA. We are driving from West Seneca to Blasdell, get a little gas and she asked if I could drive because she was a little tired. It is a little after dawn with mist and I am going a little less than speed limit (hate the van) and when I get to green light on Southwestern near Wilson Farms I hit the brakes HARD. My daughter rolls onto floor (laying down on bench w/o seat belt again, my wife goes forward jolted by seat belt and yells what the matter. The next instant a car comes barreling through light inches in front of van across Angie road going North probably going 55. He scrapped front bumper a bit an just continued on driving. Now this was not someone who was running red light and just missed it - light was green all the way from where I turned from Transit to Southwest. The idiot just was ignoring lights, going very fast and I just happened to catch the car out of corner of my eye. If I had broke less than 2 seconds later he would have collided straight into drivers side door. If I'd attempted to speed up the mini-van it would have hit the back of it. My wife said she never saw him and wouldn't have.



Why the hell would you drive while your daughter lays there without a seat belt on? Rule in my vehicle; nobody goes anywhere, until seatbelts are on, not even out of the driveway.

  stuckincincy said:
The LUV soldiered on until 2005.





Automotive tooling doesn't die - it goes to other markets. The Ford Maverick migrated to Ford of Australia, and was manufactured for many a year - I think it was re-named as Futura.


1967 Dodge Polaras were built in South America for years and years.


The original Ford Escort tooling went down to Brazil and the vehicle was built by the late Ford/VW consortium, Autolatina.


Just in case you were wondering...




Interesting Cincy. Strange how the Jeep (CJ,YJ,TJ) carried on for over 50+ years basically on the same platform. I guess all things do eventually come to an end.

  MarkyMannn said:
No sh--. 4 accidents in the last 4 days in West Seneca & Cheektowaga, one dead. All 4 had someone pull in front of them






This guy has it right


Most of them are left hand turns in front of uncomiing bikes... I am not sure what it is... People must misjudge how far the bike is away and their ability to stop???

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