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Bill O'Reilly

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i pretty much never listen to the political spinsters on tv or radio. one thing i do like about o'reilly (i hate typing those words) is that he doesn't toe the line.


he's pro choice, anti death penalty, took bush to task for coddling the saudi's etc.

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The difference being Howard Stern is/was actually entertaining.


Then again, you're the guy who routinely tries to discuss what he saw on Nancy Grace, aren't you? :thumbsup:

Howard Stern is entertaining?


Do you mean all of the dead air as he grasping for something to say?


Or his demeaning attitude towards women and people with physical and mental disabilities?



It's funny how a lot of people insult Barney Franks for being gay.


Where are the insults towards Senator Larry Craig who just left office in January?


Have they routed out all of the Gay Republicans?

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Where are the insults towards Senator Larry Craig who just left office in January?


Since I'm not up on bathroom stall graffiti humor, why don't you tell us?

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Howard Stern is entertaining?


Do you mean all of the dead air as he grasping for something to say?


Or his demeaning attitude towards women and people with physical and mental disabilities?



It's funny how a lot of people insult Barney Franks for being gay.


Where are the insults towards Senator Larry Craig who just left office in January?


Have they routed out all of the Gay Republicans?


You idiot..........................

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I have a question. If George Tiller and other abortionists were/are baby killers, aren't all doctors and family members that legally pull the plugs on the elderly who are on life support, even if it is with their consent, granny and gramps killers?


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I have a question. If George Tiller and other abortionists were/are baby killers, aren't all doctors and family members that legally pull the plugs on the elderly who are on life support, even if it is with their consent, granny and gramps killers?




Bill O never said "all abortionists" are baby killers.

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Barney is a good guy, but his son Bam Bam needs to settle down.


I'm pretty sure that Barney Frank doesn't have any kids and most likely never will.



I've caught bits of her show a few times just out of curiosity while channel surfing. Does she only talk about the high profile murder cases? If so she's a !@#$ing sicko.


She covers a lot of missing children cases and keeps their cases in the public eye. Her guests are insightful when she lets them talk. She does a lot of good with the things she does. She just is so much of a B word that a lot of people are totally turned off by her.



i pretty much never listen to the political spinsters on tv or radio. one thing i do like about o'reilly (i hate typing those words) is that he doesn't toe the line.


he's pro choice, anti death penalty, took bush to task for coddling the saudi's etc.


He's also a pathetic liar. I love how he railed on Jamie Lyn Spears parents when she got pregnant and then said nada about Bristol Palin.

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Bill O never said "all abortionists" are baby killers.


I asked about all abortions, and people who think all abortions are killing babies. Besides, what's the difference between third tri-mester abortions, and pulling the plug on a person who is already "a person", but can't live and breath by him or herself? Aren't all of them both "persons" and "humans" and God's children and sacred lives?

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I have a question. If George Tiller and other abortionists were/are baby killers, aren't all doctors and family members that legally pull the plugs on the elderly who are on life support, even if it is with their consent, granny and gramps killers?


Not if Medicare tells them to.

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She covers a lot of missing children cases and keeps their cases in the public eye. Her guests are insightful when she lets them talk. She does a lot of good with the things she does. She just is so much of a B word that a lot of people are totally turned off by her.


So let me get this straight. She's good, she sucks, she's good, she sucks. Did I get that right?

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So let me get this straight. She's good, she sucks, she's good, she sucks. Did I get that right?


She has no grace or class, and does not stand for journalism or justice. Briefly from Wikipedia….


Grace had embellished the story of her college fiancé's 1979 murder and the ensuing trial to make it better support her image…for her career as a prosecutor and victims' rights advocate

The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace's conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin drug trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had "exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument" by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.[12]

In 1997, the court was more severe. Although its unanimous decision overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife was caused primarily by other issues, the court made note of Grace's court actions, citing "inappropriate and illegal conduct in the course of the trial."

In 2006, Grace was involved in an incident when a 21-year-old woman, Melinda Duckett, committed suicide following an interview conducted by Grace concerning the disappearance of Duckett's 2-year-old son.[16]


Grace took a pro-prosecution position throughout the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case in which Crystal Gail Mangum, an African-American female North Carolina Central University student falsely accused three members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team of raping her at a party. Prior to Duke suspending its men's lacrosse team's season, she sarcastically noted on the air, "I'm so glad they didn't miss a lacrosse game over a little thing like gang rape!"


After the disbarment of District Attorney Mike Nifong, Attorney General Roy Cooper pronounced all three players innocent of the rape charges made by Mangum. On the following broadcast of her show, Grace did not appear and a substitute reporter announced the removal of all charges……..



…And that’s only the tip of an iceberg. It’s all out there, but she still has a venue. She hurts people, for self gain. She is the worst of the worst, but she’s not really a political pundit at all.

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She has no grace or class, and does not stand for journalism or justice. Briefly from Wikipedia….


Grace had embellished the story of her college fiancé's 1979 murder and the ensuing trial to make it better support her image…for her career as a prosecutor and victims' rights advocate

The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace's conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin drug trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had "exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument" by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.[12]

In 1997, the court was more severe. Although its unanimous decision overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife was caused primarily by other issues, the court made note of Grace's court actions, citing "inappropriate and illegal conduct in the course of the trial."

In 2006, Grace was involved in an incident when a 21-year-old woman, Melinda Duckett, committed suicide following an interview conducted by Grace concerning the disappearance of Duckett's 2-year-old son.[16]


Grace took a pro-prosecution position throughout the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case in which Crystal Gail Mangum, an African-American female North Carolina Central University student falsely accused three members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team of raping her at a party. Prior to Duke suspending its men's lacrosse team's season, she sarcastically noted on the air, "I'm so glad they didn't miss a lacrosse game over a little thing like gang rape!"


After the disbarment of District Attorney Mike Nifong, Attorney General Roy Cooper pronounced all three players innocent of the rape charges made by Mangum. On the following broadcast of her show, Grace did not appear and a substitute reporter announced the removal of all charges……..



…And that’s only the tip of an iceberg. It’s all out there, but she still has a venue. She hurts people, for self gain. She is the worst of the worst, but she’s not really a political pundit at all.

The way she handled the Duke Lacrosse case was disgusting. She villified those young boys, and swore up and down that they were guilty. That is all she could talk about for weeks, every single frickin day, she accused those young men of gang raping the chick, and when they dropped charges on those young kids, I remember the next following day, she didn't even show up for work and had a replacement do her show. She didn't have the gall to come back and own up to her mistake and never offered those boys an apology.


She is one disgusting human being.

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Bill O'Reilly is an entertainer, paid to start up this kind of crap...



Problem is, too many people take what he says as Gospel.


"Bill told me to be outraged at XXXXX. So I am."


I like his show. Sometimes I nod in agreement at his "talking points." Sometimes I laugh at them.

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Problem is, too many people take what he says as Gospel.


"Bill told me to be outraged at XXXXX. So I am."


My mother's in that group. My sister-in-law, however, is in the "Olberman told me to be outraged at XXXXX, so I am" demographic. Makes for interesting family gatherings - particularly with my penchant for saying things like "Oh my God, you're both !@#$ing retarded."

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