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Bill O'Reilly

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Now I lean Conservative on most issues[not "right" apparently to some recent posters that means I encourage killing Jews] but O'Reilly can be just plain irritating. I swear if he had God on as a interview at some point he would wave his hand in the air dismissively saying"yes we have covered the resting on the seventh day thing"

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Yeah but Frank is such a easy target-almost like picking on conner. He had Lieberman on tonight,talking about Pelosi wanting to release"torture photos" and keep interrupting him. Bill,your a entertainer-let the senator have his say,THEN offer your critique.



That's a technique I find annoying as well, stepping on people while they are trying to respond. But most of them seem to do it. Even Larry King does it sometimes, but he's more polite than most. I wonder what Ted Koppel is doing these days.

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Is there anything funnier than O'Reilly launching into his "fair and balanced" and "no spin zone" rants? Conversly, how funny is it when Olberman misspeaks and stammers when he is criticizing the congressperson de jour for misspeaking and stammering?


For every Olberman, there's an O'Reilly.... Hopefully, they never leave their studios.

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Is there anything funnier than O'Reilly launching into his "fair and balanced" and "no spin zone" rants? Conversly, how funny is it when Olberman misspeaks and stammers when he is criticizing the congressperson de jour for misspeaking and stammering?


For every Olberman, there's an O'Reilly.... Hopefully, they never leave their studios.


Wait...Olbermann and O'Reilly? Those two guys that live in my tv? You know them too?

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I can see you getting along with that sack of sh--. He seems like your kind of person.

I don't know that I'd call Barney Frank a sack of schitt, but given that you're a true lockstep liberal, you probably have a better sense of what your party thinks of Frank, so I'll take your word for it.

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Barney Frank is detestable.


I mean....I hate Keith Olbermann because of his views on things...but I dont know if hes a bad person, so I really dont hate him as a person. Probably a fine guy. Frank? Hes a bad man. The things he says he wants to do as a legislator, the latest being this bonus giveback thing is just...awful. The way he berated that kid who asked him a question. His lying and spinning of what he's said, I could go on.

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Okay. Let me try to ask a couple different questions.


I don't listen to any of them, from the few minutes here and there it seems like they all love themselves way too much and I can't stomach them. Either political leanings. When folks here mention an individual and how aweful he is or stupid, etc... I honestly do not even know what way these idiots lean, right or left.


First question, how does anyone listen to them?


Second question, is it that difficult for you idiots to actually listen to the news, read the news paper, etc.. and be able to form an opinion or understand the issue without it being spoon fed to you by these talking heads?

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That's a technique I find annoying as well, stepping on people while they are trying to respond. But most of them seem to do it. Even Larry King does it sometimes, but he's more polite than most. I wonder what Ted Koppel is doing these days.


Nancy Grace is the worst. :rolleyes:

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Leiberman is one of the few that show up on these things and doesn't dance around the questions. Dick Cheney has been excellent through his many years.


But most of the pols - especially Senators, bob and weave.


I shake my head at the level of questioning of these tin gods, on most all the shows.


Most people here would ask strong, directed questions. Ask them why they did this or that previously, put up some direct quotes etc. But if these show hosts do so, they realize that


1) They will refuse to appear.


2) They will exact retribution.



I liked Alan Keyes' show. On MSNBC, IIRC.


When the inevitable shouts and talk-overs started between guests, he'd tell this or that one that if they didn't stop it and let the other fellow speak, he would shut off their microphone. And he did it.

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Okay. Let me try to ask a couple different questions.


I don't listen to any of them, from the few minutes here and there it seems like they all love themselves way too much and I can't stomach them. Either political leanings. When folks here mention an individual and how aweful he is or stupid, etc... I honestly do not even know what way these idiots lean, right or left.


First question, how does anyone listen to them?


Second question, is it that difficult for you idiots to actually listen to the news, read the news paper, etc.. and be able to form an opinion or understand the issue without it being spoon fed to you by these talking heads?


That's actually pretty good advice. But the trick is to 'challenge' yourself to 'deliberately' seek out alternative views to your own. That means accessing news sources from media outlets whose 'editorial' bent may not parallel your own. Sometimes that can be uncomfortable. But that's how better opinions are formed. Somehow I get the feeling you like the comfort of having your own views spooned back to you. Like pabulum.

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That's actually pretty good advice. But the trick is to 'challenge' yourself to 'deliberately' seek out alternative views to your own. That means accessing news sources from media outlets whose 'editorial' bent may not parallel your own. Sometimes that can be uncomfortable. But that's how better opinions are formed. Somehow I get the feeling you like the comfort of having your own views spooned back to you. Like pabulum.

You'd be wrong. I tend to read the Washington Post and when I read news online I go to USAToday and CNN. None of which is based on my personal beliefs. But in a lot of cases enough info is there to form and opinion.


You however, seem incapable of understanding that even though I've said hundreds of times that is where I get my news from. therefore, it is my guess that you get your "talking points" from the talk show circuit since that's all your capable of doing. Like a good monkey. Hear, see and speak the same stupidity over and over again.

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It is interesting that the liberal bent of the board usually knows what & who have been on O'Reilly, Rush, etc more that the wacky conservatives.


Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.

Pig Vomit: How can that be?

Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next."

Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?

Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.

Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen?

Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."

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