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who HASNT been tasered?

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Guest dog14787
Yes, because training covers all contingencies and orders should always be followed. There is no room for deviation. Agreed? :rolleyes:



We are taught as a society to respect our elders and it would be foolish for me to take a real hard stance on something when I don't have all the facts. Listening to the elderly lady cry breaks my heart, but seeing a whole family lose their loved one in the line of duty on something that could have been avoided would even be worse.

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Watch the video link in this story from NBC.


She could have just signed the ticket and driven away, instead she asked to be arrested. She was argumentative throughout. She also asked to be tased and dared him to tase her. Difficult as it is to watch the tasing, she had plenty of opportunity to avoid it and I have a hard time criticizing the cop in this case.

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Watch the video link in this story from NBC.


She could have just signed the ticket and driven away, instead she asked to be arrested. She was argumentative throughout. She also asked to be tased and dared him to tase her. Difficult as it is to watch the tasing, she had plenty of opportunity to avoid it and I have a hard time criticizing the cop in this case.

Much better video than the one from Fox News. At the 1:13 mark you can see he's trying to handcuff her, and when she resists, he drops the cuffs and goes back to threatening with the taser. Plus the fact she has now hired a lawyer and won't talk to the media doesn't look good for her either.

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OMG, beyond ridiculous. This guy could have subdued and handcuffed this women with ease and yet he chose to taser her. This is such a pathetic and cruel attack.


You dont want her to be tasered becuase its cruel, but you want him to physically subdue her?


Yeah, that makes sense.

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You dont want her to be tasered becuase its cruel, but you want him to physically subdue her?


Yeah, that makes sense.

I said it before, if you can't physically subdue a 72 year old woman without hurting her, you need to turn your badge in. Nobody was begging to be tasered but even so, this guy needs to use his head. Tasers have been known to kill people, especially individuals who have weak hearts. The officer was willing to take that risk, when he could have easily dominated her. That's what doesn't make sense.

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Are you kidding me with the way the cop escalated the situation? She is saying give me the ticket and I'll sign it, and he screams in her face. I understand that he needed to get her to the side of the road but what a horrible way of handling the situation. This officer was dealing with a 72 year old women who was visibly shook from being pulled over. What a jackass.

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You think because she's an older lady, she will easily be subdued , but in reality an elderly lady could be a terrorist capable of anything, or a wacko who escaped from a mental ward, she could stab or injure you, give you aids from a single open wound.


What I'm saying is your captain may prefer you stick to the book on something like this.

I would hope that a high percentage of cops would have handled this situation very differently. One can assume they do because this situation has become national news. Old people flipping out on an officer about a ticket is not news unless somebody goes above and beyond. Police departments don't want robots who just blindly follow this magical "book". They want individuals who can use the tools they were given to make choices on the fly and handle situations within the boundaries of the law. Whats next tasering a toddler who is running at you? He could be a terrorist strapped with explosives. :rolleyes:

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Guest dog14787
I would hope that a high percentage of cops would have handled this situation very differently. One can assume they do because this situation has become national news. Old people flipping out on an officer about a ticket is not news unless somebody goes above and beyond. Police departments don't want robots who just blindly follow this magical "book". They want individuals who can use the tools they were given to make choices on the fly and handle situations within the boundaries of the law. Whats next tasering a toddler who is running at you? He could be a terrorist strapped with explosives. :doh:


Of course it makes national news and everyone feels the same way when they first look at the clip, you think OMG this poor, poor lady, but yet you don't know the circumstances. You are wrong there buddy, Police Departments do want robots that follow the magical book as you so call it because when you don't follow the book the justification for what you are doing gets thrown out the door, the killer gets off scott free because your dumb ass(not you push) decided not to follow the book, your partner gets killed because you decided not to follow the book, or maybe even an old, unruly lady gets run down in the road because you decided not to go by the book.


Get real, you think the so called magical book is something you can use when you want, throw away when something better comes to mind.


Men and woman died writing the book, why don't some of you folks think about that before posting something like this. I'm not saying in this particular incident everything went by the book here, but if it did, there is no reason for argument.

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"I'm going to go crying to the media. Oh wait, they had a camera? Time to disappear."


What a joke. I hope they follow through on the charges on this woman if for nothing else than the smear campaign she tried to launch. The cop was completely justified. Sure, he probably could've subdued her without the tazer, but that was by far the safest option. Any type of physical confrontation could easily lead to either of them stumbling backwards into traffic. Even if that doesn't happen, any type of struggle could easily lead to some broken bones for a woman that age. Yeah, a fall from the tazing could do the same thing, but coupled with the risk of traffic, that was the right way to go.


Oh, and then there's that minor detail that he warned her multiple times.

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Watch the video link in this story from NBC.


She could have just signed the ticket and driven away, instead she asked to be arrested. She was argumentative throughout. She also asked to be tased and dared him to tase her. Difficult as it is to watch the tasing, she had plenty of opportunity to avoid it and I have a hard time criticizing the cop in this case.



Agreed. He looked like he showed more restraint than would have been given to a younger male criminal. She squares off and bumps him and he keeps his cool for a while. Would it have been any safer if he physically put her on the ground and handcuffed her? I would think you risk breaking a bone or injuring her more by wrestling her to the ground than by tasering her. I understand the sentiment about being very upset if this was your grandmother, but my grandmother would never act like such a moron. When you are told you are being arrested, you can't simply go back to your car and drive away no matter how old you are. Why do people think they can continue to escalate situations with cops and then complain when they get what they ask for? Some of the recent taserings are certainly unwarranted, but I don't think this is one of them.


It is really funny how she was caught lying about not being combative to the cop. Good thing the unedited version of the tape was released.

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Chuck Norris either....being that Chuck Norris is pure energy...hitting him with a burst of energy would be catastrophic to the forces of the Universe....


Just to answer the question, I don't think Lou Ferrigno has been tasered. I could be wrong, but I don't think he has.
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Agreed. He looked like he showed more restraint than would have been given to a younger male criminal. She squares off and bumps him and he keeps his cool for a while. Would it have been any safer if he physically put her on the ground and handcuffed her? I would think you risk breaking a bone or injuring her more by wrestling her to the ground than by tasering her. I understand the sentiment about being very upset if this was your grandmother, but my grandmother would never act like such a moron. When you are told you are being arrested, you can't simply go back to your car and drive away no matter how old you are. Why do people think they can continue to escalate situations with cops and then complain when they get what they ask for? Some of the recent taserings are certainly unwarranted, but I don't think this is one of them.


It is really funny how she was caught lying about not being combative to the cop. Good thing the unedited version of the tape was released.

Right but the morons around here learned their moronic tendacncies from somewhere. So, I am betting there are more moronic grandmothers out there that you might think.

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Speaking of the whole grandmother thing. I love how each story mentions that she is a great-grandmother. Is that really necessary? Should people have a different reaction if she had no relatives?

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