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Justin Jenkins - making his case


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Has anyone else noticed that Justin Jenkins seems to be making the OTA and Minicamp rundowns almost daily in the highlight section. He is quietly making a case for himself to be the #6 receiver. The question will be, on Hardy's return, where do both him and Hardy fit in the equation as Johnson is really making a strong case to be the #4 and possibly even the #3.


Here are the Chris Brown excerpts:


M2 - And Buffalo’s quarterbacks were challenging him early and often, with deep passes downfield. On three consecutive plays Trent Edwards and Gibran Hamdan went deep on his side of the field with the only completion going to Justin Jenkins

Justin Jenkins had a good reception along the near sideline in 7-on-7 work.

M1 – Justin Jenkins had a good grab deep over the middle during 7-on-7 on a tight throw by Gibran Hamdan .

OTA12 - Justin Jenkins made an athletic grab as he got both feet down before going out of bounds on a 20-yard pass play along the sideline despite tight coverage.

OTA11 – The four wideouts that put in overtime Friday were Lee Evans , Felton Huggins , Justin Jenkins and Stevie Johnson.

Justin Jenkins made a difficult catch over the middle with Bryan Scott tight in coverage.

OTA10 - Ryan Fitzpatrick beat the blitz on a quick bang-bang pass play with Justin Jenkins .

OTA9 - Justin Jenkins beat his man in coverage and pulled in a fade pass for a touchdown in the back of the end zone on a well thrown ball by Gibran Hamdan .

OTA7 - Justin Jenkins made a nice reception over the middle for a first down and more.

OTA6 - Ryan Fitzpatrick put one on the money to Justin Jenkins who deftly dragged the back foot to get two feet inbounds for another scoring play.

OTA4 - Justin Jenkins and Steve Johnson each had a couple of solid catches in traffic.

OTA2 - Justin Jenkins had a pair of good catches including one that left his defensive back still heading downfield after he broke off a route for a 20-yard pickup.

OTA1 - Justin Jenkins had some great hand fighting with rookie seventh-round pick Ellis Lankster as he successfully ripped the ball from Lankster for another long reception downfield.

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one posibility is that they put hardy on IR and keep jenkins. mainly for his ST contribution. but i am not sure how likely that is. but that is the only way i see jenkins staying on this team

Personally I think that is exactly what they do with Hardy. He is not a ST'er and unless they carry 7, I think he only has about a 60% chance of making the team.

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one posibility is that they put hardy on IR and keep jenkins. mainly for his ST contribution. but i am not sure how likely that is. but that is the only way i see jenkins staying on this team

That's exactly what I think. He'd be put on the PUP, not IR, but same difference. I think he's continued to develop each year and has promise. Right now he clearly contributes more than Hardy did when he was healthy. (Yeah I know about Hardy's TDs.)

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The problem is that Brown tends to hype things and this is only practice. Not trying to be negative nancy here but I highly doubt Jenkins is going to now turn into a gamer. I understand he has ST skills but he has been around long enough to prove that he can see game time. Johnson is more likely to take the step forward.

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Doesn`t matter with this guy. He got screwed last yr after the same thing. He also led the team in catches last pre-season.. Go figure Dick. :rolleyes:


I couldn't believe he didn't get some time when Reed was out. To me he seems like Josh Reed Jr. in his routes and awareness.


Maybe he will be the next Jabari Greer. All he does is everything right, shows instincts, makes plays, and has to wait 3 years to get on the field.

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I couldn't believe he didn't get some time when Reed was out. To me he seems like Josh Reed Jr. in his routes and awareness.


Maybe he will be the next Jabari Greer. All he does is everything right, shows instincts, makes plays, and has to wait 3 years to get on the field.

You got it. Politics in the NFL too. They suck. :rolleyes:

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one posibility is that they put hardy on IR and keep jenkins. mainly for his ST contribution. but i am not sure how likely that is. but that is the only way i see jenkins staying on this team


Jenkins is a special teams demon---knowing how much emphasis the Bills put on special teams I doubt he is going anywhere...

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I can remember the same thing not too long ago with WR turned Safety George Wilson.


He was all the rage when he was a WR, constantly catching this, and that, etc.


I think that alot of these writers may fall in love with the underdog during camp, and try and pump up his stock. Who knows? Chris Brown does work for the Bills, and could all be propaganda to pump up trade value.


Put that in your conspiracy pipe and smoke it. :doh:

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I can remember the same thing not too long ago with WR turned Safety George Wilson.


He was all the rage when he was a WR, constantly catching this, and that, etc.


I think that alot of these writers may fall in love with the underdog during camp, and try and pump up his stock. Who knows? Chris Brown does work for the Bills, and could all be propaganda to pump up trade value.


Put that in your conspiracy pipe and smoke it. :doh:

I wouldn't call Brown's coverage of Jenkins overwhelming. He just continues to get quietly mentioned. Given he plays ST and I doubt Hardy would, it makes for an interesting training camp.

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