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My sincerest apology to ricojes

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Let me extend to you my sincerest apology as, after a while of re-reading the T.O. twitter thread in question, and your responses, I have now figured out what you were attempting to do and have come to the realization that you meant no real harm.

Though your approach was faulty -- in your response you inserted an "Edit" tag atop my original post and then added the word "all" -- I should not have over-reacted the way I did. I am truly sorry. In the future, however, I'd appreciate if you didn't change what I've written as it is easy to miscomprehend your intention.


John Wawrow.

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There's also no apologizing on the intertubes.


At least for people who have a far too high of an opinion of themselves. JW is showing he can man up. I say :lol: we need more people like him.


I'm sure you're being sarcastic but I felt it needed to be said.

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