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I was reading a post the other day in which someone said the facts didn't match his opinion, and that he'd have to admit he was wrong. That got me to thinking, that each of us who read and post here follow the Bills more than just about anyone in the country. If we spend that much time reading and talking about them, shouldn't we know more about them than anyone? And yet, there are so many conflicting opinions. There's a difference between how we see things on the outside, and how the NFL actually works on the inside. There's the marketing, and the continual filling of the seats, regardless of past performance. And, we're fans. So, I was thinking that maybe someone should start a thread that would put together a few areas where we could predict how the Bills line up at the end of the year. Something like: Within Division - Offense Rank, Defensive Rank, Overall Rank 1-4, and then, maybe, overall record. That would give us 4 different statistics to predict, and would cover most of what we talk about here. And, when the season is at a close, we could look back and see how accurate, how informed and objective we are when discussing the team. With so many different points of view, and such a drastic range of optimism to pessimism, it'd be interesting to see which bloggers are more apt to see things as they are, and which are just stuck on an opinion. So, does anyone else think this is worth while? Maybe it's already been done? Maybe there'd be a better format?

  offde-fence said:
With so many different points of view, and such a drastic range of optimism to pessimism, it'd be interesting to see which bloggers are more apt to see things as they are, and which are just stuck on an opinion.


You lost me there. "How are things?" Your post implies that there is a standard which is "right," and other views are mere opinions that we are stuck on.


What I mean by that is this: some people come on here and say, "The Bills are still mediocre.", while others say, "the Bills are in position to go far", and then there are so many opinions about how they'll fare in the division, etc. I was just thinking that it'd be cool to have a post where we predicted how they'd actually turn out - how good or bad - and at a few certain statistics. So, if they finished 1st in the division, then one could argue that all the people posting that they aren't ready to compete with NE, or Miami, would have their own predictions to look back on. Basically, it would be a way to see how much one's opinion corresponds with how things actually end up. I'll come up with the specifics if people here seem to want to do it.

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