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favorite Bond movie?

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In no particular order:



You Only Live Twice

From Russia With Love



The Casino Royale with Peter Sellers and Woody Allen was fun, too.


While Daniel Craig is a big upgrade over the other "pretender" Bonds, he is a relatively wooden and humorless actor (much like Christian Bale who is so revered by many here). I would have preferred Denzel Washington in the role.

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In no particular order:



You Only Live Twice

From Russia With Love



The Casino Royale with Peter Sellers and Woody Allen was fun, too.


While Daniel Craig is a big upgrade over the other "pretender" Bonds, he is a relatively wooden and humorless actor (much like Christian Bale who is so revered by many here). I would have preferred Denzel Washington in the role.


Much like the Batman franchise, Bond has (thankfully) gotten rid of the campy lameness. Also, how can you not see the humor in "American Psycho"?


/sorry about the threadjack

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Much like the Batman franchise, Bond has (thankfully) gotten rid of the campy lameness. Also, how can you not see the humor in "American Psycho"?


/sorry about the threadjack



Yes, American Psycho is an exception, but I credit the humor to the script, and not Bale's delivery, which is OK.


And I agree the campiness of Moore was lame, but the natural lightness in Connery's performance is what the role requires, IMO.

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In no particular order:



You Only Live Twice

From Russia With Love



The Casino Royale with Peter Sellers and Woody Allen was fun, too.


While Daniel Craig is a big upgrade over the other "pretender" Bonds, he is a relatively wooden and humorless actor (much like Christian Bale who is so revered by many here). I would have preferred Denzel Washington in the role.


Ok I'm gonna go ahead and throw political correctness to the wind. James Bond is white.

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Yes, American Psycho is an exception, but I credit the humor to the script, and not Bale's delivery, which is OK.


And I agree the campiness of Moore was lame, but the natural lightness in Connery's performance is what the role requires, IMO.


Leonardo DiCaprio was first cast in the role of Patrick Bateman. I think he would have been a better psycho yuppie.

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Ok I'm gonna go ahead and throw political correctness to the wind. James Bond is white.



Yes, he is. No reason his son couldn't be black, though. A new, urban, American (and yes, Black) James Bond. Perhaps the offspring of the original 007 and one of his many dalliances. It's the kind of move that really could have invigorated a weak franchise, IMO. It could have also brought a new audience to the movies.


You reaction is one that could be worked perfectly into the script, IMO.

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True, but let's face it, "Quantum of Solace" kinda sucked compared to "Casino Royale."


I haven't seen QOS yet.


In no particular order:



You Only Live Twice

From Russia With Love


The Casino Royale with Peter Sellers and Woody Allen was fun, too.


While Daniel Craig is a big upgrade over the other "pretender" Bonds, he is a relatively wooden and humorless actor (much like Christian Bale who is so revered by many here). I would have preferred Denzel Washington in the role.


Narrator: Seven James Bonds at Casino Royale. They came to save the world and win a gal at Casino Royale. Six of them went to a heavenly spot. The seventh one is going to a place where it's terribly hot.


Bacillus Box: ...Handle these capsules with care. Dr. Noah's bacillus is highly contagious. This germ, when distributed in the atmosphere will make all women beautiful and destroy all men over 4'6". Please handle these capsules with care.

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Yes, he is. No reason his son couldn't be black, though. A new, urban, American (and yes, Black) James Bond. Perhaps the offspring of the original 007 and one of his many dalliances. It's the kind of move that really could have invigorated a weak franchise, IMO. It could have also brought a new audience to the movies.


You reaction is one that could be worked perfectly into the script, IMO.


The problem there is Bond doesn't have any kids, well that he knows about. :censored:

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Yes, he is. No reason his son couldn't be black, though. A new, urban, American (and yes, Black) James Bond. Perhaps the offspring of the original 007 and one of his many dalliances. It's the kind of move that really could have invigorated a weak franchise, IMO. It could have also brought a new audience to the movies.


You reaction is one that could be worked perfectly into the script, IMO.


Interesting concept for sure, but it sounds like jumping the shark to me.


And after all, the only reason that the franchise needed invigorating in the first place was because of Pierce Brosnan. I enjoyed Casino Royale and QoS twice as much as the previous four.


The best thing that ever became of a Pierce Brosnan Bond film was Goldeneye, the video game.

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And after all, the only reason that the franchise needed invigorating in the first place was because of Pierce Brosnan. I enjoyed Casino Royale and QoS twice as much as the previous four.


Amen, brother. I hated how Brosnan's Bond almost made a mockery of the espionage thing. I never was able to take him seriously, and I still think he's a scumbag for hooking up with another woman so soon after he lost his wife to cancer. Just cant' get past it....shoot me.


Daniel Craig is the perfect Bond to take this franchise by the balls and keep it viable.

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I haven't seen QOS yet.



if you are a Bond fan you need to see it. you are doing yourself a dis-service by not doing so IMO...




and once againg my .02 cents as a Bond fan. Bond NEEEDS to be a white british guy. thats bond.


but on the other hand, maybe play up the role of felix lighter if you want to work on a different angle? maybe make an entire movie revolving around Felix lighter the CIA agent and have Bond make an occasional appearance ?

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Dalton's Bond is closer to the books. The movies are a lot less campy crap too. Daniel Craig could turn out to be my favorite Bond. I haven't seen QOS yet but I thought he was great in Casino Royale.



Dalton was the absolutely worst Bond. It always seemed like he had something else of more importance to do.


For Your Eyes Only was Moore's best go round. Just remove the young Lynn Holly Johnson and that would have been one of the strongest of the series.


I loved Brosnan in Remington Steele as I was growing up; he'll always be my favorite Bond.


The two best Bonds films, were From Russia with Love and Thunderball.


I loved Domino {Claudine Auger} in Thunderball and is my favorite Bond girl.

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Dalton was the absolutely worst Bond. It always seemed like he had something else of more importance to do.


For Your Eyes Only was Moore's best go round. Just remove the young Lynn Holly Johnson and that would have been one of the strongest of the series.


I loved Brosnan in Remington Steele as I was growing up; he'll always be my favorite Bond.


The two best Bonds films, were From Russia with Love and Thunderball.


I loved Domino {Claudine Auger} in Thunderball and is my favorite Bond girl.



You are a bizarre and interesting cat, Pants.

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Yes, he is. No reason his son couldn't be black, though. A new, urban, American (and yes, Black) James Bond. Perhaps the offspring of the original 007 and one of his many dalliances. It's the kind of move that really could have invigorated a weak franchise, IMO. It could have also brought a new audience to the movies.


You reaction is one that could be worked perfectly into the script, IMO.


James Bond, Jr was tried and failed.

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James Bond, Jr was tried and failed.



Not with Denzel.


James Bond also failed, if you count Lazenby's turn.


"Tried and failed" is usually a crappy argument, when used against an idea. Typically, the failure lies in the execution.

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