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Pretty strong indictment of Bills' salary cap (mis)management

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Interesting that the Bills had the HIGHEST team salary in the League last year, and (in the author's view) "squandered" their spending by rolling over $0 into next year's cap.


Yet another piece of evidence that this team is horribly run.


Yeah. I noticed the Steelers suck, too.



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So does this actually mean anything? The Bills didn't roll over their cap savings from the previous year - was that to make sure they were able to get over the floor this year? Was it because they didn't feel like filling out the paperwork? It would be interesting to know why teams didn't roll that cap space over, especially since the Bills weren't the only ones. I think the salary cap management has no basis in reality at this point since it has been well-documented that almost no teams actually spend to the cap. Maybe this has something to do with cash-to-cap?

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Interesting that the Bills had the HIGHEST team salary in the League last year, and (in the author's view) "squandered" their spending by rolling over $0 into next year's cap.


Yet another piece of evidence that this team is horribly run.





Some of us have touched on this before and this is part of the reason why we scratch our heads over why some teams spend a ton of money but still seem to have great cap space year after year.



Nice catch, HoB.

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Can someone explain the discrepency between the $124 mil salary figure on the FO website and the numbers posted on the BillsZone salary cap page? I can see that the BillsZone page is listed as 2009, so I'm not sure where the 2008 figures are. Still, the BillsZone numbers seem to paint a much better picture as far as cap room goes.




Whose numbers are accurate? They don't seem to say the same thing. Someone's capologists are a bit off with their figures. If someone has a good understanding, I'd appreciate the enlightenment.

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I'm not exactly sure what this "analysis" proves -- after all, 50% of the formula is wins. Odd that two "inefficient" teams met in the SB also...


Don't let your solid logic get in the way of someone's retarded options, tho. Careful!

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Interesting that the Bills had the HIGHEST team salary in the League last year, and (in the author's view) "squandered" their spending by rolling over $0 into next year's cap.


Yet another piece of evidence that this team is horribly run.


debbie downer



this is not a surprising figure for a team that runs the 'cash to the cap' philosophy. my understanding is that they count bonuses against the current year instead of prorating them(unlike wash). we are a small market team, the bills are doing what they have to do in order to survive.


if i am wrong on any of this...please correct me, i am not a cap guru

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Evans, Schobel, Dockery, Langston Walker, Stroud, & Kelsay alone counted for $42M against their cap last year


From the comments there. A third of our salary in those three guys, one of whom is cut, one of whom just got his replacement drafted, and the last a guy who was injured most of the season. I don't blame Schobel for getting hurt, but when your team gets minimal production from three of its top six (paid) players, you're in for a bruising.

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Interesting that the Bills had the HIGHEST team salary in the League last year, and (in the author's view) "squandered" their spending by rolling over $0 into next year's cap.


Yet another piece of evidence that this team is horribly run.


That's not evidence of bad cap management....that's evidence of the "cash to cap" approach. The Bills try not to roll money into future years salary cap.

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Except for giving huge contracts to undeserving players like Kelsay, Dockery and Triplett.


i didnt say they gave money to the right players. i am just saying they manage their yearly cash flow according to what they can afford to stay financially viable.


your thread should maybe be about who the bills spend their money on, not how they allocate dollars against a cap

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Interesting that the Bills had the HIGHEST team salary in the League last year, and (in the author's view) "squandered" their spending by rolling over $0 into next year's cap.

Cash to cap...cash to cap....cash to cap....say it like you mean it!


A moron with a blog is still a moron.

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