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From the "What's the Matter with People Dept.?"

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Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.

That's true. You shouldn't go into a BK with the expectation of even getting what you ordered. Whaddaya expect for $7 an hour?

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That's true. You shouldn't go into a BK with the expectation of even getting what you ordered. Whaddaya expect for $7 an hour?



Who said anything about not getting what you ordered???? You really think some pimple face 16 year old kid making $60 bucks a week flipping burgers really gives a sh*t if you walk out of there satisfied?

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That's true. You shouldn't go into a BK with the expectation of even getting what you ordered. Whaddaya expect for $7 an hour?


Come to Ohio. The idiot voters (either the young that a particular political party courts, or those largely free of paying taxes - almost 40% of workers don't pay a lick...and get this or that cash payment peeled off of the hide of others) passed a law forcing businesses into a never-ending, yearly minimum wage increase. The fast food crowd inexorably inches up their prices now, a local breakfast chain place I patronize has cut business hours, raised prices, cut portion size, and axed two workers.


The supermarket I generally shop at put in six self-serve belt things, and a worker told me they were able to can 8 employees.


I don't plan to living in OH shortly after my wife retires. But I expect a cup of generic coffee to cost 4 dollars and two pieces of toast going for the same 4 bucks in 5 years. At the few eateries that still exist.


Bon apetit.

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This is not a bad thing. The federal law suit will make the BK agree that this is a reasonable accommodation and all burger places, McDonalds and Hardy's as well, and folks will cut burgers for one armed folks as they should under the Americans With Disabilities Act. The most wonderful part of this is that attorney's fees will be awarded.

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Who said anything about not getting what you ordered???? You really think some pimple face 16 year old kid making $60 bucks a week flipping burgers really gives a sh*t if you walk out of there satisfied?

I don't think that PF16YOK cares if you or I walk in at all.

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Come to Ohio. The idiot voters (either the young that a particular political party courts, or those largely free of paying taxes - almost 40% of workers don't pay a lick...and get this or that cash payment peeled off of the hide of others) passed a law forcing businesses into a never-ending, yearly minimum wage increase. The fast food crowd inexorably inches up their prices now, a local breakfast chain place I patronize has cut business hours, raised prices, cut portion size, and axed two workers.


The supermarket I generally shop at put in six self-serve belt things, and a worker told me they were able to can 8 employees.


I don't plan to living in OH shortly after my wife retires. But I expect a cup of generic coffee to cost 4 dollars and two pieces of toast going for the same 4 bucks in 5 years. At the few eateries that still exist.


Bon apetit.

It's a never ending battle between livable wages and unlivable prices. Come to Miami, coffee and toast are more than that now in certain areas. The wages aren't, though.

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This is not a bad thing. The federal law suit will make the BK agree that this is a reasonable accommodation and all burger places, McDonalds and Hardy's as well, and folks will cut burgers for one armed folks as they should under the Americans With Disabilities Act. The most wonderful part of this is that attorney's fees will be awarded.


Should they be required to send an employee out and feed a person who has no arms too? Jesus, I'm all for helping this guy out, but legislating this crap is going a bit far.


The arguement can easily be made that eating a whopper can be done with one hand (hell, I've done it driving many times.) An arguement can also be made that other options were available on the menu that this guy could eat (whopper jr. anyone?, just buy 2). Maybe they should serve Pepcid AC with anything spicy as some people get heartburn, they should be able to enjoy the western whopper too you know.


Personal choice led this guy there and it could have let him leave just as easy.

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“You can’t expect employees to suddenly use their heads when through every situation you’ve told them not to.”




The American workforce in full effect. Meh, what does anyone expect from BK employees anyway.

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It's a never ending battle between livable wages and unlivable prices. Come to Miami, coffee and toast are more than that now in certain areas. The wages aren't, though.


That redounds to a certain dumbness among Miami patrons, then.


Anybody who goes out and pays 8 bucks for toast and coffee is either very rich and as thick as sh*t, or very stupid, or stuck in a tourist trap. In either cases, I hope they stuff themselves with all the saturated fats they can and when they croak, leave the rest of us in peace.


One supposes that the non-tourists can't figure how to buy bread, butter/margarine, coffee...and then proceed to be baffled by the operation of complicated devices such as a toaster or a coffee machine or coffee pot, or a knife to spread the yellow stuff.

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Ok, so maybe it is policy. If it is, I would have taken my break, gone out to the mans table and cut it on my own time.


What is wrong with people?



Table? People actually sit down and eat at BK?


I picture this guy eating in the car, while steering with his knee.

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Anybody who goes out and pays 8 bucks for toast and coffee is either very rich and as thick as sh*t, or very stupid.



You can't think of any other options?

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One time this guy was giving us a real tough time. Brang back his whopper three times saying we did not make it right. The 3rd time he brough it back me & my friend went in the back room & both took a bite out of it & wrapped it back up & gave it to him. We did get fired for that incident. Like I said though, maybe not this guy, but people go into a place like BK & expect 5 star restaurant treatment.


Still gives you no right to do what you did. You would be better off telling him off. You deserved to get fired. Hope it helped out in the long run!

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That redounds to a certain dumbness among Miami patrons, then.


Anybody who goes out and pays 8 bucks for toast and coffee is either very rich and as thick as sh*t, or very stupid, or stuck in a tourist trap. In either cases, I hope they stuff themselves with all the saturated fats they can and when they croak, leave the rest of us in peace.


One supposes that the non-tourists can't figure how to buy bread, butter/margarine, coffee...and then proceed to be baffled by the operation of complicated devices such as a toaster or a coffee machine or coffee pot, or a knife to spread the yellow stuff.


jesus christ are you miserable. I would wish you a good weekend but what is the point. With an outlook on life & this country like you have I know you will not have one no matter what I say.

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Still gives you no right to do what you did. You would be better off telling him off. You deserved to get fired. Hope it helped out in the long run!



I never said I did not deserved to get fired. It has helped me out in the long run. Every once in awhile when I have had a real bad day I think back to the look on that guys face when he opened up his whopper & saw 2 bites out of it. 20 years later, I still find it hillarious.

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No. We all need your advice to function. Let it flow.




Maybe: Staying in a hotel. Business meeting at 10AM. Restaurant next door to the meeting, is good and convenient, but expensive.


That's just one off the top of my head.

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