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From the "What's the Matter with People Dept.?"

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I swear, some people need to get slapped until their ears leak blood and their eyeballs swell shut...





Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.

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Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.


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Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.


I see what you're getting at here, but the guy asked the Burger King worker to cut it in HALF. Not in many pieces so that he can eat it easier or something. Cutting a burger in half takes about 1.5 seconds, that's not above these morons job description.

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Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.

So, you're siding with BK on this one? Interesting choice. I don't get it. Maybe you have some kind of personal stake in this. Was your wife killed by a one-armed man and then everybody thought you were guilty and then you had to run away and hide out like some kind of fugitive until you could gather the necessary evidence to convict the real killer?

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I see what you're getting at here, but the guy asked the Burger King worker to cut it in HALF. Not in many pieces so that he can eat it easier or something. Cutting a burger in half takes about 1.5 seconds, that's not above these morons job description.



I agree they should of cut it. When I was in high school I worked at BK for a year & I used to cut sandwiches all the time. It would not of been a big deal. I hardly doubt the employee would get fired too. I used come in on the morning shift reeking of booze, I even got caught one time steeling a whole box of whopper & bk broilers for this party later on that same night. The manager just told me not to do it again. One time this guy was giving us a real tough time. Brang back his whopper three times saying we did not make it right. The 3rd time he brough it back me & my friend went in the back room & both took a bite out of it & wrapped it back up & gave it to him. We did get fired for that incident. Like I said though, maybe not this guy, but people go into a place like BK & expect 5 star restaurant treatment.

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So, you're siding with BK on this one? Interesting choice. I don't get it. Maybe you have some kind of personal stake in this. Was your wife killed by a one-armed man and then everybody thought you were guilty and then you had to run away and hide out like some kind of fugitive until you could gather the necessary evidence to convict the real killer?



Really not siding with BK on this one. Common sense says they should of cut the sandwich. Just saying the guy did not have to make a big stink about it.

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So, you're siding with BK on this one? Interesting choice. I don't get it. Maybe you have some kind of personal stake in this. Was your wife killed by a one-armed man and then everybody thought you were guilty and then you had to run away and hide out like some kind of fugitive until you could gather the necessary evidence to convict the real killer?

Hahahahaha. Classic ... :thumbsup:

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I agree they should of cut it. When I was in high school I worked at BK for a year & I used to cut sandwiches all the time. It would not of been a big deal. I hardly doubt the employee would get fired too. I used come in on the morning shift reeking of booze, I even got caught one time steeling a whole box of whopper & bk broilers for this party later on that same night. The manager just told me not to do it again. One time this guy was giving us a real tough time. Brang back his whopper three times saying we did not make it right. The 3rd time he brough it back me & my friend went in the back room & both took a bite out of it & wrapped it back up & gave it to him. We did get fired for that incident. Like I said though, maybe not this guy, but people go into a place like BK & expect 5 star restaurant treatment.


:thumbsup: Beer + Tequila + 2 or 3 Whoppers = Passing out on the toilet seat.

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Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either.

Wait for the lawsuit in 3...2...1...

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Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.


How many times have you taken your other hand off the wheel to push stuff back in?



Does this mean Burger Thing doesn't allow their employees to use sharp objects?




When you see the supervisor saying this;

“That’s our policy, not to cut the sandwich,” Blanco said. “We want to keep the employees safe so they don’t cut themselves and for the customers, too. The less you mess around with the customer’s food, the better.”




I second that :devil: and raise you another :nana:


Do we really want someone from burger king really cutting our sandwich. Weren't they the ones that had employees taking baths in their sink last year?




So, you're siding with BK on this one? Interesting choice. I don't get it. Maybe you have some kind of personal stake in this. Was your wife killed by a one-armed man and then everybody thought you were guilty and then you had to run away and hide out like some kind of fugitive until you could gather the necessary evidence to convict the real killer?



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