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In fact, I teach a class on logic for the LSAT. And the flaw that you now exhibited is the hypocrisy in saying you would avoid trying to read his mind by interpreting his statement... and then doing the exact same thing yourself. Maybe, he meant nothing as you insist by reemphasizing that he only has a one year contract... or maybe he is stressing that point to demonstrate how unlikely it is that he would be here for more than 1 yr. I think, he, like most people, would naturally be upset about being denied a rental property that they want and applied for. His twitter statements are reflective of that displeasure, and that the fact that he is being denied is reflective of Buffalo's small town mentality and how far he now is from the bright lights. But I agree that it is an inexact science to gauge people's feelings based on little snippets of conversation.

The difference is while I concede that I'm not sure what the statement is indicative of, you are quite certain that it is a Nothing statement because your logical skills must be so vastly superior to other people's.


Don't believe you one bit.

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wow, and the media is accused of blowing things out of proportion.


in one fell swoop, t.o. is not only officially leaving after one season, but this board is already speculating as to whether the bills might in fact franchise him next year (unless, of course, there's a clause in his contract barring such a move), though it certainly seems evident that t.o. is completely unhappy with how he's been treated in buffalo, and it's only a matter of time before he starts holding out, and the franchise, as a result, moves to st. louis/l.a./toronto/bahamas (tax purposes of course) and ... help me out SKOOBY.


to borrow a phrase from kelly the fair and balanced dog, i think the answer to all of your questions is: "maybe?" though, i could be entirely wrong.




ADD: by the way, he owns 4 homes, i'm told. miami, atlanta, dallas and the place in jersey where he did the situps.


Houses turn over more quickly in orchard park because of the bills. I worked with Bob Wozniak, and some of my neighbors are NFL players. He knows the drill. He gets them into a nice, private place with as much furniture as possible that they can quickly sell and works with the team to hook them up with lawn service, snowplowing, whatever. He is a pretty professional guy.


I find it hard to believe that landlords in Orchard Park or Bob Wozniak would say that they dont want T.O. That would be illegal anyway. I know people there, and live nearby. NFL players are nothing new here, and T.O. is not known to be the most raucous individual. Everyone knows where Jim Kelly lives, etc, etc, but there is never any media or any disturbance in this town. My best guess is that Mr. Owens read much more into a comment than he should have and has some anxiety about moving here.


I just gave in and read his mind-numbing tweets.


"Anyways, i'm happy & excited about being n B-Lo! it's jus sad that people still think they way they do n 2009!!"


That sounds a lot like an accusation of racism. I remember J.P. Losman saying he was concerned the fans would not like him here because of his Mexican heritage. That seemed strange to our ears.


I am not taking this too seriously. We had a Muslim honor-beheading here, and I dont think anyone here had an inkling of attempting to select residents according to any criteria. You can let the sun set upon you in this town, Mr. Owens.

Because buying a home "doesn't makes sense."


Man we must be really bored...someone who has a 1 year contract to play here doesn't want to spend countless hours looking for a house, signing paperwork and then having to unload the house when he leaves...


yeah...makes no sense to me either why he wouldn't want to buy a house...


Yes, its official TO is not a complete moron...


Well, I still defy anyone to show me where I said TO was leaving after this year.


As for this woefully pathetic thread, Jesus H. Christ, you guys. I disengaged because I had other sh-t going on tonight. When I came back and saw that this thread had reach three pages, I almost sharted.


For a fan base with such thin skin, a fan base who insists everyone is aiming to get them, that nobody outside Western New York respects the Bills and their kind, we sure do turn our own rather quickly. You'd think this brethren would be something folks would want to keep sacred.


I suppose the temptation of wielding one's superiority...on a message board...is just too alluring for some of the pitiful souls haunting this joint.

Well, I still defy anyone to show me where I said TO was leaving after this year.


As for this woefully pathetic thread, Jesus H. Christ, you guys. I disengaged because I had other sh-t going on tonight. When I came back and saw that this thread had reach three pages, I almost sharted.


For a fan base with such thin skin, a fan base who insists everyone is aiming to get them, that nobody outside Western New York respects the Bills and their kind, we sure do turn our own rather quickly. You'd think this brethren would be something folks would want to keep sacred.


I suppose the temptation of wielding one's superiority...on a message board...is just too alluring for some of the pitiful souls haunting this joint.


excuse me, as it's been pointed out before, but your subhead clearly states:




it's not superiority, it's a matter of simply understanding the English language and realizing how words have certain and specific meanings, which allow us to communicate. based on that understanding, it leads those among us to carry on discussions in which there is an underlying agreement that when one person says or writes something it is understood by the masses who are literate in the language, thus leading to a certain discourse that leads to a certain point in which those involved in said discussion can appreciate the other's point of view and provide responses to further the discussion.

so when someone says or writes "official," it is understood by those who hear or read that word that "official" generally means something that is set in stone, announced or accepted as a fate accomplis, and i realize i'm now referencing another language, which happens to be French, though it's understood that the English language borrows from several cultures, including French, otherwise, how else would we get to French Fries, though, i do believe, they actually might have origninated in Belgium.


but i digress


so, unless you silently called this to be some sort of "opposite day" in which "black" is construed as "white" and "boy" means "girl" and "official" means "unofficial" or "inofficial" or "psyche!" then those of us who have a grasp of English language are led to believe that you meant it's somehow "official" that T.O. is now on his way out after one year.


so unless, somehow you suffer from some form of writing dyslexia -- and i would then apologize for being insensitive here -- then you, perhaps, need to revisit your elementary phonics textbooks or purchase a dictionary at the very least so that we can truly understand what in fact we are being accused of not comprehending.


seriously. ;)



excuse me, as it's been pointed out before, but your subhead clearly states:




it's not superiority, it's a matter of simply understanding the English language and realizing how words have certain and specific meanings, which allow us to communicate. based on that understanding, it leads those among us to carry on discussions in which there is an underlying agreement that when one person says or writes something it is understood by the masses who are literate in the language, thus leading to a certain discourse that leads to a certain point in which those involved in said discussion can appreciate the other's point of view and provide responses to further the discussion.

so when someone says or writes "official," it is understood by those who hear or read that word that "official" generally means something that is set in stone, announced or accepted as a fate accomplis, and i realize i'm now referencing another language, which happens to be French, though it's understood that the English language borrows from several cultures, including French, otherwise, how else would we get to French Fries, though, i do believe, they actually might have origninated in Belgium.


but i digress


so, unless you silently called this to be some sort of "opposite day" in which "black" is construed as "white" and "boy" means "girl" and "official" means "unofficial" or "inofficial" or "psyche!" then those of us who have a grasp of English language are led to believe that you meant it's somehow "official" that T.O. is now on his way out after one year.


so unless, somehow you suffer from some form of writing dyslexia -- and i would then apologize for being insensitive here -- then you, perhaps, need to revisit your elementary phonics textbooks or purchase a dictionary at the very least so that we can truly understand what in fact we are being accused of not comprehending.


seriously. ;)




Yeah, well that's just like your opinion, man.

Yeah, well that's just like your opinion, man.

So, in other words... my bad?





(Great thread BTW. It's got it all, intelligence, stupidity, crayonsian logic. Gotta love it.)


He signed a 1 year deal. TO already owns 3 or 4 homes.


IF he doesn't stay next year why bother with buying and then selling in a poor market.


How long has Kelly been trying to sell his house?

I find it hard to believe that landlords in Orchard Park or Bob Wozniak would say that they dont want T.O. That would be illegal anyway.

What?? I don't think the law has yet been passed that it is illegal to not rent to T. Owens.


Look, WHO CARES?? Why does this guy feel compelled to share this mundane crap with the world? Such a drama queen. And you guys are just eating this right up.


Just rent an apartment already.


The odds of him being here more than one year were pretty slim from the moment he signed here anyway. If he has a good year and keeps his mouth shut and doesn't tear the locker room apart (fingers crossed here), he will go somewhere for one last fling with a team that has a chance to win a championship. If he rips apart this locker room like he has many in the past, he may be done unless some team like the Raiders take him.

So, in other words... my bad?





(Great thread BTW. It's got it all, intelligence, stupidity, crayonsian logic. Gotta love it.)


i believe the proper term would be "crayonisian," though i think you're definitely on the right track.



What?? I don't think the law has yet been passed that it is illegal to not rent to T. Owens.


Look, WHO CARES?? Why does this guy feel compelled to share this mundane crap with the world? Such a drama queen. And you guys are just eating this right up.


Just rent an apartment already.



Discriminating against a potential tenant based on race is illegal.


Holy crap, how did I miss this thread on the first runthrough?


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