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Obama Met Secretly with Jeremiah Wright During the Campaign

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So obvious.




In his forthcoming book on the 2008 campaign, Richard Wolfe reports that Obama and Wright met between the Pennsylvania and North Carolina primaries at Wright’s home in suburban Chicago. The Obama campaign set up the meeting with the express goal of getting Wright to end his public appearances. The meeting was not reported in the press.


Wolfe’s account of the discussion between the besieged pastor and the beleaguered candidate leaves plenty of questions. Wolfe says Obama, “adopt[ed] the tone of a concerned friend giving advice,” and tried to, “nudge [Wright] in the right direction by making him aware of what was about to happen.” The account is silent about whether the two men discussed the campaign. But coming off a loss in a heavily rural state, and heading into two more contests in heavily rural battleground states, is it really much of a stretch to surmise that Obama asked Wright to get out of the way?

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