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Brandon Marshall won't be suspended again


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Now there is a Player that DESERVED suspension. <_<


Especially since Roy Williams got suspended a game last year for a lot less (a couple of horse collars) than Vince's 4, count 'em, 4 fines that season. Then again, we all know who he plays for, so it wasn't really a surprise to me that he got nothing.

"All animals are equal, it's just that some animals are more equal than others" as Orwell might have said in "Animal Farm"......

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Goodell has only done a better job with discipline because the NFLPA agreed to a personal conduct policy after getting that more-than-generous CBA (which coincided with Goodell taking over). And since the league has been humming along without him needing to do anything more make token appearances, it's become his personal crusade.


As for the facts, if we're to believe that Goodell believed the police when they said they saw and smelled pot in Lynch's car, there's no reason to doubt that they saw Marshall physically abusing his fiancee, as the police report indicates. And as we've been told, the Commish can act outside the law, meaning that for a traffic ticket and a misdemeanor, a player can get suspended for 3 games. But repeatedly beat up women and you're good. <_<


I wonder what he'd have done if the charges against Marshawn were dropped the next day. I don't think he would've suspended him. I think he would have gotten a warning like Marshall did. Marshall's past transgressions should factor heavily against him though in any situation that involves arrest.

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I wonder what he'd have done if the charges against Marshawn were dropped the next day. I don't think he would've suspended him. I think he would have gotten a warning like Marshall did. Marshall's past transgressions should factor heavily against him though in any situation that involves arrest.

Doesn't matter that the charges were dropped. He still, again according to the police report, physically struck his fiancee. If Lynch's traffic ticket can he held against him, so too can this. But I guess it's okay in the eyes of Goodell, who is the biggest embarrassment to the NFL. He should suspend himself.

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Didn't Lynch have a gun or am I confusing my criminals?


That Marshall's fiancee was also arrested and the fact that all charges were dropped the next day tells me this was a pretty minor incident. 'beat up women' doesn't sound like the case here.


Marshall was arrested something like 5 times in the last 3 years for domestic disturbances/assault/battery from his previous relationship (the one with Rasheeda Watley). Goodell is becoming a running joke with the discipline policy. He's going to bring the hammer down if you aren't a big time player in a big time market. If you are a "star" then simply apologize on TV and have goodell talk to your momma and everything is ok.

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Not really, as it was totally expected. Goodell talks a good game, but in the end, he's a corporate lackey.

What does it mean to be a "corporate lackey"? You've never explained why you believe Goodell favors guys like Kraft. What would be the benefit to him or his league--doesn't everyone hate the Pats? And you've never explained why all of the other owners, Ralph included, go along with what you discribe as blatant favoritism for a team. Enlighten us. Just this once.


Also, Goodell had nothing to do with the current CBA.


Denver is not a "big market".

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Yeah, but he was just on OTL the other day and said he "Never laid a hand to Rasheeda Watley." <_<



Yeah, I watched that on Sunday morning too. BM sounded like he had his ass covered on all counts. Though, he also sounded like a thug.



Somebody's gonna shiv that MoFo! :wallbash:

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What does it mean to be a "corporate lackey"? You've never explained why you believe Goodell favors guys like Kraft. What would be the benefit to him or his league--doesn't everyone hate the Pats? And you've never explained why all of the other owners, Ralph included, go along with what you discribe as blatant favoritism for a team. Enlighten us. Just this once.


Also, Goodell had nothing to do with the current CBA.


Denver is not a "big market".

Ah, the alleged "Bills fan" makes an appearance, and manages to make it mostly about the Patriots. What a shock!


This was not a discussion about one team, much less the Patriots. But great job as usual of revealing yourself.


And to answer your question, Ralph has been railing against the bigger market for years. Maybe if you crawled out of your hole, you'd realize that.


Denver is tied for 7th in revenue in the league. That's a big market.


But fine, we'll play your game. Please explain this Brandon Marshall situation and explain how he didn't get a suspension after the cops saw him beating up his fiancee. Remember your words that the cops are to be believed on everything and pleading down to a lesser charge, or having charges dropped, mean nothing. Just this once.

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Goodell is a joke. When he first came the Commish i was happy due to him being a local guy. Unfortunately he has done nothing impressive yet. His personal conduct policy is a joke. He has zero consistency.


His personal conduct policy isn't helping the NFL Shield. Players are still getting into trouble. The media is all over it because he made such a big deal about it. He draws unneccesary attention to the league due ot this. He also painted a nice big Bullseye on every NFL player. People who envy the NFL Players life styles will try to tear them down and now they have an avenue to do it.

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Ah, the alleged "Bills fan" makes an appearance, and manages to make it mostly about the Patriots. What a shock!


This was not a discussion about one team, much less the Patriots. But great job as usual of revealing yourself.


And to answer your question, Ralph has been railing against the bigger market for years. Maybe if you crawled out of your hole, you'd realize that.


Denver is tied for 7th in revenue in the league. That's a big market.


But fine, we'll play your game. Please explain this Brandon Marshall situation and explain how he didn't get a suspension after the cops saw him beating up his fiancee. Remember your words that the cops are to be believed on everything and pleading down to a lesser charge, or having charges dropped, mean nothing. Just this once.


Well, i didn't really expect you to answer, but I thought I'd appeal to your credibility.


I didn't bring up the Pats, nimrod, you did. Allow me to "reveal yourself":


I'd love to hear the explanation. Though something tells me it would be in-line with the BS explanation given to not suspending Wilfork. :wallbash:


The police report says they found two people punching and kicking eachother. Both were arrested (you must have missed that part or conveniently left it out) and charges were dropped THAT DAY. So, what is it you wish to have explained about "this Marshall issue"? I have no reason to doubt this report, so what is your point? Anyway, Marshall is not out of the woods yet--he has a court date pending for another incident. My guess is that the Commish will decide after the outcome of that case is known, so dry your tears for now.


As for how plea bargaining works and why, what don't you understand? Charges are filed, based on the info obtainable in an investigation, the DA offers a charge for which he thinks he can successfully get a conviction. A perp accepts to avoid trial and a possible conviction of a more serious charge. None of this has anything to do with actual guilt, of course--only with what's provable and what is not.


But you knew that, right? Of course you did, because none of these concepts are very difficult. My favorite part is your pathetic, but totally predictable, decision to accept this police report without question.


As for Denver, I guess if you are going to completely redefine the term "market size" as it relates to professional sports (i. e., by "total revenue"), there is good news for Buffalo! It is no longer "one of the smallest markets in the NFL", as it was once known. The smallest markets now include such tiny towns as San Fran, Oakland and Atlanta.


Ralph has certainly been "railing against the big markets", hard to miss that. He's made quite a scene of himself in that regard. But that is about money--he wants to be given more by others. He pretends he can't make ends meet yet the other owners know about his sweet financial situation and ignre his cries about how tough it is for "small markets" to make money.


What I did NOT remember seeing or hearing about was Ralph railing about the cheating of other teams and how they have stolen victories from his Bills---which is the subject of this discussion, sport. In fact I don't recall much railing from the owners who were actually cheated against, either.


So, again, I will try to get you to answer the simple question I posed to you above. I won't hold my breath.

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Well, i didn't really expect you to answer, but I thought I'd appeal to your credibility.


I didn't bring up the Pats, nimrod, you did. Allow me to "reveal yourself":

Credibility? LOL! You can't stop responding to ANY mention of the Patriots, pally. And we've had an influx of them over the past several months, but to their credit, they don't claim to be Bills fans. You're either a Patriots fan or so bitterly twisted as a Bills fan that you seriously need to walk away from football to correct your mental health. I can only imagine that you fancy yourself as being smarter than everyone else for blowing the Patriots at every opportunity while also taking every opportunity to slam the Bills, but if you're truly a Bills fan and continue to follow them, despite how horrible you basically say they are, that makes you a moron.

The police report says they found two people punching and kicking eachother. Both were arrested (you must have missed that part or conveniently left it out) and charges were dropped THAT DAY. So, what is it you wish to have explained about "this Marshall issue"? I have no reason to doubt this report, so what is your point? Anyway, Marshall is not out of the woods yet--he has a court date pending for another incident. My guess is that the Commish will decide after the outcome of that case is known, so dry your tears for now.


As for how plea bargaining works and why, what don't you understand? Charges are filed, based on the info obtainable in an investigation, the DA offers a charge for which he thinks he can successfully get a conviction. A perp accepts to avoid trial and a possible conviction of a more serious charge. None of this has anything to do with actual guilt, of course--only with what's provable and what is not.


But you knew that, right? Of course you did, because none of these concepts are very difficult. My favorite part is your pathetic, but totally predictable, decision to accept this police report without question.

Yes, it was SO much more predictable than you not believing it, because "charges were dropped." You see simpleton, Marshall has a pattern of violence towards women. In fact he was suspended because of it. Contrast that with your pathetic clinging to Lynch bringing-in his own alcohol into bars as the smoking gun for your notion that he was impaired the night he hit that woman (hey, let's call that incident "violence against a woman" and pretend it meant nothing like Sir Roger does, shall we?), versus how

charges were reduced" to a traffic ticket. Way to prove your credibility there, sport.

As for Denver, I guess if you are going to completely redefine the term "market size" as it relates to professional sports (i. e., by "total revenue"), there is good news for Buffalo! It is no longer "one of the smallest markets in the NFL", as it was once known. The smallest markets now include such tiny towns as San Fran, Oakland and Atlanta.


Ralph has certainly been "railing against the big markets", hard to miss that. He's made quite a scene of himself in that regard. But that is about money--he wants to be given more by others. He pretends he can't make ends meet yet the other owners know about his sweet financial situation and ignre his cries about how tough it is for "small markets" to make money.


What I did NOT remember seeing or hearing about was Ralph railing about the cheating of other teams and how they have stolen victories from his Bills---which is the subject of this discussion, sport. In fact I don't recall much railing from the owners who were actually cheated against, either.


So, again, I will try to get you to answer the simple question I posed to you above. I won't hold my breath.

Why does Goodell favor bigger markets? Because ALL sports generate more revenue when their top markets are doing well. Is that so hard of a concept for you to understand? But an even simpler explanation is "self preservation." The big market owners essentially hired him. You saw the way they got the rest of the owners to accept that piece of sh-- CBA (yeah, Ralph really "made a scene of himself" then, seeing that they dumped that POS just 2 years after, and how Jerry Jones won't even sell naming rights to his new stadium :wallbash: ). So looking the other way when Wilfork "accidentally" bashes JP on the knee or pokes Brandon Jacobs in the eye, or Marshall beats up his chick, is a convenient way to help himself out. But you knew that already.

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What does it mean to be a "corporate lackey"? You've never explained why you believe Goodell favors guys like Kraft. What would be the benefit to him or his league--doesn't everyone hate the Pats? And you've never explained why all of the other owners, Ralph included, go along with what you discribe as blatant favoritism for a team. Enlighten us. Just this once.


Also, Goodell had nothing to do with the current CBA.


Denver is not a "big market".

I think it stems from the fact that Goodell is hired and paid for by the owners. He would not want to bite the hand that feeds him, even if he finds said hand attached to a videocamera...

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I think it stems from the fact that Goodell is hired and paid for by the owners. He would not want to bite the hand that feeds him, even if he finds said hand attached to a videocamera...



Almost all league commissioner's are corporate lackey's now, in that they work for the owners, not the good of the game. In a perfect world, IMO, the commish would be an independent executive and wouldn't be considered an operative of the owners. That is simply not the case, anymore, and isn't likely to be until the next huge scandal threatens the viability of the sport itself.

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Credibility? LOL! You can't stop responding to ANY mention of the Patriots, pally. And we've had an influx of them over the past several months, but to their credit, they don't claim to be Bills fans. You're either a Patriots fan or so bitterly twisted as a Bills fan that you seriously need to walk away from football to correct your mental health. I can only imagine that you fancy yourself as being smarter than everyone else for blowing the Patriots at every opportunity while also taking every opportunity to slam the Bills, but if you're truly a Bills fan and continue to follow them, despite how horrible you basically say they are, that makes you a moron.


Yes, it was SO much more predictable than you not believing it, because "charges were dropped." You see simpleton, Marshall has a pattern of violence towards women. In fact he was suspended because of it. Contrast that with your pathetic clinging to Lynch bringing-in his own alcohol into bars as the smoking gun for your notion that he was impaired the night he hit that woman (hey, let's call that incident "violence against a woman" and pretend it meant nothing like Sir Roger does, shall we?), versus how

charges were reduced" to a traffic ticket. Way to prove your credibility there, sport.


Why does Goodell favor bigger markets? Because ALL sports generate more revenue when their top markets are doing well. Is that so hard of a concept for you to understand? But an even simpler explanation is "self preservation." The big market owners essentially hired him. You saw the way they got the rest of the owners to accept that piece of sh-- CBA (yeah, Ralph really "made a scene of himself" then, seeing that they dumped that POS just 2 years after, and how Jerry Jones won't even sell naming rights to his new stadium :thumbsup: ). So looking the other way when Wilfork "accidentally" bashes JP on the knee or pokes Brandon Jacobs in the eye, or Marshall beats up his chick, is a convenient way to help himself out. But you knew that already.

As I said, I believe this police report, not sure why you are saying the opposite. The rest of your argument that follows is unintelligible.


Because he had a prior (a misdemeanor), Goodell gave Tank Johnson 10 games. What was his crime? Was he driving around in an untagged vehicle with his post smoking cronies with a loaded gun in the trunk? No, cops raided his housewhere he kept a collection of guns that he bought in another state but failed to register with the Illinois State Police. These were in his home. He did 45 days for this. And Chicago is the third largest market in the country.


Speaking of which, I guess you didn't get the part where Denver is not considered anywhere else to be a "big market". It is in fact about 20th largest in the USA, if you actually include the true definition of "market" as the NFL and everyone else does. But even if the Commish was favoring the "big markets" (the real ones), why would the Jets still suck (he 's a Jets fan for crying out loud)? WHy would the Skins suck? or San Fran? Or Seattle, Miami, Houston? Detroit?? Why wouldn't a team exist in the 2nd largest market inthe country? 4 of the top 5 markets either have no team or a team that hasn't won a SB in a very long time. Where's the love for the big markets? Why reach all the way down to the-market-I-dare-not-mention to shower with favors?


All these markets are bigger than Denver. But let's humor you and, for a second, suspend disbelief and assume that, for reasons that you cannot clearly articulate, the Commish felt it would be an act of "self preservation" to help out Denver by not suspending Marshall. Now, clearly there are better ways for Goodell to help out the Broncos (and "preserve" the very League itself!)---for instance, he could have forced Pat Bolen to keep Shanahan instead of eating 15 million to let him go for the moronic "Josh McDaniels". Or, barring that, he could have used his awsome powers to prevent the idiotic McDaniels from trading his franchise QB. Or prevented him from drafting a RB in the first round. Or....well, there's lot's of stuff he could have done for this crucial Denver franchise.


I hardly go on about how "horrible" the Bills are---certainly no more than many here. You made that up. If you paid attention, you would see that I have nothing against ML as a player--he plays hard. I have never said TO was horrible either. Just pointed out what others already had--that his signing was a desperation move. Peters I said was not worth keeping and when he was traded, I thought it was a good move by the FO. DJ is a crappy HC.....etc, etc---any of this seem familiar? I don't always bring up the Pats (but you sure seem to--though you tend to get confused that you did), but I do respond with an opposing argument when I think there is one to be made. Most of you and your buddies think this is "gay", I guess.


That's how you and I are different. You see any argument against the Bills as for another team. Or for another team as against the Bills. These are entertainers, this is entertainment. We all love it. But, unlike you, I don't find it healthy to get so wrapped up in the personal lives of the players that I would go to embarrassing lengths to explain or excuse poor behavior by them. And all this paranoia about the league having it in for the Bills...it's hard to imagine you walk around thinking and worrying about this stuff all day. I can almost see the spittle you are spraying on the screen as you peck away.


Bitter? Twisted? Mental health?


Brother, you need a time out. Go get your head together, man.

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As I said, I believe this police report, not sure why you are saying the opposite. The rest of your argument that follows is unintelligible.


Because he had a prior (a misdemeanor), Goodell gave Tank Johnson 10 games. What was his crime? Was he driving around in an untagged vehicle with his post smoking cronies with a loaded gun in the trunk? No, cops raided his housewhere he kept a collection of guns that he bought in another state but failed to register with the Illinois State Police. These were in his home. He did 45 days for this. And Chicago is the third largest market in the country.


Speaking of which, I guess you didn't get the part where Denver is not considered anywhere else to be a "big market". It is in fact about 20th largest in the USA, if you actually include the true definition of "market" as the NFL and everyone else does. But even if the Commish was favoring the "big markets" (the real ones), why would the Jets still suck (he 's a Jets fan for crying out loud)? WHy would the Skins suck? or San Fran? Or Seattle, Miami, Houston? Detroit?? Why wouldn't a team exist in the 2nd largest market inthe country? 4 of the top 5 markets either have no team or a team that hasn't won a SB in a very long time. Where's the love for the big markets? Why reach all the way down to the-market-I-dare-not-mention to shower with favors?


All these markets are bigger than Denver. But let's humor you and, for a second, suspend disbelief and assume that, for reasons that you cannot clearly articulate, the Commish felt it would be an act of "self preservation" to help out Denver by not suspending Marshall. Now, clearly there are better ways for Goodell to help out the Broncos (and "preserve" the very League itself!)---for instance, he could have forced Pat Bolen to keep Shanahan instead of eating 15 million to let him go for the moronic "Josh McDaniels". Or, barring that, he could have used his awsome powers to prevent the idiotic McDaniels from trading his franchise QB. Or prevented him from drafting a RB in the first round. Or....well, there's lot's of stuff he could have done for this crucial Denver franchise.


I hardly go on about how "horrible" the Bills are---certainly no more than many here. You made that up. If you paid attention, you would see that I have nothing against ML as a player--he plays hard. I have never said TO was horrible either. Just pointed out what others already had--that his signing was a desperation move. Peters I said was not worth keeping and when he was traded, I thought it was a good move by the FO. DJ is a crappy HC.....etc, etc---any of this seem familiar? I don't always bring up the Pats (but you sure seem to--though you tend to get confused that you did), but I do respond with an opposing argument when I think there is one to be made. Most of you and your buddies think this is "gay", I guess.


That's how you and I are different. You see any argument against the Bills as for another team. Or for another team as against the Bills. These are entertainers, this is entertainment. We all love it. But, unlike you, I don't find it healthy to get so wrapped up in the personal lives of the players that I would go to embarrassing lengths to explain or excuse poor behavior by them. And all this paranoia about the league having it in for the Bills...it's hard to imagine you walk around thinking and worrying about this stuff all day. I can almost see the spittle you are spraying on the screen as you peck away.


Bitter? Twisted? Mental health?


Brother, you need a time out. Go get your head together, man.

Oh, so you believe the report that Marshall was kicking and punching his woman, but have no problem with Goodell saying that he won't suspend him again over this incident because, hey, he has another case pending against him? Yet Lynch (whose running you love, and we've heard you say it so many times) deserves his 3 game suspension because of a traffic ticket, wholly unsubstantiated pot allegations, and an illegal gun locked in a box in the trunk of his car? LOL!


Just because you're unintelligent, it doesn't make things you read unintelligible (well, that is, at least not to others). Case in point, your Tank Johnson reference. You make it too easy, man.


Johnson was suspended for 8 games, not 10 as you state, and at the time of his suspension, Sir Roger said there was the possibility of reducing it to 6 games if he stayed out of trouble and got counselling. But beyond correcting that fact, how many run-ins with the law did Tank Johnson have before a) Goodell even had one of his oh-so-effective "sit downs" with the young lad, and b) before he saw fit to suspend him? Let me tell you, since I doubt you'll get it right yourself. He was first caught with an illegal gun in his car (in the passenger cabin, not locked in a box in his trunk) outside a nightclub. Then he was later arrested for aggravated assault and resisting arrest (and had to be maced), although the charges were eventually dropped. Then the police raided his home and found more illegal guns, some loaded with children in the house, which violated his probation. His bodyguard was also found to be in possession of pot, which was obviously his (wink, wink). It was after all this that Goodell had his "sit down" with Johnson, after which he suspended him for the aforementioned 8 games, for repeated similar offenses/violating parole. Much like he finally suspended Marshall after repeated similar offenses.


Once again, I'd like to know how the Commish even suspends Lynch for 3 games, for 2 dissimilar incidents, with the first being just a traffic ticket? I'd also like to know how it's so unreasonable to want to see the 3-game suspension reduced to 1 game, and why that hasn't happened, yet, seeing as how he appealed a month ago?


And hey, I don't know what makes you think you're a Bills fan, man. When you say idiotic sh-- like "have you not seen [Maybin's] killer first step," it reveals you as a troll. I don't know, what did Maybin ever do to you that you would make such a statement? Has he proven to suck on the playing field? Did he commit any crimes? Does he draw attention to himself and "destroy teams?" Was he a "reach?" Then the stuff about TO is mind-numbingly idiotic. I'm still waiting to hear from you whether TO needs to be the leader in all receiving categories on a catch-by-catch basis, versus game-by-game, or season-by-season? Like if Evans catches 2 passes to start the Patriots* game and TO has 1 or none, will he "destroy" the team then?


And look, it's not a hard concept to grasp that an employee (which Goodell is) would suck-up to his more powerful employers (which Bowlen, Shanahan, Snyder, Jones, etc.) are. I'm sure you do it as well. There is simply NO other reason for his rulings when it comes to Brandon Marshall, as well as other players, versus Lynch.

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Oh, so you believe the report that Marshall was kicking and punching his woman,



First of all, the report was they were hitting each other, not that he was hitting her. That is a big difference, that you seem to overlook in every post.


Secondly, a police report is just that. Don't assume a police report is the truth.


Finally, the charges were dropped immediately.


I'm not saying the decision was right, in this case, but those are at least three things you seem to be overlooking.

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First of all, the report was they were hitting each other, not that he was hitting her. That is a big difference, that you seem to overlook in every post.


Secondly, a police report is just that. Don't assume a police report is the truth.


Finally, the charges were dropped immediately.


I'm not saying the decision was right, in this case, but those are at least three things you seem to be overlooking.


The biggest problem is that the patsy* troll mr weo is holding lynch's police report as gospel and ignoring what he was charged with/plead to while dismissing marshall's police report and basing everything on what marshall was charged with/plead to.


The overriding problem with goodell is his inconsistency in handing down punishments, especially when its plainly obvious that "good" players from "good" teams are getting more benefit of the doubt than lesser players or lesser teams. The predictor of punishment should be the offense, NOT the team/skill of the player.

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First of all, the report was they were hitting each other, not that he was hitting her. That is a big difference, that you seem to overlook in every post.


Secondly, a police report is just that. Don't assume a police report is the truth.


Finally, the charges were dropped immediately.


I'm not saying the decision was right, in this case, but those are at least three things you seem to be overlooking.

So Marshall's fiancee hitting him makes him hitting her back all right Deano? I don't think that's what you want to be saying. There is a difference between hitting someone and self-defense, and the report never said the man (Marshall) was defending himself. Perhaps it was a case of "arguing while black" and/or the cop had to fill his quota of arrests, but that's far less likely than the cops making up that they smelled and then saw pot in Lynch's car, but never bothered to retrieve the evidence, much less charge him for it. And the hilarious thing is Mr. WEO has blasted Hardy for hitting his girlfriend, in what was probably the same type of incident. :rolleyes:


And as has been stated by several here, the Commish doesn't need to go by what the law says. Apparently Lynch's traffic ticket was enough to merit a sit-down, and used as a prior incident which led him to suspend Lynch after being involved in another, different incident. But Tank Johnson having a gun in his car wasn't enough to even trigger a sit-down, much less a suspension, and a repeat domestic violence charge wasn't enough to get Marshall suspended again. Oh and again for the inconsistency that defines our resident troll "Bills fan," Mr. WEO has mentioned on several occasions that Hardy is a thug for pulling a gun on his dad, when it was never pursued. :nana:

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So Marshall's fiancee hitting him makes him hitting her back all right Deano? I don't think that's what you want to be saying. There is a difference between hitting someone and self-defense, and the report never said the man (Marshall) was defending himself. Perhaps it was a case of "arguing while black" and/or the cop had to fill his quota of arrests, but that's far less likely than the cops making up that they smelled and then saw pot in Lynch's car, but never bothered to retrieve the evidence, much less charge him for it. And the hilarious thing is Mr. WEO has blasted Hardy for hitting his girlfriend, in what was probably the same type of incident. :rolleyes:


And as has been stated by several here, the Commish doesn't need to go by what the law says. Apparently Lynch's traffic ticket was enough to merit a sit-down, and used as a prior incident which led him to suspend Lynch after being involved in another, different incident. But Tank Johnson having a gun in his car wasn't enough to even trigger a sit-down, much less a suspension, and a repeat domestic violence charge wasn't enough to get Marshall suspended again. Oh and again for the inconsistency that defines our resident troll "Bills fan," Mr. WEO has mentioned on several occasions that Hardy is a thug for pulling a gun on his dad, when it was never pursued. :nana:



Again, you are using the published reports, and taking them at face value. Neither of us knows what Goodell may or may not have found out on his own.


As for hitting a women if she attacks you, that's an individual decision. I have never responded to violence from women with violence. I have had to restrain a woman from beating me, with some force...but never struck her. But, if a woman attacks you, and you feel you need to respond in kind, I don't see how that's any different from responding if struck by a man...unless of course she is so small and weak that she poses no threat. But to assume that is the case just that...and assumption.

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Again, you are using the published reports, and taking them at face value. Neither of us knows what Goodell may or may not have found out on his own.


As for hitting a women if she attacks you, that's an individual decision. I have never responded to violence from women with violence. I have had to restrain a woman from beating me, with some force...but never struck her. But, if a woman attacks you, and you feel you need to respond in kind, I don't see how that's any different from responding if struck by a man...unless of course she is so small and weak that she poses no threat. But to assume that is the case just that...and assumption.

Again Deano, quite a few people are willing to believe the reports that Hardy pulled a gun on his dad or that Lynch had pot in his car, based on either the claims of a senior citizen (Hardy's case) or a police report (Lynch's case), not to mention that Lynch "got away" with DUI hit-and-run despite getting a traffic ticket due to the abject lack of evidence to the contrary. And Marshall has a history of this, so it's not that far-fetched to believe it. I'm sure that Bowlen had a hand in the charges getting dropped, much less he was probably involved in Marshall getting his 0.11 BAC charge dropped from a DUI to a DWAI. :rolleyes:


As for hitting a woman if she hits you, the majority of people will tell you that it shouldn't be done. And for a league that purports to portray a clean image, a star player slapping-around his fiancee is bad pub. Even moreso when the Commish decides that it doesn't merit further suspension, thereby minimizing it. And I don't see a reason to fabricate the police report in this case, while I do see a reason to fabricate the pot allegation against Lynch (i.e. to justify searching the car).

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