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George Tiller Assassinated

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BTW, I just read this guy performed 60,000 abortions in his life. When did he actually have time to deliver babies. I am betting this guy never did. He was in it for one purpose only, to take life.


With numbers like that, yes he is in the Hitler range.


Link, please.

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Hitler did very little of his own research. Glad you threw in family values, though. :wallbash:

And if you don't give him credit for the good that came out of his dictatorship, how can you give him credit for the millions murdered.

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And if you don't give him credit for the good that came out of his dictatorship, how can you give him credit for the millions murdered.



Double ledger accounting shows the Fuhrer ended up slightly in the red.

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Link, please.



George Tiller has claimed 60,000 abortions performed in Kansas and 10,000 late term abortions, his own words. A late term abortion at Tiller's clinic can run as much as $26,000.00, a standard abortion runs around $2500.00- If we take an average figure of $3000.00 and multiply that by 60,000 we end up with a gross of 180 million dollars, which is not bad for a Doctor disciplined for alcohol and drug abuse. And of course that would explain how Tiller could put 1.2 million into the last election cycle. I think a gross of 180 million qualifies as an important Kansas industry. You shold do so well in your lifetime Doctor.

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George Tiller has claimed 60,000 abortions performed in Kansas and 10,000 late term abortions, his own words. A late term abortion at Tiller's clinic can run as much as $26,000.00, a standard abortion runs around $2500.00- If we take an average figure of $3000.00 and multiply that by 60,000 we end up with a gross of 180 million dollars, which is not bad for a Doctor disciplined for alcohol and drug abuse. And of course that would explain how Tiller could put 1.2 million into the last election cycle. I think a gross of 180 million qualifies as an important Kansas industry. You shold do so well in your lifetime Doctor.


Wow. Newsflash: Specialists make decent coin. An oral surgeon makes just as much if not more. So whats your point? He's even more "evil" because he made good money at his legal medical practice?

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George Tiller has claimed 60,000 abortions performed in Kansas and 10,000 late term abortions, his own words. A late term abortion at Tiller's clinic can run as much as $26,000.00, a standard abortion runs around $2500.00- If we take an average figure of $3000.00 and multiply that by 60,000 we end up with a gross of 180 million dollars, which is not bad for a Doctor disciplined for alcohol and drug abuse. And of course that would explain how Tiller could put 1.2 million into the last election cycle. I think a gross of 180 million qualifies as an important Kansas industry. You shold do so well in your lifetime Doctor.


Laughable. Here's something from the SAME link only just a little above the BLOG response you quote from. Your credibility is sinking by the minute on this. Give me a freakin' break. If you're gonna bullsh*T, try to be a little more creative.



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There are thousands of links with him reporting to do over 60K abortions and 10K late term abortions (you know the babies in the 3rd trimester).


He was proud of killing all those babies.


Hmmm. From the front page story of the very same website you cite, CONDEMNING the killing.


"The sword belongs in its' sheath!


We reject intentional abortion because every procured abortion is the killing of a member of our human family. The dignity of that little human person in the first home of the whole human race cries out for changing the unjust approach to giving protected status to intentional abortion in America. However, this dignity is present in all human persons, even those with whom we disagree and those whose actions we decry. The counsel of Malchus the servant speaks to all who have ears to hear! All human life has dignity! The reason Catholics and other Christians insist on a love of preference for the poor is because they have human dignity. The reason many of us reject capital punishment is because of the human dignity of even those who have committed crimes. The reason we insist that any act of war must fit a criteria of what is called a “just war analysis” is because we recognize the dignity, even of our enemies.


The wrongful killing of George Tiller presents a ‘Malchus Moment’ for the Entire Nation. "


No matter what the circumstance, you cannot acheive good by doing evil.

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There are thousands of links with him reporting to do over 60K abortions and 10K late term abortions (you know the babies in the 3rd trimester).


He was proud of killing all those babies.


I want to congratulate you for reaching retardia of epic proportions. You are making OwensMania appear mature, intelligent, and sane.

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Hmmm. From the front page story of the very same website you cite, CONDEMNING the killing.


"The sword belongs in its' sheath!


We reject intentional abortion because every procured abortion is the killing of a member of our human family. The dignity of that little human person in the first home of the whole human race cries out for changing the unjust approach to giving protected status to intentional abortion in America. However, this dignity is present in all human persons, even those with whom we disagree and those whose actions we decry. The counsel of Malchus the servant speaks to all who have ears to hear! All human life has dignity! The reason Catholics and other Christians insist on a love of preference for the poor is because they have human dignity. The reason many of us reject capital punishment is because of the human dignity of even those who have committed crimes. The reason we insist that any act of war must fit a criteria of what is called a “just war analysis” is because we recognize the dignity, even of our enemies.


The wrongful killing of George Tiller presents a ‘Malchus Moment’ for the Entire Nation. "


No matter what the circumstance, you cannot acheive good by doing evil.

And , where have I said it was right to kill this guy? I just don't think we should cry over his death and I certainly don't think we should be eulogizing this scum.

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And , where have I said it was right to kill this guy? I just don't think we should cry over his death and I certainly don't think we should be eulogizing this scum.



You'll probably get both, anyway.


That's because assassination is an incredibly shortsighted act when one is trying to prove that life is sacred.

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Nice post, Liberal Wacka.


That's right folks. Because a guy got murdered everyone who may not agree with the government needs to be put under surveillance by Big Brother. Forget the Constitution and all that - we're at war!


Shouldn't you be more concerned that the Doctor was killed by <gasp> a handgun? I mean, if those were illegal surely the Doctor would still be alive. Shoot, if handguns were illegal AND DHS had the ability to track the movements of all right wing "extremists" (definition to be concocted by someone on staff of what is left at Air America) then the world would be a nearly perfect place.


How about we take a look at the reason terrorism hit our shores and perhaps take steps to mitigate in that direction, instead of continuing to blame the citizenship? Nah, that's too hard. More government and less freedom is good!

Did somebody mention banning handguns? This is a terrorist action, and shouldn't even be tied to the pro-lifers out there who do things the right way. The world sucks and is only going to get worse

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Well to many his profession is equal to being one of Hitler's SS hitmen. I guess you would have had issues with someone killing Hitler or his henchmen?

Well a lot of us thought Bush and Cheney were murderous bastards too. Ok to shoot them as well?


Come on.


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Ya, for real man. Here let me do this


BTW I just read this guy presided over 100,000 deaths of innocent civilians in his Presidency. When did he actually have time to save any lives? I am betting this guy never did. He was in it for one purpose only, to take life.


With numbers like that, yes he is in the Hitler range.

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I don't agree that he should have been killed. But to many, what abortion doctors do is worse that Hitler. Think about how many babies are killed for convienence every year. Hitler and crew killed what 10 millions Jews in a 6 year period. How many babies are killed worldwide every year but these scum? 5 million? To some what these doctors do is far worse than what Japan did in China during WWII, or what Hirler did in Europe. Take your liberal glasses off and look through someone elses eyes and how they look at this.


And Hamas and Hezbollah view Israelis as little Hitlers-what's your point? Are you giving them a pass as well?


But anyways...


Now that Tiller is toast and there are only 2 other guys who will perform late term abortions will you be lobbying your representatives to raise your taxes to pay for the insane medical fees of the upcoming glut of severely deformed babies that are going to be brought into the world? Hopefully more children like Julianne Wetmore (who was born without a jaw, nose, eye sockets and cheekbones) can be sentenced to a lifetime of incessant surgeries and unending medical bills because of your idiotic religious beliefs.

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