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George Tiller Assassinated

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Your mind is screwed up. Tiller is absolutely a hero. He stood up for women all over this country against crazies like you and your fascist agenda to force your will on them and strip them of choice.

They had the choice to use protection, not have sex, or decide earlier in their pragnancy. This scum was a 3rd trimester killer. He is not a hero but was in fact closer to Hilter with his genocide. The war loards in Sudan would be proud of his record.

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They had the choice to use protection, not have sex, or decide earlier in their pragnancy. This scum was a 3rd trimester killer. He is not a hero but was in fact closer to Hilter with his genocide. The war loards in Sudan would be proud of his record.


I agree that Tiller was scum, but you don't know the meaning of the word genocide do you?

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Tiller is absolutely a hero.



Is there anyone here who doesn't think this statement isn't completely !@#$ed?


Really, conner...he heroicly performed partial-birth abortions? What's in your head, boy?

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Is there anyone here who doesn't think this statement isn't completely !@#$ed?


Really, conner...he heroicly performed partial-birth abortions? What's in your head, boy?

Is it so hard to understand how slicing a fetus at 27-weeks into bite-sized pieces in the name of women's rights is heroic, but pouring some Arrowhead on a guy who killed 3000 innocent Americans is torture?


What about that strikes you as completely !@#$ed? Seems perfectly logical to me. :wallbash:

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Is it so hard to understand how slicing a fetus at 27-weeks into bite-sized pieces in the name of women's rights is heroic, but pouring some Arrowhead on a guy who killed 3000 innocent Americans is torture?


What about that strikes you as completely !@#$ed? Seems perfectly logical to me. :wallbash:



While I wouldn't call Tiller "a hero" (very few people deserve that praise), there is something to be said for a man who will perform a procedure to help save a woman's life, when other doctors wont, for fear of reprisal.


I'm not suggesting all of Tiller's late term abortions were life-saving procedures, but likely a number of them were.

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Still some here trying to justify the killing of an American in his church because they disagree with his legal profession. Unbelievable. I guess to be consistent you must also approve the killing of military recruiters because the murderer disagreed with their legal profession which recruits people to kill others in battle. Or do you pick and choose who the law should apply to?

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While I wouldn't call Tiller "a hero" (very few people deserve that praise), there is something to be said for a man who will perform a procedure to help save a woman's life, when other doctors wont, for fear of reprisal.


I'm not suggesting all of Tiller's late term abortions were life-saving procedures, but likely a number of them were.

I'm not here to debate what Tiller did. And I understand how you like to impose an opinion based on what you can imagine maybe, might, possibly, likely be happening. I only want to know how someone can think slicing and sucking a 27-week-old fetus is heroic, but pouring water on a guy who helped murder 3000 Americans is torture.


Explain that.


You can't. Not even in a "maybe, might, possibly, likely" scenario. You just can't. No one can.


Which is why Conner is saying stupid schiit for the sake of getting people to pay attention to him. He truly can not be that moronic.

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I only want to know how someone can think slicing and sucking a 27-week-old fetus is heroic, but pouring water on a guy who helped murder 3000 Americans is torture.



If you don't see the difference between a physician performing a medical procedure requested by a patient, and torture, you are right. I can't explain it to you.

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Your mind is screwed up. Tiller is absolutely a hero. He stood up for women all over this country against crazies like you and your fascist agenda to force your will on them and strip them of choice.

crazies like me? WTF?

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I'm not here to debate what Tiller did. And I understand how you like to impose an opinion based on what you can imagine maybe, might, possibly, likely be happening. I only want to know how someone can think slicing and sucking a 27-week-old fetus is heroic, but pouring water on a guy who helped murder 3000 Americans is torture.


Explain that.


You can't. Not even in a "maybe, might, possibly, likely" scenario. You just can't. No one can.


Which is why Conner is saying stupid schiit for the sake of getting people to pay attention to him. He truly can not be that moronic.

No, I've observed his posts, he is that moronic.

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So far we got Tiller was a borderline hero and terrorists are really innocent victims.


You are one !@#$ed up puppy. I pity you, and conner.



Where did I imply terrorists are innocent victims? I think you may have a problem with your reading comprehension.


I simply pointed out one main difference between the two acts. One is a procedure requested by the patient, the other is torture. Pretty simple, and clear, distinction.


Whether or not torture is necessary, right, etc, is another matter entirely.

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Is there anyone here who doesn't think this statement isn't completely !@#$ed?


Really, conner...he heroicly performed partial-birth abortions? What's in your head, boy?


I don't see anyone else giving up their life for womens rights. He literally died for a cause he believes in. He was standing up for the rights of other Americans. If that is not a hero, nothing is.

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I don't see anyone else giving up their life for womens rights. He literally died for a cause he believes in. He was standing up for the rights of other Americans. If that is not a hero, nothing is.

:wallbash: you're a one man circus

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