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Ozzy is mad as hell


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And he's not gonna take it anymore!


Although it looks like he might just lose this one by what's in the article.



HAHAHAHAHAAH! OMG! I find it hilarious that OZZY is pissed off about someone not giving him credit and depriving him of royalties. Maybe he should take a look in the mirror, because for what he (actually his devil-woman) did to Lee Kerslake and Bob Daisly he will NEVER get another cent of my money. He might as well just have pissed on Randy's grave. Maybe Toni should erase all HIS parts on the original master tapes for the first 9 Black Sabbath albums and have some chump off the street re-record them. What a joke!


I was the biggest Ozzy fan that exists but for what he has become, especially robbing musicians of thier legally earned rights and compensation, he's as dead as Randy to me...

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and further, where the hell does he get off trying to muscle in on Tony's gig after all these years. Both he AND Bill Ward legally gave up all rights to the name Black Sabbath years ago! I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent revival of the "Heaven and Hell" line-up?


Tony Iommi carried on with that band when Ozzy was doing his best to trivialize and destroy thier credibility for years. Remember when he called them "Geezer and the three WOPS"? All I know is that thank god I got to see the reunited line up before the inevitable bickering ruined it for the fans, yet again. I'll bet my house this has the Devil-Woman written all over it.


in closing, !@#$ OZZY!

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and further, where the hell does he get off trying to muscle in on Tony's gig after all these years. Both he AND Bill Ward legally gave up all rights to the name Black Sabbath years ago! I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent revival of the "Heaven and Hell" line-up?


Tony Iommi carried on with that band when Ozzy was doing his best to trivialize and destroy thier credibility for years. Remember when he called them "Geezer and the three WOPS"? All I know is that thank god I got to see the reunited line up before the inevitable bickering ruined it for the fans, yet again. I'll bet my house this has the Devil-Woman written all over it.


in closing, !@#$ OZZY!



Ouch! I didn't know about all the background info when I posted this, I just found it interesting & humorous. I could just imagine Ozzy mumbling to Sharon about lost revenues. Sorry to piss you off.

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Ouch! I didn't know about all the background info when I posted this, I just found it interesting & humorous. I could just imagine Ozzy mumbling to Sharon about lost revenues. Sorry to piss you off.


no man you've got me all wrong, it's not YOU I'm annoyed with, it's the Oz himself. I totally agree, interesting and humerous that the Osbournes are such hipocrits as to accuse someone of doing the same sleezy sh-- they've done to other musicians themsleves. To actually record over the original Blizzard of Oz and Diary of a Madman tapes for spite and to avoid paying legitiamte money to the people who created the music is unimaginably repugnant and undefendable.


In fact, I watched the Heaven and Hell concert this morning and was thinking about how cool it was for Tony to respect Ozzy enough to NOT call that group Black Sabbath, since Ozzy is technically IN Black Sabbath at present. It is no secret that Ozzy and Dio don't get along, so I thought that showed much respect to Ozzy for them to change the band's name.


And there's no way that Ozzy instigated this, this is Sharon Arden Osbourne all the way...

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