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Archie chooses Veronica over Betty

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He's gonna regret this decision. They're both equally hot, but Veronica is nag and high-maintenance him to death.

Yeah, but some day in the future Betty will wind up looking like this.


In my mind the risk/reward equation leans towards Veronica.

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From the article;


Though a modern man himself, comic-book salesman Kody Peters is outraged over what he views as Archie's woeful taste in women.


“I'm shocked and appalled,” the 23-year-old employee of Toronto's Silver Snail Comics bookstore said yesterday when delivered the news.


“They're both madly in love with him, but really, aside from that, Veronica's got nothing to offer, whereas Betty is like the sweetest girl in the whole world.”


Three words; Get - A - Life.


If you were aware that Betty and Veronica have blogs before reading that article and you are over the age of 13 there is something wrong with you. Seriously. Go see a therapist if you've visited those sites. Really, really seriously.


In simple analysis he took the beautiful rich biotch. Is there any question as to why? :blink:

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