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Prop 8 Upheld

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It's about time the will of the people was respected.



Yeah, because the Frankenstinian Mob Mentality governs best. You remember this thought the next time the mouthbreathers around you vote for something else that's incredibly stupid.


Big win for Freedom there.

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A win for the rule of law. The proposition was not unconstitutional and the public voted for it. Unlike on some other propositions, the CA Supreme Court got it right.

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Yeah, because the Frankenstein Mob Mentality governs best. You remember this thought the next time the mouthbreathers around you vote for something else that's incredibly stupid.


Big win for Freedom there.

Would you like Frankenstein running around your neighborhood? By the way,what is the difference between a mouth breather and a nose breather? I get the knuckle dragger thing[any one who did not vote for Obama] but am unsure on some of the other terms.

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You say that like Obama didn't win the election or something.


No dim bulb. This has nothing to do with Obama.


Back in the 90s here in California, we passed a Proposition that denied non-emergency benefits to illegals. It passed with about 70% of the vote. The activist judges said it was unconsitutional and overruled the will of the people.

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A win for the rule of law. The proposition was not unconstitutional and the public voted for it. Unlike on some other propositions, the CA Supreme Court got it right.

Is that based on your vast experience in Constitutional law? Yeah, thought so.

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A win for the rule of law. The proposition was not unconstitutional and the public voted for it. Unlike on some other propositions, the CA Supreme Court got it right.


That your state system worked as it's written doesn't make it right, or even a good decision. Homosexual civil unions get all the rights in California that marrieds do except the right to say they are "married" under the law? Yeah, that makes a TON of sense! A proud day for you Wacka.

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Hooray for stripping personal freedoms based on what some people claim an invisible man said!

I'm all for gay marriage although it seems to me that the court made the right ruling here. As usual, people are using court decisions that have nothing to do with winning or losing their side's battle

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I'm all for gay marriage although it seems to me that the court made the right ruling here. As usual, people are using court decisions that have nothing to do with winning or losing their side's battle


Stop making sense, dammit. The court ruled on the constitutionality of the proposition, not the concept of gay marraige.

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I'm all for gay marriage although it seems to me that the court made the right ruling here. As usual, people are using court decisions that have nothing to do with winning or losing their side's battle


Ditto. Ya, stop making sense.


Oh, btw... I am against the recognition of gay marriage. As if you didn't know.

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Ditto. Ya, stop making sense.


Oh, btw... I am against the recognition of gay marriage. As if you didn't know.

Marriage is very outdated overall. There is a reason the divorce rate continues to go up......maybe it is finally time to eliminate it altogether.

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Ditto. Ya, stop making sense.


Oh, btw... I am against the recognition of gay marriage. As if you didn't know.


It's a great law. Every California form will now have to be rewritten for single, married, civilly joined etc. (Should help the budget problems.) And yet everyone outside of a court (and a few kooks like you) will still call civilly-joined gay couple "married."


People like you will invite over the civilly-joined gay couple next door for dinner. When meeting a gay guy for the first time, you will ask, "Are you civilly joined?" More likely, you can tell whisper to your kids about the specter of the "civilly joined gay guys" next door. It's a great linguistic victory. Bully for you!

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It's a great law. Every California form will now have to be rewritten for single, married, civilly joined etc. (Should help the budget problems.) And yet everyone outside of a court (and a few kooks like you) will still call civilly-joined gay couple "married."


People like you will invite over the civilly-joined gay couple next door for dinner. When meeting a gay guy for the first time, you will ask, "Are you civilly joined?" More likely, you can tell whisper to your kids about the specter of the "civilly joined gay guys" next door. It's a great linguistic victory. Bully for you!


When we invite our gay friends over, we just say "Hey, you dykes want to come over for dinner?" (Or "lesbians", if it's a formal occasion.) I don't think there's any particularly compelling reason to change that practice.

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People like you will invite over the civilly-joined gay couple next door for dinner. When meeting a gay guy for the first time, you will ask, "Are you civilly joined?" More likely, you can tell whisper to your kids about the specter of the "civilly joined gay guys" next door. It's a great linguistic victory. Bully for you!


No not at all. Gee, I am glad people like John Adams really "know" people/posters. What is it with people?

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No not at all. Gee, I am glad people like John Adams really "know" people/posters. What is it with people?


Leave him be. Being judge and jury just makes him feel good.


Amazing how someone who jerks himself off over how "open minded" he is can be judge and jury over your ability to be so...from a message board.


I have a funny feeling us "traditionalists" are a lot more comfortable in our stance on this issue and the homosexuals close to us, friends and/or family are as well. For me...they KNOW my stance. But they dont care...because I love them and accept them for who THEY are and what THEY want to do and we all know MY opinion means bupkus when they walk out my door after dinner. In fact, we all have a good laugh about it quite often. They call me a right wing loon...I call them fags. And then we laugh and enjoy good wine.


Imagine that....Its that crazy "live and let live" thing again!

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