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Obama nominates Sotomayor

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A sound choice. Presidents get to make the pick and this checks a lot of boxes: she is qualified. She's bright. She's not a far left wacko. It's interesting that Republicans tried to block her federal court of appeals appointment years ago for fear that she would some day be a potential Supreme Court Justice. She's also middle-of-the-road enough (Constitutional tendencies, appointed by W's daddy, former prosecutor) to survive the process.


Some snippets from the story linked above.




Sotomayor is a self-described "Newyorkrican" who grew up in a Bronx housing project after her parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico. She has dealt with diabetes since age 8 and lost her father at age 9, growing up under the care of her mother in humble surroundings. As a girl, inspired by the Perry Mason television show, she knew she wanted to be a judge.


A graduate of Princeton University and Yale Law School, a former prosecutor and private attorney, Sotomayor became a federal judge for the Southern District of New York in 1992.


As a judge, she has a bipartisan pedigree. She was first appointed by a Republican, President George H.W. Bush, then named an appeals judge by President Bill Clinton in 1997.


At her Senate confirmation hearing more than a decade ago, she said, "I don't believe we should bend the Constitution under any circumstance. It says what it says. We should do honor to it."


In one of her most memorable rulings as federal district judge, Sotomayor essentially salvaged baseball in 1995, ruling with players over owners in a labor strike that had led to the cancellation of the World Series.


As an appellate judge, she sided with the city of New Haven, Conn., in a discrimination case brought by white firefighters after the city threw out results of a promotion exam because two few minorities scored high enough. Ironically, that case is now before the Supreme Court.


Abortion rights have been a flashpoint in several recent Supreme Court confirmations, although Sotomayor has not authored any controversial rulings on the subject. Sotomayor's elevation to the appeals court was delayed by Republicans, in part out of concerns she might someday be selected for the Supreme Court. She was ultimately confirmed for the appeals court in 1998 on a 68-28 vote, gathering some Republican support.

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A sound choice. Presidents get to make the pick and this checks a lot of boxes: she is qualified. She's bright. She's not a far left wacko. It's interesting that Republicans tried to block her federal court of appeals appointment years ago for fear that she would some day be a potential Supreme Court Justice. She's also middle-of-the-road enough (Constitutional tendencies, appointed by W's daddy, former prosecutor) to survive the process.


Some snippets from the story linked above.




Thanks for the info.

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"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn't lived that life." -- Judge Sonia Sotomayor, in her Judge Mario G. Olmos Law and Cultural Diversity Lecture at the University of California (Berkeley) School of Law in 2001



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"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn't lived that life." -- Judge Sonia Sotomayor, in her Judge Mario G. Olmos Law and Cultural Diversity Lecture at the University of California (Berkeley) School of Law in 2001




Someone who is in a certain class steps before the SCOTUS and has one stike against him before a word is uttered.


Just as John Adams and the rest of the Founding Fathers intended.

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Someone who is in a certain class steps before the SCOTUS and has one stike against him before a word is uttered.


Just as John Adams and the rest of the Founding Fathers intended.


Funny that she didn't say that. Ever wonder how much of a chance a black man had in front of a court in the Founding Father's time?


She hopes that she could reach a better conclusion than others. I'd hope that each of the Justices thinks that--it's why they are often (but not always--see Thomas) our most thoughtful judges.


President gets to choose the nominee. This nominee is little different than most of the others. That's how it works. Your guy lost. You lose. Get over it.

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Funny that she didn't say that. Ever wonder how much of a chance a black man had in front of a court in the Founding Father's time?


She hopes that she could reach a better conclusion than others. I'd hope that each of the Justices thinks that--it's why they are often (but not always--see Thomas) our most thoughtful judges.


President gets to choose the nominee. This nominee is little different than most of the others. That's how it works. Your guy lost. You lose. Get over it.

She said latinos are better judges than white males. What isn't racist about that?

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Funny that she didn't say that. Ever wonder how much of a chance a black man had in front of a court in the Founding Father's time?


She hopes that she could reach a better conclusion than others. I'd hope that each of the Justices thinks that--it's why they are often (but not always--see Thomas) our most thoughtful judges.


President gets to choose the nominee. This nominee is little different than most of the others. That's how it works. Your guy lost. You lose. Get over it.


And she has the balls (no pun intended) to ADMIT that EVERYONE is influenced by and sees the world through the prism of their own experience. That is as illuminating as it is refreshing. I wonder if Scalia is as aware of the inherent bias he brings to the bench. Or Kennedy. Or Souter. Or Thomas.

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Funny that she didn't say that. Ever wonder how much of a chance a black man had in front of a court in the Founding Father's time?


She hopes that she could reach a better conclusion than others. I'd hope that each of the Justices thinks that--it's why they are often (but not always--see Thomas) our most thoughtful judges.


President gets to choose the nominee. This nominee is little different than most of the others. That's how it works. Your guy lost. You lose. Get over it.


Unless she was talking about a decision that involved a latino person, thats a blatantly biased statement she made. And frankly, I dont care "my guy" lost. I EXPECTED a liberal to be nominated. "My guy" got to put in two conservative justices, so I expect a liberal President to now put in a liberal justice when given the opportunity.

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And she has the balls (no pun intended) to ADMIT that EVERYONE is influenced by and sees the world through the prism of their own experience. That is as illuminating as it is refreshing. I wonder if Scalia is as aware of the inherent bias he brings to the bench. Or Kennedy. Or Souter. Or Thomas.

she "has the balls" to admit that latinos make better judges than white males? I think white males make better decisions than latinos because of our richness of experience.

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Unless she was talking about a decision that involved a latino person, thats a blatantly biased statement she made. And frankly, I dont care "my guy" lost. I EXPECTED a liberal to be nominated. "My guy" got to put in two conservative justices, so I expect a liberal President to now put in a liberal justice when given the opportunity.


Yup. That's how it works. Roberts was a great choice. Alito was OK.


We'll have to see how she pans out. The fact that she thinks her experiences make her more qualified than others doesn't bother me. I am sure she can defend that statement adequately.

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And she has the balls (no pun intended) to ADMIT that EVERYONE is influenced by and sees the world through the prism of their own experience. That is as illuminating as it is refreshing. I wonder if Scalia is as aware of the inherent bias he brings to the bench. Or Kennedy. Or Souter. Or Thomas.


So becuase she has the "balls" to ADMIT and EMBRACE her bias, that makes her a better judge? Are drug addicts, racists and other wonderful cretins that have the "balls" to admit and embrace their feelings also "illuminating and refreshing" to you?

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Yup. That's how it works. Roberts was a great choice. Alito was OK.


We'll have to see how she pans out. The fact that she thinks her experiences make her more qualified than others doesn't bother me. I am sure she can defend that statement adequately.


Shes going to be asked in the hearings. Her answers will tell the tale.

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she "has the balls" to admit that latinos make better judges than white males? I think white males make better decisions than latinos because of our richness of experience.


Good for you. Good for her. Whoopdedoo. She's got the qualifications and checks all of Obama's boxes. I'm thankful that he didn't pick a complete loon, but only an as-expected liberal-minded Justice.

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Good for you. Good for her. Whoopdedoo. She's got the qualifications and checks all of Obama's boxes. I'm thankful that he didn't pick a complete loon, but only an as-expected liberal-minded Justice.

So you don't mind that she is racist?

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she "has the balls" to admit that latinos make better judges than white males? I think white males make better decisions than latinos because of our richness of experience.


She didn't say that latinas make better judges than white males.


You, on the other hand, DID say white males make better decisions than latinos because because of our richness of experience.

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