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Obama to nominate far-left Sonia Sotomayor to SC

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Just let it go.Who cares?[not to be mean] But between him and the Dean if I took any of this seriously I would be be a incoherent basket case[see nozzlenuts and conner].



Isn't that the "status quo" for you?


The way you, and a few of your cohorts, shun education, intelligence and critical thinking, is both shocking and entertaining.

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Isn't that the "status quo" for you?


The way you, and a few of your cohorts, shun education, intelligence and critical thinking, is both shocking and entertaining.


Give it a rest......if we try to "think critically" about Obama's justice pick, we will automatically be called racists, sexists....even showing bigotry against those with diabetes, which she has. I heard shes a cyclist...I wonder if I critique her choice of Assos bibs over Pearls, the "illuminated" elites will get on me for THAT, too.

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Give it a rest......if we try to "think critically" about Obama's justice pick, we will automatically be called racists, sexists....even showing bigotry against those with diabetes, which she has. I heard shes a cyclist...I wonder if I critique her choice of Assos bibs over Pearls, the "illuminated" elites will get on me for THAT, too.



I bet Tom can do a critical analysis without sounding racist or sexist. Including sex or race in a critical evaluation doesn't automatically make one racist or sexist. The devil is in the details.

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I bet Tom can do a critical analysis without sounding racist or sexist. Including sex or race in a critical evaluation doesn't automatically make one racist or sexist. The devil is in the details.


Thats not whats coming out of a lot of pundits defending this pick.


Look...Im not even sure if I personally like the pick or not. I have reservations with her "brown people can make decisions better" nonsense and tacit approval of judicial activism. But shes a liberal....and replacing another liberal. Whats she going to do? Be MORE liberal? Whatever. But the die has been cast...youre hearing already how this pick is "ironclad" and "above critque" and some comments about the pick are already been called "sexist" or "anti-Latino." Thats crazy. Its crazy.....where the !@#$ were these people when Clarence Thomas or Atty. Gen. Gonzalez were getting ass raped by those who wanted to bring them down? She should be grilled and questioned properly. She has made some questionable statement and they need to be clarified.

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Thats not whats coming out of a lot of pundits defending this pick.


Look...Im not even sure if I personally like the pick or not. I have reservations with her "brown people can make decisions better" nonsense and tacit approval of judicial activism. But shes a liberal....and replacing another liberal. Whats she going to do? Be MORE liberal? Whatever. But the die has been cast...youre hearing already how this pick is "ironclad" and "above critque" and some comments about the pick are already been called "sexist" or "anti-Latino." Thats crazy. Its crazy.....where the !@#$ were these people when Clarence Thomas or Atty. Gen. Gonzalez were getting ass raped by those who wanted to bring them down? She should be grilled and questioned properly. She has made some questionable statement and they need to be clarified.


Your whining is kinda pathetic. I agree she should be properly grilled but you may want to read what she wrote and said since your "brown people can make decisions better" nonsense is not a good start to dispell charges of knee-jerk racism.

Perhaps use your own brain before blindly accepting the talking points.


You don't have to like that she isn't a conservative but you may want to think over your position if you don't want to appear to be another partisan extremist who uses easy labels to unfairly (and classlessly) define others.

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Thats not whats coming out of a lot of pundits defending this pick.


Look...Im not even sure if I personally like the pick or not. I have reservations with her "brown people can make decisions better" nonsense and tacit approval of judicial activism. But shes a liberal....and replacing another liberal. Whats she going to do? Be MORE liberal? Whatever. But the die has been cast...youre hearing already how this pick is "ironclad" and "above critque" and some comments about the pick are already been called "sexist" or "anti-Latino." Thats crazy. Its crazy.....where the !@#$ were these people when Clarence Thomas or Atty. Gen. Gonzalez were getting ass raped by those who wanted to bring them down? She should be grilled and questioned properly. She has made some questionable statement and they need to be clarified.


Where exactly is this "tacit judicial activism" in her actual cases and rulings? Seems to me all the complaints about her on this are from things she said away from the bench, but there doesn't seem to be much evidence of it from rulings. Often just the opposite.

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and you? are you dumb?


Can you imagine with what kind of social backgrounds a judge, daily, has to deal with? Don't you think it's important for a judge to know what kind of struggles, issues, lives the people he or she is judging may have? Does a typical white male judge from an Ivy school has any idea of what the people he judges everyday are dealing with?


Of course a latina who grew up in the Bronx has a lot more chances to understand what is really behind the cases she may have to judge than a middle class white male from a small town! It's not racism it's common sense!

Total liberal bull$h1t. Law is the law. Not to be interpreted differently for different races.

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Where exactly is this "tacit judicial activism" in her actual cases and rulings? Seems to me all the complaints about her on this are from things she said away from the bench, but there doesn't seem to be much evidence of it from rulings. Often just the opposite.



Don't confuse them with facts, Kelly. Thinking is SOOOO hard.

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Total liberal bull$h1t. Law is the law. Not to be interpreted differently for different races.


Think rationally for a moment. You know about the Dred Scott decision where the Supreme Court held that people imported into the US as slaves--and their descendants whether they were slaves or not--were not legal persons and could not be US citizens and thus could not sue in court? Don't you think that decision would be decided differently if black justices had been on the bench? Isn't it extremely likely that only a group of honkey judges with honkey biases would reach that conclusion?


Judges endeavor to be blind and fair, and they all fail in some way in this attempt. The law may be immutable--some ideal immovable rock--but real-life fart-and-pick-their-nose folk interpret and apply it. The introduction of this human element means that all of our laws (including the Constitution) live, breathe, and change.


Also, consider that for the majority of the cases before the Supreme Court, the law is not crystal clear with respect to the facts of the case. (If it was, the case wouldn't make it to the Supreme Court.) This forces the Court to interpret the (immutable) law to the best of its ability, and that's where a lot of bias comes into play.

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Think rationally for a moment. You know about the Dred Scott decision where the Supreme Court held that people imported into the US as slaves--and their descendants whether they were slaves or not--could not be US citizens and thus could not sue in court? Don't you think that decision would be decided differently if black justices had been on the bench? Isn't it extremelt likely that only a group of honkey judges with honkey biases would reach that conclusion?


Judges endeavor to be blind and fair, and they all fail in some way in this attempt. The law may be immutable--some ideal immovable rock--but people interpret it and apply it. The introduction of this human element means that all of our laws (including the Constitution) live, breathe, and change.


And the founders knew that.

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Well, let's take a look at this stuff. Empathy? Are they serious? Why would you a supreme court justice who has empathy? George HW Bush surely didn't think so when he nominated Clarence Thomas for the court and introduced him...

A 1991 quote from President George H.W. Bush discussing his Supreme Court nominee, one Clarence Thomas.


"I have followed this man's career for some time," Bush said of Thomas. "He is a delightful and warm, intelligent person who has great empathy..."


And how could a supreme court judge possibly think that their ethnic heritage could (let alone should) influence their thinking and judgment. Surely not to Supreme Court Judge nominee Samuel Alito during his confirmation...

Because when a case comes before me involving, let's say, someone who is an immigrant -- and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases -- I can't help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn't that long ago when they were in that position.




When I get a case about discrimination, I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account.



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Well, let's take a look at this stuff. Empathy? Are they serious? Why would you a supreme court justice who has empathy? George HW Bush surely didn't think so when he nominated Clarence Thomas for the court and introduced him...



And how could a supreme court judge possibly think that their ethnic heritage could (let alone should) influence their thinking and judgment. Surely not to Supreme Court Judge nominee Samuel Alito during his confirmation...





Oh snap!

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You are racist. Racist against anything Obama. Your assumption that anything and everything he does is automatically wrong disqualifies you as not being racist. And this racism is not skin color racism its red/blue racism.


If Obama is not always wrong, then come on lets see it.. list some things you like about him.


(and to you ignorant tools are are going to toss "pot calling the kettle black".. do a search, there is a lot I don't like about Obama .. even though overall I love him)


Red and blue aren't races, you friggin' nitwit.

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(and to you ignorant tools are are going to toss "pot calling the kettle black".. do a search, there is a lot I don't like about Obama .. even though overall I love him)


In my best Great Gazoo, "Hello Dum-dum."


The "pot calling the kettle black" analogy would work if you posted your list of things you like about George W. Bush and linked to the posts where you defended him.

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In my best Great Gazoo, "Hello Dum-dum."


The "pot calling the kettle black" analogy would work if you posted your list of things you like about George W. Bush and linked to the posts where you defended him.

Things Conner likes about GWB:


1) He's not president any more;

2) Every time someone criticizes Obama, he can loosely tie the criticism back to Bush (otherwise known as "six degrees of George W. Bush" or the MSNBC rule of journalism);

3) Being a drunk at Yale takes more effort than being a cokehead in Hawaii;

4) If it weren't for Bush, his pal Keith Olberman would have no material;

5) He gets to tell all his friends about the time he heckled Bush shortly after 9/11 while Bush was standing atop of pile of rubble at Ground Zero holding a bullhorn, and Conner yelled at him, "We can't hear you."

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