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Obama to nominate far-left Sonia Sotomayor to SC

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I just read about thirty of her opinions. She's not centrist. But neither is she a far-left communist. On the political spectrum, she's probably somewhere to the left of X. Benedict, but to the right of KTFABD. Bishop Hedd or PastaJoe would probably consider her conservative.

Thank goodness we have Data here to read,and analyze,thirty court opinions in 5 minutes. A non android such as myself would be reluctant to offer a opinion on 30 traffic cases in such a short period of time. By the way you are needed on the bridge-we need you to outsmart those pesky Borg.

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Thank goodness we have Data here to read,and analyze,thirty court opinions in 5 minutes. A non android such as myself would be would be reluctant to offer a opinion on 30 traffic cases in such a short period of time. By the way you are needed on the bridge-we need you to outsmart those pesky Borg.


I'm sorry that reading isn't a difficult chore for me. I'd try not to rub your face in it from now on.

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I'm sorry that reading isn't a difficult chore for me. I'd try not to rub your face in it from now on.

Very snappy comeback. Unfortunately you are mixing "reading" with "Comprehension" To offer such concrete and precise analyzes of a supreme court nominee one hour after the announcement is yes, a difficult chore for me.

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Very snappy comeback. Unfortunately you are mixing "reading" with "Comprehension" To offer such concrete and precise analyzes of a supreme court nominee one hour after the announcement is yes, a difficult chore for me.

Considering the "pool" of nominees had been narrowed to 3 for a couple of weeks, it stands to reason...

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I just read about thirty of her opinions. She's not centrist. But neither is she a far-left communist. On the political spectrum, she's probably somewhere to the left of X. Benedict, but to the right of KTFABD. Bishop Hedd or PastaJoe would probably consider her conservative.

Do I misunderstand "just"?

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Very snappy comeback. Unfortunately you are mixing "reading" with "Comprehension" To offer such concrete and precise analyzes of a supreme court nominee one hour after the announcement is yes, a difficult chore for me.


Actually, I read them in fifteen minutes. It just took me another forty-five to get around to posting.


:blink: It was closer to five hours between when first heard of the nomination and my posting here (on the news, when I woke up). It took about ten minutes to download thirty or so random decisions from the 2nd Circuit Court's web site. Another 90 minutes or so to find and read her opinions in them.


But if you have a problem with that, it's your problem, not mine. I process information quickly. You, apparently, don't. You think that makes me inferior to you, for some reason. Yeah, okay, whatever.

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Do I misunderstand "just"?


It never occurred to you that that might have meant "just finished through the course of the morning"? Did it over breakfast (as opposed to what I usually do over breakfast...which is read other sh-- that wouldn't interest you.)


Next time I'll give you a detailed breakdown of my schedule, to avoid the confusion. :blink: Reading court decisions isn't all that hard, you know.

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Actually, I read them in fifteen minutes. It just took me another forty-five to get around to posting.


:blink: It was closer to five hours between when first heard of the nomination and my posting here (on the news, when I woke up). It took about ten minutes to download thirty or so random decisions from the 2nd Circuit Court's web site. Another 90 minutes or so to find and read her opinions in them.


But if you have a problem with that, it's your problem, not mine. I process information quickly. You, apparently, don't. You think that makes me inferior to you, for some reason. Yeah, okay, whatever.

Fine, Tom if I need to calculate the orbits of Saturn's moons I will be sure to consult you. The reason I jumped into this[and I rarely do] is because you seem to have the attitude that you have decided this is a great nominee,no discussion,I crunched the numbers. Its not that black and white.Unfortunately this is a how many angels can dance on the head of a pin discussion-Obama picked her,therefore the Dem's will go zombie and vote "aye" regardless of any "questionable" opinions

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It never occurred to you that that might have meant "just finished through the course of the morning"? Did it over breakfast (as opposed to what I usually do over breakfast...which is read other sh-- that wouldn't interest you.)


Next time I'll give you a detailed breakdown of my schedule, to avoid the confusion. :w00t: Reading court decisions isn't all that hard, you know.

Be nice Tom. People from Alasska are still using dial-up and don't want to admit they couldn't download 30 cases in 5 hours or less, let alone READ them.


And you should be more sympathetic to their opinion. They probably loved Harriet Meier after all.


I think this nomination is ok - she's not that far left, just far enough to balance off the far right wingnuts Fat Tony and his sidekick Clarence, plus the other two more recent appointees (one of whom gets a semi-pass because he's a Bills fan...if he were a Bill he'd probably drop the pass).

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Be nice Tom. People from Alasska are still using dial-up and don't want to admit they couldn't download 30 cases in 5 hours or less, let alone READ them.


And you should be more sympathetic to their opinion. They probably loved Harriet Meier after all.


I think this nomination is ok - she's not that far left, just far enough to balance off the far right wingnuts Fat Tony and his sidekick Clarence, plus the other two more recent appointees (one of whom gets a semi-pass because he's a Bills fan...if he were a Bill he'd probably drop the pass).

Whats even more remarkable is we know how to spell...Even big words like one of the 50 states. Or is that 57?

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