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Jim Kelly hopes Owens is a disturbance

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TO's ego is exactly what will drive the locker room into chaos. Yes, TO wants to win but more importantly to him is that he get the glory for making it happen. He gets mad if he doesn't get his desired number of touches and the team looses but he also gets mad if the team wins without him being the central focus. His attention is not on the win or loss but how much credit he gets. He doesn't have the best intrest of the team in mind, he cares only that people notice how many plays he makes (and don't mention how many drops he has).


It would be great if the Bills had a vocal leader to lead by example and hold other players accountable for the team's results. Unfortunately TO aint that guy. With TO it's all about TO. The team is only there to give him the forum to draw attention to himself.


T.O.'s teams have never gone 0-16, never even close. Coincidentally, his worst statistical season as a professional was also his teams worst W-L record


He'll cause some problems, but he's nto going to single-handedly turn the bills into detroit. There's very little downside to bringing T.O. to the team. That is my point.

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T.O.'s teams have never gone 0-16, never even close. Coincidentally, his worst statistical season as a professional was also his teams worst W-L record


He'll cause some problems, but he's nto going to single-handedly turn the bills into detroit. There's very little downside to bringing T.O. to the team. That is my point.


I don't dispute his talent but I believe his baggage is a larger downside that his talent is an upside. When starting with a 7-9 team, his talent has to gain the team 3-4 more than his baggage throws away.


I don't want the worst to materialize but that is what I fear will happen.

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It might help to have someone who won't just accept the losing.


Then again, if TO tells the whole truth of what Jauron is once he sees it up close and personal, things could definitely get ugly. B/c many people don't like to hear the truth.


"The truth of what Jauron is?" If there is a 'truth' to Jauron that we know about it's that he's a player's coach. Perhaps to a fault. Is TO going to have a revelation about Jauron that no other player he's ever coached has had? I think that's unlikely. But hey, if you can find me some quotes from former players that have anything negative to say about Jauron I'm all ears.



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Not to make the team bad...but to cause change!




The Bills signed Owens to a one-year, $6.5 million contract, rolling the dice that he won’t be a disruptive locker room influence. So far, Owens has been a hit in Buffalo.


“People talk about how he loves to talk and everything,” Kelly said. “People say he might be a disturbance in the locker room. You know what I say? I hope he is.

I agree. I remember Kelly DEMANDING better play from his o-line. That's what this team needs badly -- leaders who are not afraid to get in the faces of their teammates now & them and demand better performance. Yes, it can be a negative distraction if overdone, but right now that kind of leadership is badly needed. I welcome TO.

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I don't dispute his talent but I believe his baggage is a larger downside that his talent is an upside. When starting with a 7-9 team, his talent has to gain the team 3-4 more than his baggage throws away.


I don't want the worst to materialize but that is what I fear will happen.

TO has only been a help to his teams. Look at his production over his career. He only dipped below 1,000 yards receiving for a full season only in his 1st, 2nd, and 4th years, which also coincided with being the only years he didn't hit double-digits in TD's.


As for the "lockerroom cancer" stuff, it has been so overblown, it's comical. Does anyone (with a brain) believe that the Cowboys are a better team without him than they were with him? Does anyone think that TO was the root of the problems with the Cowboys last year? How did the Eagles do during 2004 and during the games TO played in in 2005, versus how they played after he was suspended? And the 49'ers haven't done anything since he left.


TO won't be a problem in Buffalo this year. And if he is, it's because there are problems far greater than him. Trent better produce or he's toast. With TO, Evans, Reed, Lynch, Jackson, Rhodes, Nelson, Fine, and a decent OL, there's no reason he shouldn't have a great season. And if the offense blows, Turk will join Edwards in the unemployment line, along with the rest of the offensive coaches, Dick Jauron, and maybe even some or all of the defensive coaches.

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The only thing that matters is on the field production, the circus is fun to watch so roll with it, if he can light a fire under everyones butt :thumbsup: and make them accountable, then by all means let it be!!!, The only reason eveyone is talking about him so much is that we cant wait for the season to begin to see if the changes they've made are enough to finally get us back to the playoffs, it cant get here soon enough!, TO has been a positive influence in the first year of the teams he has played with and I expect this will be the same, so I agree with Jim Kelly, I hope he is a disturbance, because another year of

7-9 :w00t: ,and :bag: is not far off, if that happens, bring on Cowher, or Gruden, or any coach that show some emotion and tells it like it is, bring back the passion!!!

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The only thing that matters is on the field production, the circus is fun to watch so roll with it, if he can light a fire under everyones butt :thumbsup: and make them accountable, then by all means let it be!!!, The only reason eveyone is talking about him so much is that we cant wait for the season to begin to see if the changes they've made are enough to finally get us back to the playoffs, it cant get here soon enough!, TO has been a positive influence in the first year of the teams he has played with and I expect this will be the same, so I agree with Jim Kelly, I hope he is a disturbance, because another year of

7-9 :w00t: ,and :bag: is not far off, if that happens, bring on Cowher, or Gruden, or any coach that show some emotion and tells it like it is, bring back the passion!!!


Very nice use of emoticons. I agree that the forums are smoking right now because they can't wait to get some idea if we've improved or not. Let the good times roll.

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I consider it this way: T.O. is covered - if the team goes south, well, no one really expected SB for them anyway, and he can say and many might believe he had a down year because of the Bills, and he'll get another contract somewhere else. If we win, he'll be able to say he was the cause, or contributer. He can stay quiet and win any way this year. I think he's smart enough to know that.

And, if we win, he'll be the hero like he's maybe never been. If he puts up good numbers and the offense looks productive for a while, he might sign on for a few more years.

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I consider it this way: T.O. is covered - if the team goes south, well, no one really expected SB for them anyway, and he can say and many might believe he had a down year because of the Bills, and he'll get another contract somewhere else. If we win, he'll be able to say he was the cause, or contributer. He can stay quiet and win any way this year. I think he's smart enough to know that.

And, if we win, he'll be the hero like he's maybe never been. If he puts up good numbers and the offense looks productive for a while, he might sign on for a few more years.


Considering the title of this thread, do you have documented proof to back up either of these 2 statements? It sounds like both of those are based on what a reasonable person would do. That description does not fit T.O.

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I don't dispute his talent but I believe his baggage is a larger downside that his talent is an upside. When starting with a 7-9 team, his talent has to gain the team 3-4 more than his baggage throws away.


I don't want the worst to materialize but that is what I fear will happen.

When starting with a 7-9 team, if he doesn't add the extra 3-4 wins, SO WHAT. They would have done no better without him. I say let him unload ALL his baggage if the team does not win.

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ok, we'll amend that:




better now?

Yeah, that I can live with, and I'll add that we both hate the Bruins.

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Back on topic for a quick question...


What makes Jim Kelly the arbitor of all things Buffalo?


He says T.O.'s destructive personality flaws are "good" for the team but Mike Vick's past mistakes are "bad" for the team.


Before you get your flamethrowers out understand that I would be happy if neither were on the team. My question is who died and made JK pope?

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Back on topic for a quick question...


What makes Jim Kelly the arbitor of all things Buffalo?


He says T.O.'s destructive personality flaws are "good" for the team but Mike Vick's past mistakes are "bad" for the team.


Before you get your flamethrowers out understand that I would be happy if neither were on the team. My question is who died and made JK pope?

Vick wasn't a good QB, has been away from the game for several years, and now he has a lot of baggage. Again the only role I'd consider him for is a "Wildcat" formation every so often during a game, but that's about it. It wouldn't be worth all the distractions that come with signing him, though.

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Vick wasn't a good QB, has been away from the game for several years, and now he has a lot of baggage. Again the only role I'd consider him for is a "Wildcat" formation every so often during a game, but that's about it. It wouldn't be worth all the distractions that come with signing him, though.


Good points all but the point of my question is who is JK to declare one man's baggage good for the team ad another's baggage bad?

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Good points all but the point of my question is who is JK to declare one man's baggage good for the team ad another's baggage bad?


Considering TO doesn't become a "cancer" until after his first year, this year (the only year which he's currently signed to play for the Bills) shouldn't be a problem.

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Considering TO doesn't become a "cancer" until after his first year, this year (the only year which he's currently signed to play for the Bills) shouldn't be a problem.


True but in the other situations he had multi-year deals to spread his baggage dumping over. Since he only has a 1 yr deal he may feel time pressure to start dumping from the get go to make sure he dumps on everybody before the season's over. Can't leave a job half done can he?

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