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He's a convicted felon...involved in organized criminal activity for over 6 years. He didn't make a mistake...he's a scumbag who knowingly and willfully broke the law and hurt people doing it (if you think pet owners weren't hurt by him stealing, torturing, and killing their dogs, you're not smart enough to understand anything).

If Goodell lets him back in ever, the talk about cleaning up the league becomes just talk


Every seems to be on the killing an animal as not being that bad, so he isn't that bad. I am more concerned about 2 aspects myself.


1. He bankrolled, and pretty much ran a multi-state organization for illegal activities and put up a shell company to cover it. The fact he went through the trouble of the cover shows he knew he was doing illegal activity, and went through allot of trouble to hide it.


2. He didn't just kill the animals, he purposely torchered them. He killed them in slow painfully ways, just for the fun of it. I have seen allot on TV and INTERNET saying someone in the NFL is playing after Driving Drunk and killing someone, so he shouldn't be punished. While I am not condoning drunk driving, there was no plan there to kill or torchered anyone. So while killing a person is much worse than killing a dog, dint think there is a direct comparison. The WR for Panthers that hired people to kill his kids mother would be a closer comparison in my eyes.


Basically what it comes down to to me, isn't that he killed dogs. It is that he ran a criminal organization. I dint see how he can be considered a good person after doing that. Of course, most people that know serial killers say what nice people they are too.

  John Adams said:
Dogs don't have rights but there are laws against cruelty to animals, because we recognize that causing needless suffering in animals is wrong. Next.




Some dogs fight. OTher dogs are bred to fight and are taught to be violent. In comes Mike Vick. IF he'd just had 4 dogs that occasionally fought in the back yard while he was tossing the firsbee around with friends, he wouldn't be in trouble. Vick bred and trained dogs in a way that was both cruel in the rearing of the dogs and in the later fighting and punishment of the dogs. That is wrong. Next.




Irrelevant. No one suggested otherwise. Next.



A good cat is a dead cat. Next.




Responding back to #4, dogs that just run around do get locked up you ninny. Not that it's relevant to Mike Vick.


To #5, no one has crucified Vick. He broke the law. He acted despicably. He will never live the life he once had in the palm of his hands, nor should he.


If he'd done what he did to people, he'd get the chair. Instead, he did 3 years and gets a life of public scorn. That's the difference between how we punish dog vs. human crimes. Is that hard to comprehend?

a good dog is a deAd dog?...same logic NEXT!


btw cats are awesome

  SouthGeorgiaBillsFan said:
One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.




First, Vick may still have outstanding legal problems with the Commonwealth of Virgina, which may delay any return to the NFL.. After that's taken care of, I think Vick should be allowed to play


Second, I don't want him Buffalo. Dog fighting aside, I was never impressed with his skills at QB


Third, I can tell you're not a dog lover. There's a reason they're called Man's Best Friend. They become part of the family and people get very attached


It's really as simple as this stable loving rational humans don't torture living creatures period.

Animal abuse and torture is a pattern that has been proven to be a common thread in the past of serial killers.

  SouthGeorgiaBillsFan said:
One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:

........................................see below


What ever happens to dude happens, he served his time and needs to move on........just say no to DOGS.


My issue with him is that he is not clean; he is a walking herpes virus infestation. He needs to take care of himself. With all that he has been through, I hope he lost some of his inflated ego.

  Mr. Fancy Pants said:
What ever happens to dude happens, he served his time and needs to move on........just say no to DOGS.


My issue with him is that he is not clean; he is a walking herpes virus infestation. He needs to take care of himself. With all that he has been through, I hope he lost some of his inflated ego.

Some information about herpes for you.



I am confused by your post did you have plans of sleeping with him?

  SouthGeorgiaBillsFan said:
It got a new thread merely because I was tired of scrolling through page after page of previous posts looking for responses to my most recent comments.


It got a new thread because I am an idiot who doesn't care about the opinions of others and really really really think mine is more important than anyone else's




  vancityballer said:
South Georgia Bills Fan....the name says it all. he's from Vick country. The same place where the kind of backwoods crap that is dog fighting occurs. Probably has a brother-uncle too. Probably the worst post in the past two weeks.

wow you are new but come on personal insults will get you nowhere on these boards i suggest you tone it down quickly

  Mr. WEO said:
1-4 are just stupid ("dogs are dogs" and the like).


5 needs clarification before it is deemed also stupid. Is drowning, electrocuting and crushing the head of a dog the "entirely indirect" infliction of suffering? What would you consider "direct" infliction of suffering?

I agree, I found number five to be a bit misdirected shall we say. I will say again, hire Vick and i will no longer have anything to do with the Bills. I am not angry I will not be a fan of Vick, that is my freedom of choice. Thank you for stopping by.

  High on Bell said:
What is it with the south? Seriously you people should not be allowed to breed, speaking of dogs.

You have to have a license to drive a car but they will let any one breed. sad.

  SouthGeorgiaBillsFan said:
One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.




Let's see, he committed Federal crimes and was found guilty. They just don't send any common criminals to Ft. Leavenworth, KS.

He lied to Arthur Blank (Falcons Owner) and Roger Goodell (the commish) about his involvement in the dogfighting ring

He infected numerous girls with sexually transmitted diseases

He borrowed millions of dollars, lied about the purpose of why he was borrowing it, now those banks are trying to recover that money, which they will probably only see a small fraction of.


So, is Mike Vick just a guy that made 1 bad decision and all should be forgiven? HELL NO!!!!!! He's a piece of sh--, scum bag and should be banned from the NFL.

  IHFO said:
wow you are new but come on personal insults will get you nowhere on these boards i suggest you tone it down quickly


Huh? I really see nothing wrong with what he wrote. It's likely true.


  John Adams said:
A good cat is a dead cat. Next.


This is also true.

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