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  VABills said:
Wow I had no idea when I went through the sprinkler for hours on end as a kid and water was being poured on me that I was being tortured. Or everyday, I take a nice like shower, usually at least 10 minutes, I am being tortured. that's it, showered are now out-lawed according to the great messiah. No bath for you.


No, but when the bullies shoved your head in the toilet in school I bet you thought is was torture!!!

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  BillsFan-4-Ever said:
No, but when the bullies shoved your head in the toilet in school I bet you thought is was torture!!!

Me never, but I guess it explains why you and Connor think it was torture. You probably are against giving them noogies and wedgies as well.

  Steely Dan said:
Next, The Bush administrations answer to keeping us safe was to piss off the terrorists even more and make their recruiting fairly simple. Great idea there George.

Did you make this up or just parrot it?


You know what makes their recruiting easier? It is not a video of Khalid Sheik Mohammed being waterboarded. It is a video of American heads rolling down flights of stairs. And a bunch of people feeling sorry for KSM in public and in the halls of congress makes them think it will be much easier to start more heads rolling.

  VABills said:
Wow I had no idea when I went through the sprinkler for hours on end as a kid and water was being poured on me that I was being tortured. Or everyday, I take a nice like shower, usually at least 10 minutes, I am being tortured. that's it, showered are now out-lawed according to the great messiah. No bath for you.

Boy, you had a rough child hood.

  ieatcrayonz said:
Did you make this up or just parrot it?


You know what makes thier recruiting easier? It is not a video of Khalid Sheik Mohammed being waterboarded. It is a video of American heads rolling down flights of stairs. And a bunch of people feeling sorry for KSM in public and in the halls of congress makes them think it will be much easier to start more heads rolling.

He was just repeating the president's speech from yesterday. Because, y'know, we don't want to look back and point fingers. We want to move forward. Right after we're done looking back and pointing fingers.


Plus, in the article he posted, a long-time interrogator said waterboarding doesn't work as well as his technique, which no one is using, so there's your proof right there.


I'll ask again: if, as the president said, there is no overriding reason to protect the first memos, what is the overriding reason for protecting the results???






Exactly. Crickets.

  Steely Dan said:
Yes, our war record is hideous. :bag:Why should I give a :cry: about the Romans? In case you haven't heard their world domination ended many, many years ago.


No, there is more than one way to fight a war. Our enemies choose the barbaric way often. We have, until recently, been moral leaders in war and strict adherents to the Geneva Conventions.


It is harder to catch criminals when the police are forced to deal with the Constitution. I guess we should abolish the restrictions on the police because it would make catching criminals easier. :lol:

They also owned for 1,000 years. And you know how irrelevant the police comment is. C'mon Steely.

  Magox said:
Some think it helped save lives, others think that is a useless torture technique.



What do you think?

Torture is a useless method to get information- if 50% of what you get is accurate, how can you rely on it

  VABills said:
Me never, but I guess it explains why you and Connor think it was torture. You probably are against giving them noogies and wedgies as well.


Sorry dude, I was never bullied in School.


I'll have to look back, but I'm not sure I bitched about it being "torture".


Like Adam just posted...


My beef is that this "waterboarding" procedure is ineffective. If it's not working why waste the valuable time and effort.


83 times.... You'd think that after 50 times someone would get the hint that something is not going as planned!!

  Adam said:
Torture is a useless method to get information- if 50% of what you get is accurate, how can you rely on it

I hadn't considered that compelling use of mathematics. What % of the non-torture information is accurate?

  BillsFan-4-Ever said:
Sorry dude, I was never bullied in School.


I'll have to look back, but I'm not sure I bitched about it being "torture".


Like Adam just posted...


My beef is that this "waterboarding" procedure is ineffective. If it's not working why waste the valuable time and effort.


83 times.... You'd think that after 50 times someone would get the hint that something is not going as planned!!

How quickly we forget. It wasn't even a decade ago when just about everyone here in the U.S was paralyzed and afraid to travel, gather in public places and enjoy our way of life, and we absolutely demanded safety from our government. Now that the previous administration is seen as a failure it is ok to kick them in their azz on the way out and accuse them of "torturing" 3 scumbags that are responsable for killing thousands of lives. When it was obvious that they were dead set on continuing to attack the US and there were continuted threats on our homeland and overseas targets, and they weren't fessing up to their plans, Shocker! So we tried something different. You know what the definition of insanity is right? When you continue to do the same thing over and over and expect to have a different result.


I'm sorry, I don't sympathize with these guys for interrogating them in a controlled manner. In regards to it being effective or not, the CIA and counterterrorism experts seem to think otherwise.

  Adam said:
Torture is a useless method to get information- if 50% of what you get is accurate, how can you rely on it

How did you come up with that 50% number? I am 99% sure that the 50% you brought up is wrong.

  Adam said:
Torture is a useless method to get information- if 50% of what you get is accurate, how can you rely on it


If the 50% is to be believed, in a lot of cases, that's 50% more potentially vital information that you wouldn't have had. It's much easier to then take steps in finding out what is both correct/incorrect about the given information and going from there. When the information has the ability to save lives in some cases, anything you can get is much better than not having any information at all.

  Magox said:
How did you come up with that 50% number? I am 99% sure that the 50% you brought up is wrong.

I guess if it doesn't work 100% of the time you should stop. Kobe Bryant shoots less than 50% so maybe he should just stop playing basketball.

  VABills said:
I guess if it doesn't work 100% of the time you should stop. Kobe Bryant shoots less than 50% so maybe he should just stop playing basketball.

If you don't know if it is accurate, then why bother with it- there are much better ways to get actionable information without using torture. Its just that some people may enjoy torturing.......

  Adam said:
If you don't know if it is accurate, then why bother with it- there are much better ways to get actionable information without using torture. Its just that some people may enjoy torturing.......


So you're saying that U.S. forces use "torture" techniques simply because they enjoy doing it? Really? And what other ways are "much better to get actionable information" from terrorists and suspected terrorists who want absolutely nothing to do with sharing any information about their operations and counterparts?

  KnockOut30 said:
So you're saying that U.S. forces use "torture" techniques simply because they enjoy doing it? Really?

That is exactly what he is saying. Obama's campaign trail, Olberman's queefs and Maher's attempts at humour has successfully brainwashed millions of people into believing that the previous administration was actually run by the devil himself.

  Magox said:
You don't care who says it isn't torture? huh?? That's what this whole conversation is about.


I do know what waterboarding is:


In this procedure, the individual is bound securely to an inclined bench, which is approximately four feet by seven feet. The individual's feet are generally elevated. A cloth is placed over the forehead and eyes. Water is then applied to the cloth in a controlled manner. As this is done, the cloth is lowered until it covers both the nose and mouth. Once the cloth is saturated and completely covers the mouth and nose, air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds due to the presence of the cloth… During those 20 to 40 seconds, water is continuously applied from a height of twelve to twenty-four inches. After this period, the cloth is lifted, and the individual is allowed to breathe unimpeded for three or four full breaths… The procedure may then be repeated. The water is usually applied from a canteen cup or small watering can with a spout… You have… informed us that it is likely that this procedure would not last more than twenty minutes in any one application

Just like I said, water being poured on him


Do I think valuable information was obtained? absolutely!! 2 former CIA directors and counterterrorism experts and countless others have documented that it works. Not to mention it's been used for centuries, my guess is if it wasn't effective it wouldnt be used. duhhh!!??!!


If you really think that this is all a plot from George to piss off the terrorists, man, you really are gullible. Just like LA Bills said, you are watching too much Maher, Matthews and Olbermann.


Like I said, if we would subject our own troops through these interrogation techniques then I have no problem with subjecting scumbags through it. I find it odd that someone feels sympathy for these guys, but have no issues with our troops being subjected to it. wierd, or is it?



Go back and read the articles you provided? I did, and just like I said, for every person you bring up that say it isn't torture, I can provide 2 who say the opposite.


Ok, go back and re-read your post. Water is not being poured on them. It's being poured on a piece of fabric that simulates the sensation of drowning so you proved my point. You don't know what waterboarding is even after writing about it yourself.


Next, in the articles I posted the interrogator was getting a lot of good information without the technique. They then turned the interrogation over to a completely untrained interrogator. What info he got is only being reported by a group of the biggest liars in the last eight years. Cheyney could more than correct the held back release of those documents himself. Why doesn't he release the information himself?


Do you really believe that Cheyney and the others would say that no good information was garnered through torture? Think about it Brad, study it. Also, I asked if any info garnered after four years was useful in your opinion.


Next, our troops are given it to prepare them for being tortured by this method. They aren't waterboarded 183 times each to prepare them because that would be too torturous on our troops. Think about it Brad, study it.


  VABills said:
Wow I had no idea when I went through the sprinkler for hours on end as a kid and water was being poured on me that I was being tortured. Or everyday, I take a nice like shower, usually at least 10 minutes, I am being tortured. that's it, showered are now out-lawed according to the great messiah. No bath for you.


PUNCH! Once again somebody who has no clue about what waterboarding is tries to play it off as running through a sprinkler or showering.



  Dante said:
They also owned for 1,000 years. And you know how irrelevant the police comment is. C'mon Steely.


No, it's not. Normal, internationally legal, techniques were very successful before they brought in the dimwit who had zero experience in interrogation. The police were also able to thwart the terrorist plan by using, legal, wiretaps and good old shoe leather. They didn't have to torture a single soul to gain this information.



  DC Tom said:
WAR is hideous.


Our record in it is...pretty much normal, actually.


You're right war is hideous.


Our record of winning the wars is almost spotless.

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