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Memorial Day/Weekend Plans?


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Having friends over Sunday afternoon for ribs, chicken and brisket. Will start the smoker grill around midnight Saturday and monitor every 2 to 3 hours. Barbequing, beer, music and probably the annual whiffle ball game/drunkfest at the park down the street in the late afternoon.



How do you make the brisket? I kinda want to make it for my annual summer party this year but never did it before.

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We go here less than an hour drive. Great 600 acre campground on the Bay side of the Easter Shore. My wife is from Maryland so yeah we'll be eating some crabs this weekend too! :wallbash:


Enjoy your trip down to the beach. 49th st is a good location, just far enough from all the tourists but close enough to the action.

That looks like a nice place. Cool they have the charter boat right there for fishing. May think about that for a weekend in the fall when the rock are running.


The beach at 49th is great, as you said just from enough from all the hub-bub of the hotels and boardwalk, but only a five minute bike ride to get ice cream or another treat!


We usually do the beach from about 10-2, head up to the boardwalk for an ice cream or just goofing around looking at all the young ladies(for my wife I am sure it is all the college boys), and then back on the beach from 5.30 -7.30 for some surf casting and happy hour!!!


Great weekend it usually is, one in which I am fairly certain not even my tippy toes will hit that cold water

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I'm going to fly my flag in honor of the veterans that gave us what we have today.


Yep! Making my annual trek to the local Memorial Garden for ceremonies with my local chapter of the Marine Corps League. Take in a night game with the local Triple A team here, followed by fireworks and eat, drink and be merry poolside.


Happy Memorial Day, folks!

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Heading north to New jersey to visit my wifes side of the fam. They live in Belmar about 5 blocks from the shore. great time of year. Going to golf fri, sat, sun mon and hit the Yanks/Phills game. Lots of drinking and BBQing in between.

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I've been sick all week with a sinus infection which spread to my throat, chest and eyes (bacterial conjuctivitis) so I'm just hoping and praying I'll be well enough to enjoy it. Even though I've been sick as hell I've had to work all week getting my new office up and running. But it sure beats being in the hospital like Bluefire.

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