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Round Two: Iran and China from CNN

Guest RabidBillsFanVT

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

I get two different things from this article:


1. Iran is being set up for another showdown of 'back off or face war' by the US by trying to bring the uranium matter to the Security Council, once again making the UN look bad, and/or...


2. China's trade with Iran is buying off another major world power to give more opposition to US interests along with France, Germany, and Russia.


Either way, someone has to step in and tell Iran that they CANNOT be allowed to continue to do what they want with nuclear technology. It is FAR more important that we put Iran in its place in the War on Terror, and I cannot believe China thinks Iran is cooperative! That to me is a BIG joke. Iran may be betting on the insurgents to hold us back from acting, but they are sadly mistaken.



China's veto stance with respect to Iran

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I get two different things from this article:


1. Iran is being set up for another showdown of 'back off or face war' by the US by trying to bring the uranium matter to the Security Council, once again making the UN look bad, and/or...


2. China's trade with Iran is buying off another major world power to give more opposition to US interests along with France, Germany, and Russia.


Either way, someone has to step in and tell Iran that they CANNOT be allowed to continue to do what they want with nuclear technology. It is FAR more important that we put Iran in its place in the War on Terror, and I cannot believe China thinks Iran is cooperative! That to me is a BIG joke. Iran may be betting on the insurgents to hold us back from acting, but they are sadly mistaken.

China's veto stance with respect to Iran



Right...if they're working so well with the IAEA, why'd the secular government vote this past week to star enriching uranium for a bomb?


China's statement is little more than pandering to anti-American elemensts in China and the UN...and everywhere, really. But if I were Zhaoxing, I wouldn't worry about this being brought before the UNSC...they did such a bang-up job of handling Iraq for a decade, I don't see any particular reason to let them pass toothless resolutions on this.


And you also have to realize that a good chunk of Iran's nuclear program is probably based on Chinese technology. I don't know that's true, but it's a pretty safe bet.

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In regards to Iran's nuke program:

Iran is hoping China will use its veto power at the Security Council.


And then:

It signed a preliminary agreement for the export of gas to China for 25 years. It also has offered China a concession to develop oil and gas fields in the Persian Gulf.


That's one helluva' quid pro quo.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Read Revelations....China plays a part in it...America doesn't.  Maybe we are seeing the pieces placed on the final chess board?



How do you know America does not? Nobody really knows... all we can do is speculate :w00t:

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Perhaps we should then let China singlehandedly take care of North Korea and pull all our guys out of the DMZ and either bring them home or utilize them in the hunt for Al-Qaeda/stabilization of Iraq.



Not going to happen.

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Perhaps we should then let China singlehandedly take care of North Korea and pull all our guys out of the DMZ and either bring them home or utilize them in the hunt for Al-Qaeda/stabilization of Iraq.


Wrong kind of troops for the "hunt for Al Qaeda" - a portion of them would be useful in the stabilization of Iraq and quite probably are already there. We regularly deployed from Korea to other hotspots and were backfilled by stateside units.

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Wrong kind of troops for the "hunt for Al Qaeda" - a portion of them would be useful in the stabilization of Iraq and quite probably are already there.  We regularly deployed from Korea to other hotspots and were backfilled by stateside units.



No, they're the right kind of units. It says so in Revelations. <_<



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