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  Kachy said:
I just read this article. PFT is full of it. Buffalo wanted Taylor? What the. For a team that wants to win we didn't need a fossil like that.


Why not? Wasn't it pretty clear that the pass rush was beyond pathetic w/o Schobel? Why not bring in a proven pass rusher and see what he can do?


  Kachy said:
And as for Vick, I doubt the Bills would take a chance on Vick. Vick has been in jail. He has probably been lifting weights and is tougher then before. He should make a good starter for someone, but not a Bills team who is going with Edwards or Bust.

I see a lot of people saying that Vick has done his time and it's time for him to return, but who's to decide how much time one should serve for his crime? Is 2 years enough? I don't think any of us are qualified to answer that.


As for the Bills bringing him in, that's going too far. TO is one thing...he may be a self-righteous, arrogant dirtbag, but at least he didn't serve jail time. If Brandon is smart, he'll realize that bringing in Vick might turn away some of the fans that were brought back by the TO signing.

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We seem to see a lot of upside in Trent Edwards. He has a significant amount of development time under his belt with a lot to show for it. He has one prima donna in TO (who has a major upside) to deal with. Don't you think throwing Vick into the mix (and Vick is no spring chicken) would only screw things up even more?


On the other hand we are going into the season with in effect and offensive line where NO ONE is playing his regular NFL position and with two rookie gaurds. Maybe to preserve TE's life it would be worth putting Vick out there to get his brains scrambled and throw some desperation passes.

  H2o said:
C'mon guys, Vick did a prison term and could very well be a changed person. I don't know him personally so I can't speak on how the guy actually feels. To claim the guy is a complete piece of trash though is ridiculous. How many of you get up a 5:00 am to sit in a tree stand and shoot at a scared, color-blind animal running full speed trying to get away from you? You murderers :wacko: Don't try to claim that you NEED to kill the deer for food or you'll starve, seriously. How many of you have been involved in some form of seriously illegal activity that you never got caught for? Just like Jesus said when they brought the adulterous woman to him wanting to stone her, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." There's not a person on the face of this earth that can answer that bell. :P


Define 'sin' :thumbsup:


Meanwhile, I'm loosening up my throwing arm.


As for the deer reference, I say kill 'em all. They're as big as horses and dangerously stupid. There are FAR too many of them and they're a menace to society. IMO, there shouldn't be a 'season', whack 'em when you see 'em.


I don't really care one way or another about the dog fighting thing with Vick. But, because it's illegal and the Feds took the case from the state and convicted him is enough for me to keep his arrogant azz out of the NFL for good. It's a privilage, not a right, just because you're fast.

  Paup 1995MVP said:
Dude, you need to chill. What Vick did was wrong. I think we can all agree on that. But the man has served his time. Did you grow up as an African American in the rural South? Before you start getting all high and mighty and self rightious on what a horrible person Mike Vick is, compare his background to yours before you start throwing stones. I live in Atlanta, and let me tell bro there are many many people down here who still worship Mike Vick. His jersey is worn by many, and a lot of those jerseys are worn by kids.


I totally think what Michael Vick did was wrong. Does that make me hate the guy forever? No!! White society especially the media sets the morals and rules for how people are supposed to behave. Did you see any black people protesting against Vick in front of the courthouse in Virginia when he was sentenced? Not at all. In a large part of black America especially in lower income areas, in the South, dogs are not thought of with the same reverance as in all the lilly white parts of our country. And if you have half a brain, I am sure you can figure out where those feelings come from.


When people care far more about dogs than human beings, something is really frickin wrong with our society.


Sorry buddy, but when a guy is convicted of killing dogs by electrocuting & having them drowned & are raising dogs for the sole purpose of fighting them & eventually killing them, I put him in the category of scum of the earth. I would seriously drop my season tickets if they ever signed him. I do not care what neighborhood he grew up in, what color he is or what his mother gave him for lunch when he was a kid. The guy will always be a jerk in my book.

  TimGraham said:
Well, I did write it last week. It hasn't stopped PFT and Skip Bayless from promoting the Bills as a possibility.


I felt ridiculous wasting a blog entry to cross him off the Bills' list, but others don't find it so ridiculous, I guess.

Exactly what would Vick do with all of our receivers lined up in the spread? Why he would tuck the ball in and start running.


Look at his last three seasons. 38 ints, 36 fumbles, completion rate in the low 50's. Awful QB.

  Mr. WEO said:
Exactly what would Vick do with all of our receivers lined up in the spread? Why he would tuck the ball in and start running.


Look at his last three seasons. 38 ints, 36 fumbles, completion rate in the low 50's. Awful QB.


I agree with this as well. He's a convicted felon in the U.S. Federal Court system AND the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is tremendously uncommon to be convicted in 2 separate court systems for the same crime. Last person to be in the same situation? Timothy McVey, for the Oklahoma City bombings. Nice company, Michael.


Not only is he a convicted felon, but he's not even that good at football in my opinion. He's a good athlete, but not a good football player. What position would he play anyway? The administration drafted their guy 2 years ago, for better or worse. They like Trent, and where would we fit the former 1st overall pick into the equation offensively with 3 very capable running backs? I don't see the fit.


To Florio's point though, Brandon could sell this city air. He could hawk a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves. Seriously. And if he reports that we were aggressive in pursuing Taylor, I believe him. Florio will not report something that doesn't come from a legitimate source. So, I guess we'll see what happens. I have actual work to do now. I love posting on the stadium wall on the company dime!


Vick would be the ultimate "Wildcat" QB. That's the only reason I'd consider signing him. But I wouldn't pay him much.

  Blame Canada said:
Just saw this as well. He's right about them selling Vick to the fans. The Bills could sell dog sh-- for dinner and the fanbase would eat it right up.





Either the message quoted above is an amazing example of self-hate, or the most condescending piece of nastiness ever directed against the people of TSW. Maybe both.


On the specific point, this whole Vick discussion is another example of media organizations filling time. Vick gets out of jail today, so they have to blather about where he is going to go. They do not actually discuss this with any teams, but run down their list of teams they consider desperate... and hey, look, the Bills are already in the news with TO, so let's put them together! The problem is that such snap analysis ignores the fact that TO, for all of his baggage, represented an actual need for the Bills (a top receiver to match Lee Evans), whereas Vick does not bring anything in particular to the table right now, and it is extremely unlikely that the Bills would re-write their playbook for him.

  Paup 1995MVP said:
Blame the white media


Way to being race in to the argument. I know plenty of black people that don't kill dogs in their free time. What was your point again?


Florio's an asswipe needing a good flush.


(Oh, Oh. I don't want Wawrow on my case. I guess I should just say he's a fine young man...)

  SKOOBY said:
More like a key to the dog pound.



See this is why I want Vick to sign with the Browns. First time he steps out of bounds instead of diving for the TD the DOG POUND can rush the field and put that piece of sh-- out of his misery.


If he comes back the NFL should change the V on his Jersey to a D!


It would seem to me that if a team did show interest in Vick, it would be for him to be in a limited role like featured in the "WildCat".


So all this talk about what would he do in a spread offense? Is all for not.


Vick in my view was never considered a premadonna or a bad teammate or any thing of that sort. What he did was something criminal, and something that is unforgivable to many. He would definitely be a PR nightmare for a GM and a lot of damage control would have to be done.


In my view, he has paid his dues, and I don't have any problems with him returning to the NFL. He has been a proven winner everywhere he has gone in his career, he is electrifying and I wouldn't have any issues if we were to bring him in as our "wildcat" QB.

  H2o said:
C'mon guys, Vick did a prison term and could very well be a changed person. I don't know him personally so I can't speak on how the guy actually feels. To claim the guy is a complete piece of trash though is ridiculous. How many of you get up a 5:00 am to sit in a tree stand and shoot at a scared, color-blind animal running full speed trying to get away from you? You murderers :wacko: Don't try to claim that you NEED to kill the deer for food or you'll starve, seriously. How many of you have been involved in some form of seriously illegal activity that you never got caught for? Just like Jesus said when they brought the adulterous woman to him wanting to stone her, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." There's not a person on the face of this earth that can answer that bell. :thumbsup:


Do you not understand? Have you ever witnessed dog fighting? They raise the dogs to kill each other. They train them to tear each other apart. WTF does hunting have to do with training dogs to kill each other and bet on which one will win? Before you bible thump anyone of us get the facts straight. He raised and fought dogs to kill each other for a profit!


I'm not a Michael Vick fan, but those in this thread saying he stinks need to at least consider that the last season he started he threw for 20 TDS with only 12 INTS and he ran for over 1,000 yards.


As much as there is more than stats to playing QB- Vick can play.


Seriously, everyone should take a deep breath and ask what on earth did Vick accomplish as a QB besides getting on the cover of Madden? If you are going to sign a morally bankrupt player, make it a good one.




I cant help but think these rumors connecting us (or anybody else) to Vick isnt at least to some degree fabricated, or at least fanned by his agent. Vick was one of the NFL's biggest money makers before all his issues and some may see the potential for alot more money to be made if he gets back in and how would you start the process??? By creating a preceived demand for his services.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I have a computer and internet connection.

  In space no one can hear said:
I'm not a Michael Vick fan, but those in this thread saying he stinks need to at least consider that the last season he started he threw for 20 TDS with only 12 INTS and he ran for over 1,000 yards.


As much as there is more than stats to playing QB- Vick can play.

2006 - 7-9 W/L, 52.6% comp, 155 ypg passing, 64.9 ypg rushing.


Vick's career stats


He can play but can he win? He only one solid playoff season (2004). But he looks good in




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