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Looking for summer job for my neice...


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Does anyone have any leads for college student help over the summer? Her major is History and she will teach 11th grade History when finished.


she's looking for anything right now. Any leads would be appreciated. Lives in Lancaster.

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Darian Lake?


Always uptick in summer jobs at the Falls for tourism, etc...


Do they even pay above minimum? When I worked there they didn't. The cost of gas might rule that out if they pay minimum wage. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add it to her list.

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Goofing around with SDS is off limits??? I am surprised that my posts were deleted...sorry if I offended.


Have her check monster, or yahoo hot jobs or the local newspaper, burger king, wal-marts, mcdonalds, workinretail.com etc.......thats how I have been doing my job search....


again....didn't mean to offend

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how does/did darien lake avoid paying minimum wage? did you get tips? that doesn't sound right....or legal



edit...sorry, you said above minimum wage, i failed to read completely....my ex worked there, probably about the same time as you SDS, she was in college at the time...she loved it


Do they even pay above minimum? When I worked there they didn't. The cost of gas might rule that out if they pay minimum wage. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add it to her list.
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Darian Lake?


My oldest sister (she's 57) worked there when she was a teenager when all it was an ice cream parlor (where she worked) and an arcade. She also baby sat for the Synders. It's amazing for how much things change, they also stay the same.

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Do they even pay above minimum? When I worked there they didn't. The cost of gas might rule that out if they pay minimum wage. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add it to her list.


If she lives in Lancaster Darien Lake is only about a 15 minute drive. I agree working there sucks. I worked there one day when I was home from college for the summer . One day was enough, I never went back. I still cringe when I take my son there.

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Is Indian Falls lake still in business?


I'd be surprised if more than a few here went to the Glen Park amusement park and dance casino...

I used to love to play ski ball at Glen Park - 'Little' Stevie Wonder played the Casino/Inferno as a teenager.


OMFG, I am old.

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I used to love to play ski ball at Glen Park - 'Little' Stevie Wonder played the Casino/Inferno as a teenager.


OMFG, I am old.


Skee Ball was tops. A rare game that actually gave ya a decent chance for a cheesy prize. If not you got tokens to continue on.


The dance casino was popular - a hot spot for young lovers, or would-be lovers. It's a matter of speculation, how many folks became enchanted under the lights on a warm summer night there, melted in each others' eyes, and married.


Here's one of moviedom's famous scenes - the Farewell Waltz at the Candelight Club, from Waterloo Bridge (Robt. Taylor and Vivian Leigh):



Would it be that we are all so fortunate...

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Does anyone have any leads for college student help over the summer? Her major is History and she will teach 11th grade History when finished.


she's looking for anything right now. Any leads would be appreciated. Lives in Lancaster.



My wife used to do temp work over the summers. She made pretty good money. Also, I have many friends/acquaintances in the bar/restaurant business in Buffalo. Not sure if she is old enough, has any experience or wants to do that type of work, but they always hire xtra in the summer as business picks up. I can ask around if you'd like.

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Skee Ball was tops. A rare game that actually gave ya a decent chance for a cheesy prize. If not you got tokens to continue on.


The dance casino was popular - a hot spot for young lovers, or would-be lovers. It's a matter of speculation, how many folks became enchanted under the lights on a warm summer night there, melted in each others' eyes, and married.


Here's one of moviedom's famous scenes - the Farewell Waltz at the Candelight Club, from Waterloo Bridge (Robt. Taylor and Vivian Leigh):



Would it be that we are all so fortunate...

From that narrative, you could as easily be describing the Crystal Ballroom at Crystal Beach...




...or even the boat ride over aboard The Canadiana...




Anyway, just loved that skee ball - and the cheesy prizes - always tried to nab one of those token-on-a-wire thingamajigs they used when the game 'ate' your nickel.




Here's a short trailer of 'Little' Stevie Wonder around the age he would have been when he played Glen Park (mid-'60s)..,.


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My wife used to do temp work over the summers. She made pretty good money. Also, I have many friends/acquaintances in the bar/restaurant business in Buffalo. Not sure if she is old enough, has any experience or wants to do that type of work, but they always hire xtra in the summer as business picks up. I can ask around if you'd like.


I second the temp work. If she has half a brain, she already has a step ahead of the majority of temps I've worked with. It may not be as steady of work, but if she lands a good gig it could be full time and will pay more then retail. Plus, she'll get something that looks pretty good on a resume. Worst she can do is put her name in at an agency and be told there is nothing.

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From that narrative, you could as easily be describing the Crystal Ballroom at Crystal Beach...




...or even the boat ride over aboard The Canadiana...




Anyway, just loved that skee ball - and the cheesy prizes - always tried to nab one of those token-on-a-wire thingamajigs they used when the game 'ate' your nickel.




Here's a short trailer of 'Little' Stevie Wonder around the age he would have been when he played Glen Park (mid-'60s)..,.



Thanks! Nice links. :thumbsup:


Before the interstates, the NY Finger Lakes resorts and dance pavilions used to attract local folks, as well as folks around the nation. WNY, NYS used to be the hot spot.

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