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Very negative TO article

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I'm quaking in my socks.


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T.O.'s just winging it in Buffalo


Maybe he doesn't realize that, in every case, TO's trouble started after the 1st year,


Not for nothing, and I don't want to mess with TBD's newfound love for TO, but this is an often repeated "fact" that means nothing. If you bothered to look, you would notice that after each trade, TO was kept quiet ONLY by a steady diet of passes and, specifically, TD passes. Once he settled into his new team's offense after the first year, and once the passing game no longer focused on him and his needs, he began calling out, loudly, his teammates and coaches. If you guys are sure that TE will be able to give TO what he has demanded (and gotten) from McNabb and Romo this year, he may keep quiet.


Honestly, where were you guys on TO last year? Were any one of you saying, "geez, is it even possible TO would be available net year?" Or how about 2 weeks before we picked him up?


TO isn't about winning--never has been. He is about personal glory and padding his stats. If this was not true, he would still be in Philly or Dallas.

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Not for nothing, and I don't want to mess with TBD's newfound love for TO, but this is an often repeated "fact" that means nothing. If you bothered to look, you would notice that after each trade, TO was kept quiet ONLY by a steady diet of passes and, specifically, TD passes. Once he settled into his new team's offense after the first year, and once the passing game no longer focused on him and his needs, he began calling out, loudly, his teammates and coaches. If you guys are sure that TE will be able to give TO what he has demanded (and gotten) from McNabb and Romo this year, he may keep quiet.


Honestly, where were you guys on TO last year? Were any one of you saying, "geez, is it even possible TO would be available net year?" Or how about 2 weeks before we picked him up?


TO isn't about winning--never has been. He is about personal glory and padding his stats. If this was not true, he would still be in Philly or Dallas.


Agreed. But I feel the #1 reason he was kept in check was because he was going to franchises that were already very successful. When he didn't put them "over the top" as expected, he starts to throw everybody around him under the bus. I know I get a lot of grief on this board, but I really feel this situation is going to get ugly quickly. As soon as the Bills lose a few games in a row, you're going to get the typical TO press conferences. You know, the ones where he tells the reporters to check the film, he's open on every play. They're just not getting him the ball. There's only so much he can do. The QB prefers Player X over him. He can't throw the ball to himself. His QB is out of shape, puking in the huddle. This is the stuff Bills fans can expect to hear from this guy. This is the first time TO is going to a bad football team, and I see this situation getting worse as the season goes on. Seriously, if the Bills are out of playoff contention in Nov-Dec, how do you think he is going to act?

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Not for nothing, and I don't want to mess with TBD's newfound love for TO, but this is an often repeated "fact" that means nothing. If you bothered to look, you would notice that after each trade, TO was kept quiet ONLY by a steady diet of passes and, specifically, TD passes. Once he settled into his new team's offense after the first year, and once the passing game no longer focused on him and his needs, he began calling out, loudly, his teammates and coaches. If you guys are sure that TE will be able to give TO what he has demanded (and gotten) from McNabb and Romo this year, he may keep quiet.


Honestly, where were you guys on TO last year? Were any one of you saying, "geez, is it even possible TO would be available net year?" Or how about 2 weeks before we picked him up?


TO isn't about winning--never has been. He is about personal glory and padding his stats. If this was not true, he would still be in Philly or Dallas.

The only "often repeated 'fact' that means nothing" is your claim that "TO was kept quiet ONLY by a steady diet of passes, specifically, TD passes." Care to take a guess at who was the leading receiver in all categories for the Eagles in 2005, before getting suspended? And do you know how many more TD passes TO caught compared to Witten last year? The answer to the first question is...TO. The answer to the 2nd question is...6. Would you like to create new "facts," like "TO complains when he's not getting the majority of receptions, although not specifically TD passes, and while a member of the Cowboys, allegedly?"


And bad on us for not talking about getting a player who had just signed a 4-year extension with his club last year, that gave him $13M guaranteed (for what turned out to be a year). But let me be the first to start and say that man, I really hope the Bills get Albert Haynesworth next year!

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Agreed. But I feel the #1 reason he was kept in check was because he was going to franchises that were already very successful. When he didn't put them "over the top" as expected, he starts to throw everybody around him under the bus. I know I get a lot of grief on this board, but I really feel this situation is going to get ugly quickly. As soon as the Bills lose a few games in a row, you're going to get the typical TO press conferences. You know, the ones where he tells the reporters to check the film, he's open on every play. They're just not getting him the ball. There's only so much he can do. The QB prefers Player X over him. He can't throw the ball to himself. His QB is out of shape, puking in the huddle. This is the stuff Bills fans can expect to hear from this guy. This is the first time TO is going to a bad football team, and I see this situation getting worse as the season goes on. Seriously, if the Bills are out of playoff contention in Nov-Dec, how do you think he is going to act?

I blame McNabb more than anyone for the TO sideshow. I think TO was right about McNabb & McNabb TANKED it in the Super Bowl.

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Not for nothing, and I don't want to mess with TBD's newfound love for TO, but this is an often repeated "fact" that means nothing. If you bothered to look, you would notice that after each trade, TO was kept quiet ONLY by a steady diet of passes and, specifically, TD passes. Once he settled into his new team's offense after the first year, and once the passing game no longer focused on him and his needs, he began calling out, loudly, his teammates and coaches. If you guys are sure that TE will be able to give TO what he has demanded (and gotten) from McNabb and Romo this year, he may keep quiet.


Honestly, where were you guys on TO last year? Were any one of you saying, "geez, is it even possible TO would be available net year?" Or how about 2 weeks before we picked him up?


TO isn't about winning--never has been. He is about personal glory and padding his stats. If this was not true, he would still be in Philly or Dallas.

settled in to his offense means what to you? Does that infer that the OC(s) and other coaching staff, after a great year, they change their offense by design and defocus on TO? Or he simply doesn't perform as good in his 2nd season with his new team(s)?


Or is it that opposing defenses figure out how to defend against him after a single season on multiple teams? Ok, maybe in some situations, but TO delivers, year after year, sometimes higher stats than others, and of course he's clearly getting older.


The biggest intangible at work here is that TO has been seriously humbled, and he knows his clock is ticking. He likely got zippo other offers to play, and while that might have changed as training camp got nearer, the great TO going to to play for the Buffalo Bills. This is a crusher for someone with his ego, at least the ego we think we know from the media and the games.


TO: man, I'm sooo (insert your word for screwed)

Rosenhaus: I know it's bad, but hear me out

TO: I'm dead and going to hell

Rosenhaus: get yourself to B-lo and play for 1 year, $6M guaranteed

Rosenhaus: bite dat tongue, even when you wanna puke on someone, just this season - because that's all it will take for these babies to pick up their ball and go home.

TO: well, those wussies deserved it!

Rosenhaus: Of course they did!

Rosenhaus: 1 year, you will get the ball; big yards, lots of TDs - then 1 more big payout before you run that last route

TO: ya, I can do this, I can do anything for a year...


riding home from the airport courtesy of the Cloud 9 Limo Service...

TO: whoa, ain't never had anything like that, maybe this ain't gonna suck!


So, while you can quote stats all day, this coming season is an anomaly, and nobody has much of a clue of how it's going to shake out.

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I don't see the point of the ESPN article. Before TO came to Buffalo it was made clear that he was bad news. After Buffalo signed him Buffalo was lambasted by some (not all) in the media for taken a chance on TO. So everyone in the world now knows that some media people expect the TO situation to blow up in Buffalo. Nothing bad has happened yet. Are we going to get an article every week or two just to predict things will blow up, just wait and see. It gets old. For now it is time for the media to just shut up and wait or report on every little thing that TO says or does and that can get old too.


Personally I think the TO situation will work fine this year. But whatever anybody thinks just let it play out and we'll all see. We already know all about the previous teams and TO. That is really old news now.

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What people seem to be forgetting is, if TO blows up, WHO CARES? It's not like he can make things any worse. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?


That being said, TO won't be a problem for Buffalo this year. And if they sign him to an extension, probably not even later. He's worn-out his welcome and if he does it in Buffalo, his career is over.

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What people seem to be forgetting is, if TO blows up, WHO CARES? It's not like he can make things any worse. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?


That being said, TO won't be a problem for Buffalo this year. And if they sign him to an extension, probably not even later. He's worn-out his welcome and if he does it in Buffalo, his career is over.

I agree & when he feels the Buffalo LOVE, he just may want to retire a Buffalo Bill.

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Agreed. But I feel the #1 reason he was kept in check was because he was going to franchises that were already very successful. When he didn't put them "over the top" as expected, he starts to throw everybody around him under the bus. I know I get a lot of grief on this board, but I really feel this situation is going to get ugly quickly. As soon as the Bills lose a few games in a row, you're going to get the typical TO press conferences. You know, the ones where he tells the reporters to check the film, he's open on every play. They're just not getting him the ball. There's only so much he can do. The QB prefers Player X over him. He can't throw the ball to himself. His QB is out of shape, puking in the huddle. This is the stuff Bills fans can expect to hear from this guy. This is the first time TO is going to a bad football team, and I see this situation getting worse as the season goes on. Seriously, if the Bills are out of playoff contention in Nov-Dec, how do you think he is going to act?


First of all, you get a lot of grief on this board because you are a fair-weathered fan of the Patriots* trying to stir up trouble on our boards with your biased opinion and fairy tale "troubles' the Bills face.


Listen, if Trent Edwards ever starts puking in the huddle because he's nervous, I hope T.O. slaps the sh@t out of him and tells him to man up!! If we lose a game and the score sheet indicates we through to T.O. only 3 times the whole game and the tapes show him open, I hope he Chris Brown's someone in the locker room. And finally, if the Bills are out of Playoff contention in Nov.-Dec. who the hell cares how T.O. acts??? Nobody's going to be listeneing, we'll all be too busy standing outside of Dick's house ready to run his @ss...... your opinions of how things are going to go may be accurate, but did you ever stop to think that maybe some of these things are just what this team needs? You're not a Bills fan, I get it, so your education on these topics may not be up to par. BUT....if you're gonna come on a fanboard and start whispering "the sky is falling on your team..." then I suggest you take your circus of FAIL elsewhere.......

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First of all, you get a lot of grief on this board because you are a fair-weathered fan of the Patriots* trying to stir up trouble on our boards with your biased opinion and fairy tale "troubles' the Bills face.


Listen, if Trent Edwards ever starts puking in the huddle because he's nervous, I hope T.O. slaps the sh@t out of him and tells him to man up!! If we lose a game and the score sheet indicates we through to T.O. only 3 times the whole game and the tapes show him open, I hope he Chris Brown's someone in the locker room. And finally, if the Bills are out of Playoff contention in Nov.-Dec. who the hell cares how T.O. acts??? Nobody's going to be listeneing, we'll all be too busy standing outside of Dick's house ready to run his @ss...... your opinions of how things are going to go may be accurate, but did you ever stop to think that maybe some of these things are just what this team needs? You're not a Bills fan, I get it, so your education on these topics may not be up to par. BUT....if you're gonna come on a fanboard and start whispering "the sky is falling on your team..." then I suggest you take your circus of FAIL elsewhere.......

Great Post :wallbash: TO will do great things on the field for the Bills & if the Bills are out of the playoff race in Nov or Dec...........................I will look forward to TO throwing people under the bus. I would gladly get behind the wheel of that bus & run them over.

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