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Bush's Pentagon mixed Bible, intelligence memos

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Pentagon briefings no longer quote Bible

Under Bush, cover pages of daily intelligence report included verses




Associated Press


WASHINGTON - The Pentagon said Monday it no longer includes a Bible quote on the cover page of daily intelligence briefings it sends to the White House as was practice during the Bush administration.


Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said he did not know how long the Worldwide Intelligence Update cover sheets quoted from the Bible. Air Force Maj. Gen. Glen Shaffer, who was responsible for including them, retired in August 2003, according to his biography.


For a period in 2003, at least, the daily reports prepared for President George W. Bush carried quotes from the books of Psalms and Ephesians and the Gospel of Peter. At the time, the reports focused largely on the war in Iraq.


The Bible quotes apparently aimed to support Bush at a time when soldiers' deaths in Iraq were on the rise, according to the June issue of CQ magazine. But they offended at least one Muslim analyst at the Pentagon and worried other employees that the passages were inappropriate.



Oh wait it's not FOX so it can't be true!!


No Wait it is on FOX.


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The Bushies used a Bible for quotations in some documents.


The CLintonistas used Cigars to stimulate young chunky interns.



That one random statement can be followed by any other random, unrelated statement to make one non-sequitur?

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That one random statement can be followed by any other random, unrelated statement to make one non-sequitur?


Any random statement can be followed by another unrelated random statements.


And rutabagas are a root vegetable.



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That one random statement can be followed by any other random, unrelated statement to make one non-sequitur?


I was thinking more along the lines of "who gives a !@#$" as the point.


But keep digging up nonsense from the Bushies and trotting out the "we inherited this" excuse for everything.


Up next....the Bushies used regular unleaded instead of hi-test in some of the Suburbans.

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Incidentally, does this really come as a shock to anyone? The Republicans had already hijacked the Bible and all good Christians for their election campaign. Why not use the same 'tools' to build support for their war?


If they were using those "tools" to build support for the war, wouldn't they have been better used on something other than TS documents?


And I'm still not using GQ as my source for top secret leaks...though if anyone can convince me that a men's style magazine is the current standard of investigative reporting (not unlikely), I'll be more than happy to trash the mainstream media for their shallow incompetence again.

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If they were using those "tools" to build support for the war, wouldn't they have been better used on something other than TS documents?


And I'm still not using GQ as my source for top secret leaks...though if anyone can convince me that a men's style magazine is the current standard of investigative reporting (not unlikely), I'll be more than happy to trash the mainstream media for their shallow incompetence again.

By tools, I meant the Bible and Evangelical Christians. :thumbdown:


And GQ probably has at least as much journalistic integrity as most of the mainstream outlets these days.

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Incidentally, does this really come as a shock to anyone? The Republicans had already hijacked the Bible and all good Christians for their election campaign. Why not use the same 'tools' to build support for their war?


I look at it the other way that bible thumping Christians hijacked the Republican party.

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I was thinking more along the lines of "who gives a !@#$" as the point.


But keep digging up nonsense from the Bushies and trotting out the "we inherited this" excuse for everything.


Up next....the Bushies used regular unleaded instead of hi-test in some of the Suburbans.


"Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith."


Sure sounds to me like we want to "legitimize" the towel head whack jobs and their rampant jihad.


Making this about religion is probably the WORST thing the U.S. could do in the Mid-East.

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I look at it the other way that bible thumping Christians hijacked the Republican party.


If you look at how at how the GOP hijacked conservatism and dangled "morals" to the Bible thumpers, maybe it was the GOP that hijacked bible-thumpers into thinking they could trade morals for big gov't while being lied to the entire way.

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If you look at how at how the GOP hijacked conservatism and dangled "morals" to the Bible thumpers, maybe it was the GOP that hijacked bible-thumpers into thinking they could trade morals for big gov't while being lied to the entire way.

Well no schitt. Gullible simpletons who believe that government can help the nation reach a higher moral standard. Sounds eerily similar to textbook Motherment - you know, the Liberal agenda.


The GOP and bible thumpers deserve each other.

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