The Poojer Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 do any of you go and work out in work boots and jeans(and work boots)?????? if so......WHY????????
Chef Jim Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 do any of you go and work out in work boots and jeans(and work boots)?????? if so......WHY???????? Seeing I live in CA I don't think I've ever seen that. What prompts this post did one of the local farmers show up to get a workout and did he have shiit still on his workboots too?
The Poojer Posted May 18, 2009 Author Posted May 18, 2009 some guy was in shorts and workout gear and had his timberlands on...another guy had his fubu jeans, a multi-colored 'golf-style' shirt, weight belt and gloves and once again timberlands...not too many farmers here in the capital of the commonwealth... Seeing I live in CA I don't think I've ever seen that. What prompts this post did one of the local farmers show up to get a workout and did he have shiit still on his workboots too?
plenzmd1 Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 some guy was in shorts and workout gear and had his timberlands on...another guy had his fubu jeans, a multi-colored 'golf-style' shirt, weight belt and gloves and once again timberlands...not too many farmers here in the capital of the commonwealth... uhmmm, I was always told it is the Capital Of the Confederacy.
The Poojer Posted May 18, 2009 Author Posted May 18, 2009 it was...when there was a confederacy...but they lost uhmmm, I was always told it is the Capital Of the Confederacy.
plenzmd1 Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 not according to some old timers i know here. Been just a lull in the action for a bit. BTW, what gym do you go to where the village people are working out? Do they discourage women there as well?
The Poojer Posted May 18, 2009 Author Posted May 18, 2009 american family...midlo....there are women-a-plenty not according to some old timers i know here. Been just a lull in the action for a bit. BTW, what gym do you go to where the village people are working out? Do they discourage women there as well?
Southern McButterpants. Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 There's a guy who shows up every Saturday at the World Gym in Hamburg wearing jeans. I'm pretty sure he wears sneakers, but you would think after 6 months the guy could buy a pair shorts or sweats. That said, I should be careful what I wish for. . . There was a guy working out on the machines today with some tree-mendous butt cleavage How do you not feel that?
PushthePile Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 I always find it interesting to see what type of outfits that are assembled at the gym. I have changed my preferred time of working out because of the different crowds. I used to work out in the evenings but I recently started to get annoyed with the night crowd. I can't stand people that work out in groups of more than three. My gym is the meeting place of every crazy haired wannabe gangster in the area. They workout in groups of 8 and up. The attire of choice is usually something they would go downtown wearing. It is beyond annoying waiting for these kids, taking turns stroking eachother between sets. If you are wearing a button down dress shirt with jeans and a gallon of cologne at the gym, you are an azzwipe. Now I workout in the early morning before work. I much prefer to share the gym with the older crowd. I go at 5:30 and it is nothing but older people doing cardio or middle aged bodybuilders from the eighties. Even though I don't approve of tights and ripped up shirts, those guys are lifers and love to interact with young gym rats.
VABills Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 Pooj, you sure they were Timberlands and not the desert military boots? Just checking because I know a couple guys at local Army bases there. I also know a few Marines who commute up to Quantico daily from the Richmond area. Don't assume the worst. These guys train in boots and likely feel comfortable wearing them when working out. Now jeans on the other hand, I don't have a clue on.
Pete Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 I have before. I have many habits- good and bad- and working out is one of my good ones. Sometimes I don't have a change of clothes but pass a gym- and I work out in whatever I am wearing. To me it is about the workout- not trying to impress others in what I am wearing. I just throw on my Ipod and get in and out as quick as I can
Tcali Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 do any of you go and work out in work boots and jeans(and work boots)?????? if so......WHY???????? i wear cargo pants... and stylettos...well i would like to -but i chicken out and just put on the converse
The Poojer Posted May 18, 2009 Author Posted May 18, 2009 nope not military, they are the timberland style boots...i could absolutely understand combat style but these arent them Pooj, you sure they were Timberlands and not the desert military boots? Just checking because I know a couple guys at local Army bases there. I also know a few Marines who commute up to Quantico daily from the Richmond area. Don't assume the worst. These guys train in boots and likely feel comfortable wearing them when working out. Now jeans on the other hand, I don't have a clue on.
IDBillzFan Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 I just throw on my Ipod and get in and out as quick as I can My first wife had the same idea about our sex life. Pooj, I've seen this a few times in the past, and I always just figured the guys doing this were on their way out to a bar and wanted to buff up a bit before they went out.
The Poojer Posted May 18, 2009 Author Posted May 18, 2009 was 2.00 this afternoon..... My first wife had the same idea about our sex life. Pooj, I've seen this a few times in the past, and I always just figured the guys doing this were on their way out to a bar and wanted to buff up a bit before they went out.
GOBILLS78 Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Hahaha. I'd rather work out with the fools you describe than the ridiculous over-the-top-grunting fraternity.
dib Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Im wear a wet bathing suit and a towel. Someone stole all my clothes from my locker.
ExiledInIllinois Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Heck no! Well, I don't go to a gym... But I have to wear long pants and safety shoes (steel toed boots) at work... I wouldn't be caught dead with my steel toed boots on outside of work... I change just like Mr. Rogers did before and after every shift. A few people come in and leave with them on... I think that is so gay... But, not in a "gay" sense... There is nothing wrong with that. Actually, one time I did leave with them on... I went to Midway to pick up somebody that was flying in mid-day... Before 911... And that was such a hassle at the metal detector! I was actually wearing BDU pants too... They read me the riot act. Never again. Same thing with shorts in the warmer months.
Stussy109 Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 I wear the typical t-shirt, gym shorts, and sneakers. however There are numerous people who wear Jeans and actual work boots where i go. i would say 3/4 of them come straight from work, don't do any cardio, just lift and are not worried about sweating. the others do it for style and to look different, trying to pick up the ladies. Its a give away when the clothes look like they're dirty and stuff, but they smell freshly showered, with freshly styled hair.
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