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Those photos would be classified by the Chinese and Russian governments. As TSW's resident SME on classified matters, you would understand that it would be difficult to get the authorization to release such documents to foreign nationals.


I don't know any of the many other ways you speak of that the Russians and Chinese are helping the terrorists as I do not have the necessary clearance to read the intel



Let me balme the stuff I read in the news for accusing the Chinese of stealing our intelligence info and the Russians selling Iran nuke material.

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OK Dickless. Where exactly did I said Bush or for that matter Dick head Cheney censored Google. Those were your ASSumptions. Not mine.



What else did you mean by "for the past eight years", monkey-boy?

Umm.... you do realize the pentagon was ungoing a hardening at the time? You do understand that if that plane would have hit any other side they damamge and death tool would have been significantly less? You do understand that it's possible that they may have looked at publically available imagery to decide where to actually hit, seeing the ongoing construction and type of contruction on the rest of the target. You understand that not having those images may have saved US Military lives. I guess that doesn't matter since they are just military men and women.


After the long weekend let's revisit this ...


So you are saying that the bad guys hit THE only wall / side that would cause the most damage. A 5 sided building and the side that was hit was the weakest.


Is there an implication that this was a out of pure luck, or that it was planned? That the construction project public knowledge.


And lets get away from the topic that they were just military men and women. Thousands of people died in the WTC collapse.


One life is as valuable as another.

After the long weekend let's revisit this ...


So you are saying that the bad guys hit THE only wall / side that would cause the most damage. A 5 sided building and the side that was hit was the weakest.


Is there an implication that this was a out of pure luck, or that it was planned? That the construction project public knowledge.


And lets get away from the topic that they were just military men and women. Thousands of people died in the WTC collapse.


One life is as valuable as another.

I don't know let's waterboard the planners and find out.

After the long weekend let's revisit this ...


So you are saying that the bad guys hit THE only wall / side that would cause the most damage. A 5 sided building and the side that was hit was the weakest.


Is there an implication that this was a out of pure luck, or that it was planned? That the construction project public knowledge.


And lets get away from the topic that they were just military men and women. Thousands of people died in the WTC collapse.


One life is as valuable as another.



Actually, he meant to say "more", not "less". The airliner hit the newly renovated side. Any other side would have been more devastating (and as it was, they ripped down and rebuilt the outer three rings on that side. Any other side could have resulted in the whole building being lost.)


Actually, upon re-reading...he meant to say "less". Which doesn't really help his point much.

One of you two is wrong. Either it was the weakest side or a renovated "stronger" side. Which one is it?

Tom's probably right, but it wasn't what I understood at the time. Regardless, using sat images is an easy way to see things that likely would be hidden otherwise and the point of the discussion. But way to focus.

One of you two is wrong. Either it was the weakest side or a renovated "stronger" side. Which one is it?

Face it, the terrorists used google maps to make sure they hit the strongest side of the Pentagon. Dick Cheney's obfuscation of google maps would have prevented this if only Project Pixalation had been implemented on time. I blame the Mexicans hired by Cheney on the cheap. Duh.

Tom's probably right, but it wasn't what I understood at the time. Regardless, using sat images is an easy way to see things that likely would be hidden otherwise and the point of the discussion. But way to focus.


and again I will state that sat images are years old.


Look up any area where you live, and look for places with new construction. How current are those images?


I guarantee you that they are at least 2 YEARS OLD.

and again I will state that sat images are years old.


Look up any area where you live, and look for places with new construction. How current are those images?


I guarantee you that they are at least 2 YEARS OLD.

Actually do the research. Google says they try to update them every 3-5 days.

One of you two is wrong. Either it was the weakest side or a renovated "stronger" side. Which one is it?


I'm right. It was very well-covered after 9/11 that the renovation had just been completed and people were just starting to move back in to that ring that week, which is why the death toll in the Pentagon was so low.


Actually do the research. Google says they try to update them every 3-5 days.


The pictures of my neighborhood are at least two years old (construction projects started in the past two years aren't on the image), but no more than three (our truck's in our driveway, we've had it three years).

Actually do the research. Google says they try to update them every 3-5 days.

Not true. I just used Google Earth to zoom in on Honolulu and it showed an image of Obama doing a line with Moondoggie.

Not true. I just used Google Earth to zoom in on Honolulu and it showed an image of Obama doing a line with Moondoggie.




............Water shooting accross office at the speed of light..........

I need to get that flick in the queue. I increasingly feel like I'm missing something.



Great idea, and made by some really funny people...but it blows. I really wanted to like the movie, but it was pretty unwatchable, IMO. A big disappointment.

Actually do the research. Google says they try to update them every 3-5 days.

Thank You DCTom for looking at it and verifying a time lag.


VA Bills


What they (google) claim and what I view are two different things.


How much simpler can I make it for you?


PICK a place that you KNOW wasn't built 2 years ago and look at that area.


I google mapped the place where I am building my house. The community is barren fields!!!


There are currently 5 homes built in the community, 2 of them were occupied last year.


Care to explain why the maps of Northern Virginia are years out of date then?


And can verify that Yahoo is more up to date than google.


Look at this locations on both maps, enter the following

south church street, lovettsville Va 20180

and then pan to the north east


Why is there a house on Hammond Drive in the Yahoo map, BUT not on the Google map?

They are also building a new Post office on south church street to the right (east) of E Broad Way .. where is that ? Hmmm?

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