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  Max Fischer said:
How sneaky. Cheney would build a bunker at the Observatory . . . where he lives. Brilliant!


I would have thought the bunker was under the McDonald's off Connecticut Avenue. Cheney = bunker mastermind.


Uhh...I believe it was there long before VP Cheney showed up. The site has been the home of many a VP...


Do you have proof otherwise?

  stuckincincy said:
Uhh...I believe it was there long before VP Cheney showed up. The site has been the home of many a VP...


Do you have proof otherwise?


I would have assumed that, too - but Fox says:


In December 2002, neighbors complained of loud construction work being done at the Naval Observatory, which has been used as a residence by vice presidents since 1974.


The upset neighbors were sent a letter by the observatory's superintendent, calling the work "sensitive in nature" and "classified" and that it was urgent it be completed "on a highly accelerated schedule."


Residents said they believed workers were digging deep into the ground, which would support Biden's report of a secret bunker, but officials never confirmed the purpose of the work performed.


I knew one of you fox news tard's were going to post this. This is not news. This information is old. This is Fox being Fox and posting inaccurate information (as in Biden revealed no new info) and then the brainless republican lemmings just believe what they are told.




Also note how there is not one direct quote of Biden in that article. Only quotes of quotes of him. Expert reporting Fox! Just awesome. I bet Jesus would be proud.

  conner said:
I knew one of you fox news tard's were going to post this. This is not news. This information is old. This is Fox being Fox and posting inaccurate information (as in Biden revealed no new info) and then the brainless republican lemmings just believe what they are told.




Also note how there is not one direct quote of Biden in that article. Only quotes of quotes of him. Expert reporting Fox! Just awesome. I bet Jesus would be proud.


You are quite a classy, a gracious man. Not an ounce of hatred, not an ounce of condensation about you, eh? Truly liberal about the opinions of others, truly one of the superior beings, one of the Master Race...


What will you do with us brainless republican lemmings? Should we be sent to an indoctrination gulag? Will Jesus also be sentenced to same? What is your liberal plan to silence dissent, once and for all?


Tell me, tell us, what is your Final Solution?

  conner said:
I knew one of you fox news tard's were going to post this. This is not news. This information is old. This is Fox being Fox and posting inaccurate information (as in Biden revealed no new info) and then the brainless republican lemmings just believe what they are told.



So an unconfirmed article in the BBC is now the standard? I'll take that under advisement.

  conner said:
Also note how there is not one direct quote of Biden in that article. Only quotes of quotes of him. Expert reporting Fox! Just awesome. I bet Jesus would be proud.


  Alaska Darin said:
So an unconfirmed article in the BBC is now the standard? I'll take that under advisement.


credible source = reports something connor wants to hear

republican tards = reports something connor doesn't want to hear


got it?

  /dev/null said:
credible source = reports something connor wants to hear

republican tards = reports something connor doesn't want to hear


got it?

It's just as good as "they didn't get a quote directly from Biden, only credible sources who were there so the article is total B.S.". I guess I can't be asked to quote any lines from Mr. Obama's speech at ND, even though I watched it. You know, because perhaps he won't be around for a quote.


Tell me safety rules like seatbelts and bike helmets haven't allowed the tards to reproduce at staggering rates. "Idiocracy" here we come.

  Alaska Darin said:
Tell me safety rules like seatbelts and bike helmets haven't allowed the tards to reproduce at staggering rates. "Idiocracy" here we come.


I could go for a Starbucks right about now

  LABillzFan said:
I need to get that flick in the queue. I increasingly feel like I'm missing something.

Look around. You're living the movie.

  /dev/null said:
It's what plants crave

I was thinking of heading over to Costco. Wanted to get my law degree.


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is the TOTUS BTW.

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