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Harold Camping--ever hear the guy on radio?


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Predicts the world will end in MAY of 2011.--His show is actually very entertaining(in small doses) although I think the guy has a screw loose.-But have to give him credit for not being meally mouthed.He puts it right out there.


Now assuming he is right.....cough...

What would you do if you knew the world was gonna end in 2 years??

I'm sure your investment strategies would change.-But how would your priorities change?

I suppose those with terminal illnesses go through this;but even so I think they don't know the exact time and also hold out hope for a miracle.So the definiteness of it is dulled down.

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Predicts the world will end in MAY of 2011.--His show is actually very entertaining(in small doses) although I think the guy has a screw loose.-But have to give him credit for not being meally mouthed.He puts it right out there.


Now assuming he is right.....cough...

What would you do if you knew the world was gonna end in 2 years??

I'm sure your investment strategies would change.-But how would your priorities change?

I suppose those with terminal illnesses go through this;but even so I think they don't know the exact time and also hold out hope for a miracle.So the definiteness of it is dulled down.


oops move this to OTW

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I love this site, which denounces Camping.


While they don't believe Harold's views, they may be just as crazy has he is. They claim the following to be FALSE religions:










Black Muslim






Christian Science



Church of Christ



Eastern Cults



Episcopal Church






Greek Eastern Orthodox












Islamic Muslim



Jehovah Witnesses


















Moonies (Unification Church)






New Age



Pagan Mumbo-Jumbo (Yin Yang)



Pentecostal / Charismatic



Roman Catholicism



Russian Orthodox






Seventh-Day Adventist



Unitarian Universalism



United Church of Christ





Well, that pretty much covers it.

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I love this site, which denounces Camping.


While they don't believe Harold's views, they may be just as crazy has he is. They claim the following to be FALSE religions:






Well, that pretty much covers it.


Is it possible that all of these could be TRUE religions? The answer is no. So which ONE is it?

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What is the only way to believe? Is there multiple ways or things to believe in, and have them all be simultaneously true? How could that be possible?



Because many of them have very similar goals, and beliefs, but differ on what represents the best, or true, way of practicing those beliefs. There is no reason one can't believe their way is the right way, but also be open to believing other ways might be right/good/true, as well. To be so certain that your way is the ONLY way, and so disrespectful to other routes, is really not a religious belief...it is human conceit.

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Because many of them have very similar goals, and beliefs, but differ on what represents the best, or true, way of practicing those beliefs. There is no reason one can't believe their way is the right way, but also be open to believing other ways might be right/good/true, as well. To be so certain that your way is the ONLY way, and so disrespectful to other routes, is really not a religious belief...it is human conceit.

We cannot tolerate the otters! Their Science is flawed! Their answer to the Great Question is different from ours.

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We cannot tolerate the otters! Their Science is flawed! Their answer to the Great Question is different from ours.



Oh Science, help us!

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Because many of them have very similar goals, and beliefs, but differ on what represents the best, or true, way of practicing those beliefs. There is no reason one can't believe their way is the right way, but also be open to believing other ways might be right/good/true, as well. To be so certain that your way is the ONLY way, and so disrespectful to other routes, is really not a religious belief...it is human conceit.


No one is certain, but to take the position all could be true is just as ridiculous as telling someone their belief in one can't be. The notion that many of them are similar is also not true. You are correct that no one person knows for sure. But it has to be one. Anything outside of that can't be true. If it can be more than one (because they are all different, and not basically similar as you believe), than it can't be any of them.

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But it has to be one. Anything outside of that can't be true.





I think that is an extraordinarily narrow point of view. But, even if you accept that (which I do not), believing you hae the actual correct answer, is hubris of the highest order. What is wrong with respecting the conclusions of others, and acknowledging they may have the truth...even if you don't believe that to be the case?

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Science can help a little. For instance; I do believe that two things cannot occupy the same space at one time. Thus my theory that two religions that all have contradictions can't be together true.







Provided, as you don't seem to get the reference. Now, go meditate, and expand your mind, and heart!

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I think that is an extraordinarily narrow point of view. But, even if you accept that (which I do not), believing you hae the actual correct answer, is hubris of the highest order. What is wrong with respecting the conclusions of others, and acknowledging they may have the truth...even if you don't believe that to be the case?


You're right to think one thing is true is to have a narrow point of view. That is the point. To have a broad point of view on such a specific thing is irresponsible and lazy. Could you imagine the chaos if we started saying one plus one is not necessarily two if you don't believe it. The fact is that one plus one is two. It's not that you believe it to be true that makes it true.


The belief that one thing is true and the search of that is the quest, is not narrow. It's a search for the fact. I don't believe what I believe in is true because I believe it. I believe it to be true based on a broad research of facts.

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