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How do these so-called news reporters who grew up on the heels of the Nixon/Watergate scandal look at themselves in the mirror every morning? A few years ago I would laugh at Fox News and their biased slant towards the Bush administration, but they've now amazingly become the standard bearers of hard news reporting. I'm not talking about Oreilly, Hannity or Beck (they're obviously commentators/entertainers). It's not gospel, but it looks to be a real attempt at holding US Government elected officials' feet to the fire. This is the Speaker of the House, the third person in line for the Presidency, and this was not news to them? Scary. Is anyone else out there truly amazed at how far the big three networks have fallen? For me, they literally have zero credibility. They haven't had it for quite some time either.


The media spends so much energy congratulating its reporters and patting itself on the back for its investigative journalism - it makes me sick. Where is it on the matters where we need it?


Case in point: the illegal immigration debate. In recent years, it has qualified as an issue of great interest to the public. A recurring question has been: how much of our over-burdened prisons are filled with illegal aliens? How much of our public services are being consumed by them? Some activists give wildly high numbers, others say it is no worse than the population at large. The government declines to weigh in, saying it is prohibited from collecting that data.


Sounds to me that this cries for the kind of four-issue investigative story usually reserved for, say, the decade old murder of Chandra Levy. Who else is going to give us the information we need for a knowledgable debate, and break the ground on whether or not there really is an problem?


Instead we get crickets and stories about Palin's daughter and Susan Boyle's makeover. I look forward to dancing on the grave of the newspapers.

  finknottle said:
Instead we get crickets and stories about Palin's daughter and Susan Boyle's makeover. I look forward to dancing on the grave of the newspapers.


Don't get your dancing shoes ready just yet. The Gov't will just end up bailing them out too.


Wonder why they report on Bristol Palin and Susan Boyle but not on Pelosi :devil:




1 - They're NOT covering the Pelosi scandal.


2 - Keith Olbermann takes like 5 minutes and 250 words to ask a simple question.


3 - Rachel Maddow is the cure for insomnia.


4 - Olbermann/Maddow are concentrating on Bush/Cheney re: the Iraq war justification. 6 years later.


Apologies in advance to Lori and other wordsmiths who work hard at perfecting their craft of story telling and news reporting, but the Fourth Estate is dead in this country. Well, perhaps not dead, but their souls have been bought and paid for. For as much breast-beating and self castigating that they did after "blindly" following GWB's foray into Iraq and not rigorously and objectively questioning the motives and principles of that action - they seem to have quickly unlearned that painful lesson.

  PearlHowardman said:


1 - They're NOT covering the Pelosi scandal.


2 - Keith Olbermann takes like 5 minutes and 250 words to ask a simple question.


3 - Rachel Maddow is the cure for insomnia.


4 - Olbermann/Maddow are concentrating on Bush/Cheney re: the Iraq war justification. 6 years later.


It's not a scandal, that implies that she did something illegal, which she didn't. It's her word against a notetaker from the CIA, the same CIA who said Sen. Bob Graham had 4 briefings, when his records showed he had only 1, which they agreed was correct and they were mistaken.


The issue IS Bush/Cheney re: the Iraq war justification. The Pelosi topic is just a way to distract from the real issue. Cheney is taking the offensive because he knows that if there is ever a commission on his involvement and approval, he's in trouble. Put them all under oath; Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, AND Pelosi, and let's get all the facts out.

  PastaJoe said:
It's not a scandal, that implies that she did something illegal, which she didn't. It's her word against a notetaker from the CIA, the same CIA who said Sen. Bob Graham had 4 briefings, when his records showed he had only 1, which they agreed was correct and they were mistaken.


The issue IS Bush/Cheney re: the Iraq war justification. The Pelosi topic is just a way to distract from the real issue. Cheney is taking the offensive because he knows that if there is ever a commission on his involvement and approval, he's in trouble. Put them all under oath; Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, AND Pelosi, and let's get all the facts out.


:devil::w00t: :w00t:


Nice try!


I think the more the Dems push the issue the more stupid they will look. The bigger issue isn't R vs. D but about the problem where partisan politics and bankers run the country and not true politics. Alas, such real reporting would be shunned by 99% except a few.

  PearlHowardman said:


4 - Olbermann/Maddow are concentrating on Bush/Cheney re: the Iraq war justification. 6 years later.


I think you meant Maddow/Olberman concentrate on.....Bush/....Cheney

  PearlHowardman said:


1 - They're NOT covering the Pelosi scandal.


2 - Keith Olbermann takes like 5 minutes and 250 words to ask a simple question.


3 - Rachel Maddow is the cure for insomnia.


4 - Olbermann/Maddow are concentrating on Bush/Cheney re: the Iraq war justification. 6 years later.

MSNBC is owned by GE. The CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, has everything to gain from cap-and-trade as we as nationalized health care. The only thing more helpful would be if he was an economic advisor to Obama.


Oh, wait.


That's why MSNBC and NBC spend all their time pissing on the past and promoting the current administration. Immelt has a great gig going.

  LABillzFan said:
MSNBC is owned by GE. The CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, has everything to gain from cap-and-trade as we as nationalized health care. The only thing more helpful would be if he was an economic advisor to Obama.


Oh, wait.


That's why MSNBC and NBC spend all their time pissing on the past and promoting the current administration. Immelt has a great gig going.


GE is Obama's Halliburton.

  1billsfan said:


How do these so-called news reporters who grew up on the heels of the Nixon/Watergate scandal look at themselves in the mirror every morning? A few years ago I would laugh at Fox News and their biased slant towards the Bush administration, but they've now amazingly become the standard bearers of hard news reporting. I'm not talking about Oreilly, Hannity or Beck (they're obviously commentators/entertainers). It's not gospel, but it looks to be a real attempt at holding US Government elected officials' feet to the fire. This is the Speaker of the House, the third person in line for the Presidency, and this was not news to them? Scary. Is anyone else out there truly amazed at how far the big three networks have fallen? For me, they literally have zero credibility. They haven't had it for quite some time either.



even more scary is how people seem to be politically ignorant to every issue now a days. the information IS available to be had if you want to cut through all the network b.s and actually search for the real story.


anyone can blame the networks for playing to certain party lines, but everyone has to consider that these same networks that the vast majority of people rely on for "news" are owned/run by the same corporations spending billions on lobbyists in Washington.


true impartial network reporting completely died a long time ago. people need to find the real news somewhere else now a days, or get spoon fed by the corporations' jack off entertainers posing to be reporters


Remember a few years ago when having a President with personal wealth was a terrible thing, and how it meant he must be 'out of touch' with the common man?


Now, having a multi-million dollar fortune means your finances are "sound" :devil: Not "rich". Not part of the "top 1%". Just "sound".



Yup, sure is nice that we got rich of those bad millionaires like Bush and Cheney and replaced them with good millionaires like Obama and Pelosi. Makes all the difference in the world.

  Nanker said:
Apologies in advance to Lori and other wordsmiths who work hard at perfecting their craft of story telling and news reporting, but the Fourth Estate is dead in this country. Well, perhaps not dead, but their souls have been bought and paid for. For as much breast-beating and self castigating that they did after "blindly" following GWB's foray into Iraq and not rigorously and objectively questioning the motives and principles of that action - they seem to have quickly unlearned that painful lesson.


Oh, no. It's dead. Been dead for at least five years. I know, I work for a newspaper.

  LABillzFan said:
MSNBC is owned by GE. The CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, has everything to gain from cap-and-trade as we as nationalized health care. The only thing more helpful would be if he was an economic advisor to Obama.


Oh, wait.


That's why MSNBC and NBC spend all their time pissing on the past and promoting the current administration. Immelt has a great gig going.


Immelt is nothing but a far-left Marxist who has risen to his position of power through the machinations of his minions in ACORN and the labor unions.

  OwensMania said:
Immelt is nothing but a far-left Marxist who has risen to his position of power through the machinations of his minions in ACORN and the labor unions.


Ah, yes...the great GE-ACORN-Teamsters conspiracy. Goddamned bastards.

  finknottle said:
GE is Obama's Halliburton.


The weird twist is that Halliburton didn't own Fox News. I honestly don't know what's worse, a VP having major skin in a wartime supplier or a President's personal propaganda machine in the form of a major news network owned by the company that stands to gain the most via ties to the healthcare reformations and green technologies. But wait, wasn't Obama's biggest platform was that he was going to "change" the way Washington does business? The only thing that's been transparent so far is the very corrupt relationship between Obama and NBC news.


What's funny is that the Left here is saying the same about the french media "they're presidential propaganda, the toy of Sarkozy and its friends, this friend of him owns that and that company owns that....".


So according to all this people (the french left and the american right) the French media should be partisan to the Right and the US media totally in the hands of the Left...


... well so i don't understand why, as usual, when i'm fed up with those socialists of the french media i check some american mainstream media sites (like the NYT, CBS or NBC) ...

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