AlaskaDarin_Has_AIDS Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 If the Republicans want to be a viable national party again they should all take a cue from Joe the Plumber, an unabashed conservative who isn't afraid to espouse traditional conservative values and tenets while eloquently denouncing the radical, far-left, socialist, marxist, communist agenda of the Obama regime and its radical leftist apostates. Quote In the last month, same-sex marriage has become legal in Iowa and Vermont. What do you think about same-sex marriage at a state level? At a state level, it's up to them. I don't want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it's wrong. People don't understand the dictionary—it's called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It's not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do—what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we're supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing. Home run! We need more JTP and Sarah Palin and less Charlie Crist and Tom Ridge.
Adam Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 OwensMania said: If the Republicans want to be a viable national party again they should all take a cue from Joe the Plumber, an unabashed conservative who isn't afraid to espouse traditional conservative values and tenets while eloquently denouncing the radical, far-left, socialist, marxist, communist agenda of the Obama regime and its radical leftist apostates. Home run! We need more JTP and Sarah Palin and less Charlie Crist and Tom Ridge. So what your saying is that people should parrot the party line instead of thinking for themselves?
DC Tom Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Adam said: So what your saying is that people should parrot the party line instead of thinking for themselves? Dammit, you had to reply. I was hoping we'd all ignore him and he'd go away. Now he'll think we care what he posts.
Chef Jim Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 Hey dude welcome to the board. Good to see you. Now go away and never post here again you silly !@#$. Better Tom?
OCinBuffalo Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 This is what I am talking about WRT to the far-right. Yeah, let's ignore the fact that the far-left was able to BS their way into power by "voting for before voting against", are now on the verge of ruining the country trying to "save" failed ideas like Medicare and "Union Power", and instead waste our time on why we care if Mike touches Steve's pee-pee. Let me ask you this: when the inevitable increase in moral corruption, that is a direct consequence of socialism, comes to this country, and Mike is still touching Steve's pee-pee regardless, are you going to feel better knowing you "took a stand", even though that "stand" cost this country dearly, and created even MORE of the behavior you are supposedly against? With Rule #1 from Jesus being "treat others like you want to be treated" in mind, how in hell can you justify/glorify treating gay people, who you don't even know, like people who can't be around kids? Do you understand that every time you guys do this, the far-left gets to say "see, our retarded ideas are OK look at their retarded ideas"? How in the hell do you think that Gay marriage/abortion/and all the rest are more important issues than weakening this country militarily, economically, and it's citizens financially? How in the hell do you think that giving away(literally just giving it away) real power to an obvious crackpot like Nancy Pelosi is "worth" your retarded social agenda? Every single time we as a country get a chance to lay a permanent beat down on socialism and end it here once and for all, you guys turn into the moles in Whack-a-Mole. Well I hope you are happy, because I guarantee you that acting like this has created the very opposite of what you intended = far-left socialists, not real Democrats, in power. How much of your agenda do you think they will support? On the plus side, they have been doing even dumber things than your "team", so hopefully their "infallible" stupidity backfires the same as yours. Sorry fellas but I have a lot of pent up frustration with people like this and it's high time they answered some of these questions.
pBills Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 OwensMania said: If the Republicans want to be a viable national party again they should all take a cue from Joe the Plumber, an unabashed conservative who isn't afraid to espouse traditional conservative values and tenets while eloquently denouncing the radical, far-left, socialist, marxist, communist agenda of the Obama regime and its radical leftist apostates. Home run! We need more JTP and Sarah Palin and less Charlie Crist and Tom Ridge. That last statement scares me, yet I'll be thankful for it next election. Bring on Palin fever again. HAHAHAHA!!
Booster4324 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 OCinBuffalo said: (edited for conciseness) Do you understand that every time you guys do this, the far-left gets to say "see, our retarded ideas are OK look at their retarded ideas"? That was an excellent post. I mean that in all sincerity and while I will probably disagree somewhat with the politics, that is my exact gripe with Democrats. Oh and with Republicans too. Hell, I voted for Bush in 2000.
/dev/null Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 When I saw the thread title: ATTN Conservatives: Stop talking like Liberals, At least Joe the Plumber gets its (as usual) I thought.... ATTN Liberals: Stop talking like Conservatives, At least Joe the Plumber gets its (as usual) Y'all sound the same. The Lib's just don't have a media whore as well known as JTP
AlaskaDarin_Has_AIDS Posted May 16, 2009 Author Posted May 16, 2009 OCinBuffalo said: This is what I am talking about WRT to the far-right. Yeah, let's ignore the fact that the far-left was able to BS their way into power by "voting for before voting against", are now on the verge of ruining the country trying to "save" failed ideas like Medicare and "Union Power", and instead waste our time on why we care if Mike touches Steve's pee-pee. Let me ask you this: when the inevitable increase in moral corruption, that is a direct consequence of socialism, comes to this country, and Mike is still touching Steve's pee-pee regardless, are you going to feel better knowing you "took a stand", even though that "stand" cost this country dearly, and created even MORE of the behavior you are supposedly against? With Rule #1 from Jesus being "treat others like you want to be treated" in mind, how in hell can you justify/glorify treating gay people, who you don't even know, like people who can't be around kids? Do you understand that every time you guys do this, the far-left gets to say "see, our retarded ideas are OK look at their retarded ideas"? How in the hell do you think that Gay marriage/abortion/and all the rest are more important issues than weakening this country militarily, economically, and it's citizens financially? How in the hell do you think that giving away(literally just giving it away) real power to an obvious crackpot like Nancy Pelosi is "worth" your retarded social agenda? Every single time we as a country get a chance to lay a permanent beat down on socialism and end it here once and for all, you guys turn into the moles in Whack-a-Mole. Well I hope you are happy, because I guarantee you that acting like this has created the very opposite of what you intended = far-left socialists, not real Democrats, in power. How much of your agenda do you think they will support? On the plus side, they have been doing even dumber things than your "team", so hopefully their "infallible" stupidity backfires the same as yours. Sorry fellas but I have a lot of pent up frustration with people like this and it's high time they answered some of these questions. Spoken like a true RINO. I hope you realize your constant lurching to the left and betrayal of traditional conservative values and ethics has given us this socialist regime led by a Marxist from the far-left wing of the far-left of the American Democratic Socialist Party. You wanted to be France and now you're getting what you wanted!
Booster4324 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 OwensMania said: Spoken like a true RINO. I hope you realize your constant lurching to the left and betrayal of traditional conservative values and ethics has given us this socialist regime led by a Marxist from the far-left wing of the far-left of the American Democratic Socialist Party. You wanted to be France and now you're getting what you wanted! *Starts to reply, but remembers what Tom said. Welcome to ignore, just you and Skooby.
StupidNation Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 OCinBuffalo said: With Rule #1 from Jesus being "treat others like you want to be treated" in mind, how in hell can you justify/glorify treating gay people, who you don't even know, like people who can't be around kids? And Christ said to separate the goats and the sheep into Heaven or everlasting fire, that He came to bring the sword not peace, and you pretend to know the will of God? Maybe you forget St. Paul's admonition that those who do not follow Christian ethics we shouldn't have in our company, but to always preach the truth in and out of season. Listen, I'm not a preacher, but your 2 cent theology is laughable and ridiculous. A cursory examination of the gospels and patristic writers are completely against your position. Quote Do you understand that every time you guys do this, the far-left gets to say "see, our retarded ideas are OK look at their retarded ideas"? How in the hell do you think that Gay marriage/abortion/and all the rest are more important issues than weakening this country militarily, economically, and it's citizens financially? They are essentially birds of the same feather. That's the problem and why you just don't "get it". All of today's problems are reducible at some some level to personal responsibility which is imposed by the natural and objective laws of man. Take away those laws you lose a connection to reality, and eventually personal responsibility. I know you can't see this, but come on now... what do you think is really the cause of these issues? Do you really just think that all of motherment comes from people going to college and being exposed to Marx and it just makes complete sense, and that the myriad of welfare recipients who will never be productive got that way because of grade B milk and bad playgrounds? When people complain about motherment or such and such gov't program they are complaining about personal responsibility. They expect others to agree with them because it "makes sense", but without a principle to stand on how do you expect others to reasonably understand you? The true divide of this country is not spending, but objective truth and laws. Throw that away and minimize it and you are part of the problem, not the solution.
StupidNation Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 BTW, I'm not agreeing with the original poster either. The entire idea that Palin and JTP are a litmus test of conservatism is laughable and silly. Owens, you would be wise to study Robert Taft and Davy Crockett's conservatism, not Palin or JTP.
Gene Frenkle Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 StupidNation said: Maybe you forget St. Paul's admonition that those who do not follow Christian ethics we shouldn't have in our company, but to always preach the truth in and out of season. Religion is so cultish. Separate yourself from all outsiders, anyone who doesn't agree with you.
The Dean Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 OwensMania said: If the Republicans want to be a viable national party again they should all take a cue from Joe the Plumber, an unabashed conservative who isn't afraid to espouse traditional conservative values and tenets while eloquently :w00t: I had to stop here. Joe is anything but eloquent.
ExiledInIllinois Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 StupidNation said: They are essentially birds of the same feather. That's the problem and why you just don't "get it". All of today's problems are reducible at some some level to personal responsibility which is imposed by the natural and objective laws of man. Take away those laws you lose a connection to reality, and eventually personal responsibility. I know you can't see this, but come on now... what do you think is really the cause of these issues? Do you really just think that all of motherment comes from people going to college and being exposed to Marx and it just makes complete sense, and that the myriad of welfare recipients who will never be productive got that way because of grade B milk and bad playgrounds? When people complain about motherment or such and such gov't program they are complaining about personal responsibility. They expect others to agree with them because it "makes sense", but without a principle to stand on how do you expect others to reasonably understand you? The true divide of this country is not spending, but objective truth and laws. Throw that away and minimize it and you are part of the problem, not the solution. I am as liberal and "socialist" as all get up... But what he say above, I would like to see somebody rebutt this. The only thing that I have heartburn with is the use of "natural" (blue).
ExiledInIllinois Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 Gene Frenkle said: Religion is so cultish. Separate yourself from all outsiders, anyone who doesn't agree with you. No. Anything but. I find myself NOT separating from outsiders... But embracing them. Even if someone can't live within a set of standards laid out, there is no reason why one has to separate from them. Of course the people who can't accept those standards have made certain choices and understand the consequences and personal responsibility that comes with making those choices.
AlaskaDarin_Has_AIDS Posted May 17, 2009 Author Posted May 17, 2009 Booster4324 said: *Starts to reply, but remembers what Tom said. Welcome to ignore, just you and Skooby. Keep pretending that I give a sh-- about your opinion of me. StupidNation said: BTW, I'm not agreeing with the original poster either. The entire idea that Palin and JTP are a litmus test of conservatism is laughable and silly. Owens, you would be wise to study Robert Taft and Davy Crockett's conservatism, not Palin or JTP. Sarah Palin AND Joe the Plumber are the only 2 REAL conservatives carrying the torch for conservatism. The Dean said: :w00t: I had to stop here. Joe is anything but eloquent. Dead wrong.
Alaska Darin Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 ExiledInIllinois said: No. Anything but. I find myself NOT separating from outsiders... But embracing them.
The Dean Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 OwensMania said: Sarah Palin AND Joe the Plumber are the only 2 REAL conservatives carrying the torch for conservatism. Dead wrong. Well, then conservatism is doomed, if that is the case. I hope that isn't true, as there are very important elements to conservatism that should have an intelligent voice. It would be horrible to think the future of the movement is in the hands of these two half-wits. If you want to drive a stake through the heart of conservatism, and the Republican party, put these two in charge. Fortunately, there are intelligent, compassionate and well-spoken conservatives who will carry on the cause. Hopefully they will clean their house of these reactionary media whores. Here is "Mr. Eloquent" in action (in a very friendly interview):
OCinBuffalo Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 OwensMania said: Spoken like a true RINO. I hope you realize your constant lurching to the left and betrayal of traditional conservative values and ethics has given us this socialist regime led by a Marxist from the far-left wing of the far-left of the American Democratic Socialist Party. You wanted to be France and now you're getting what you wanted! This would matter, if I was a Republican, but I'm not, so you can blow the RINO out your azz. I am difficult for party hacks on both sides to deal with, because I demand that they deal in concepts that are difficult for their affected brains to grasp: Common Sense, Logic, Accountability, Permanent Solutions, No un-intended consequences, no make-work "jobs for votes" corruption, no phony science, no phony "charity" hiding real contempt, and especially no fake religious piety cloaking hatred for those whose only crime is that they are different. I also don't suffer fools very well, as evidenced by the tone of my post above. Let's see how foolish you are. How about you explain to me how overtly hating(what else should we call it?) gay people, instead of merely hating what you consider to be a sin, and every other sin, helps your party, when the far-left uses it to make you into boogey-men? In return, I will explain how and why the far-left agenda of forcing gay marriage on people backfired so massively. I am still astounded by their stupidity. Stupidity is a choice, and they made some incredibly dumb choices for a group of people who love to think of themselves as "smart".
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