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Ask Tim Graham, version 2.0


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I like a good fireworks show after a baseball game. The one the Philharmonic puts on after the Bisons game is spectacular.

Only trouble is, you have to buy a ticket to a Bisons game to get in ... ;)


Even though it was definitely jacket weather on Friday night, the BPO and the fireworks crew did their usual outstanding job. The Bisons, well ... they lost, of course, but at least the game didn't run past 9 p.m. So that was good, too.

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Tim: What is the latest with Marshawn Lynch's appeal of his three game suspension? It seems that "All is Quiet on the Western (NY) Front."

Is the Commish waiting for preseason to begin? In the past, such as last season with Brandon Marshall, does he wait until the preseason is over but the regular season has yet to start? I can't recall exactly when Marshall's suspension was reduced to one game but I thought it was right around that time period.

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Well, the commish is kind of busy right now -- he summitted Mount Rainier today, along with Seahawks coach Jim Mora, Jr. -- so it might be a few days yet.


Also FWIW, for those of you who don't read the blog (for shame!), Tim's on vacation. No chats or mailbags on ESPN for the next three weeks, while the Grahams officially pack up and flee the sweltering South (weather.com sez it's 87 lovely degrees in Miami right now) to return to a place with actual football weather.


So ... depending on how things go with that, he may or may not have much free time to hang out here. And once they get to Ohio, I'm not sure whether his 21st-century intarweb technology even works in Amishland ...

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So ... depending on how things go with that, he may or may not have much free time to hang out here. And once they get to Ohio, I'm not sure whether his 21st-century intarweb technology even works in Amishland ...


Hey now... :pirate:

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Hey now... :lol:



(I'm actually not kidding. My uncle owns a farm in that part of the state, and I end up using AOL dial-up when I visit them ...)

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Well, the commish is kind of busy right now -- he summitted Mount Rainier today, along with Seahawks coach Jim Mora, Jr. -- so it might be a few days yet.


Also FWIW, for those of you who don't read the blog (for shame!), Tim's on vacation. No chats or mailbags on ESPN for the next three weeks, while the Grahams officially pack up and flee the sweltering South (weather.com sez it's 87 lovely degrees in Miami right now) to return to a place with actual football weather.


So ... depending on how things go with that, he may or may not have much free time to hang out here. And once they get to Ohio, I'm not sure whether his 21st-century intarweb technology even works in Amishland ...

Thanks, Lori! I do read his blog but didn't notice he was off for 3 weeks. It seems someone there is updating his content. As for the Goodell question, I was just wondering, in general, when the Commish announces a decision on appeals. Good thing he makes $10,000,000/year and can climb mountains! I wish I had that job!

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Where the heck is Graham? Bastards gone and left us already. :lol:

Chillax. Big move's only a couple of days away, and last I knew, he was still looking for a place in B-lo. He'll be back.

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Tim, as you can see from our marathon thread below on the Pats and cheating, which went for 12 pages and counting, many folks a year later haven't forgiven or forgotten Spygate.


If you're still reading, what say you to an article on fans of other teams' perception of the Pats and Spygate, etc. a year later? For ex., giving some of the folks here who think they cheated more than has been let on a voice in the mainstream media. Perception may not be reality, but sometimes perception alone (whether it be correct or not) can be the story. I suspect (in fact, I know, since I did it myself last year and saw a thread on a Steelers board just yesterday that brought this up as well) that if you poll fans of other teams you'll find that the folks here writing in the Pats thread are not the only ones who smell something rotten in Denmark when it comes to Spygate and New England more generally. I'd be curious whether ESPN (and the League) would take kindly to opening that back up, or whether that's something they just want the lid to stay on as tightly as possible.....

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(I'm actually not kidding. My uncle owns a farm in that part of the state, and I end up using AOL dial-up when I visit them ...)



I had to use dial up when visiting my parents ... just to try to get email from work .... It was so painful that I drove 40 minutes away to use broadband connection at my Aunt and Uncle's house (also a nice visit). Thank the lord that my dad finally got broadband so visits are a little less stone ageish.

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Hey Tim,


I read you blog that you posted today- Interconference matchups: AFC East/NFC South. I found it very interesting . most of the match ups you mentioned should be fun to watch.


The first factor that you listed was freddy and rhodes filling in for marshawn. any chance we have marshawn for atleast one of the home games against the saints and or bucs?

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Hey Tim what is Trent Edwards rep around the league? How do other teams coaching staffs and high profile scouts view Trent? Do they feel that Trent's high completion percentage and low INT total are a product of smart decision making or more conducive to him playing more cautiously?


I feel that any good QB needs to have 5 things. 1- Accuracy very few good QB's have below 60% completion percentages.

2- Low INT totals because turnover diff is huge in the NFL 3- Scoring TD's 4- Playing well in clutch moments and 5- Staying Healthy.


Trent has the first 2 and has shown signs of number 4. But 3 and 5 he still needs to prove and 4 he needs to prove on a high level. Do other teams feel he is a legit QB or is he not respected around the league?

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Short update: the Graham family made it to Ohio without major incident. Still looking for a place in Buffalo, but at least the commute's a few hundred miles shorter now. He'll be in Pittsford watching the Bills next weekend (at which point he'll probably start hanging out online again, but that's just my guess), then hit a couple of other teams' camps before heading to Canton.

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