TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Shame on me for asking the kinds of questions that would elicit what you'd like for him to say, especially since he has a track record for saying those types of things ... Interesting take. shoveldog said: Tim, I'm with Cable Lady on this one... BOOO! To me, the media types DO look like they are trying to goad T.O. into throwing someone under the bus. Frankly, I wish he would!! You seem like a reasonable guy and I'm sure your questions are well intended, but there are plenty of jounalistic idiots out there looking for sensational headlines. T.O. is a guy with a past. To me, T.O. comes off in this whole thing looking like a guy who knows he's had trouble keeping his mouth shut on controversial issues in the past and is trying to correct those mistakes now... even if he really wants to scream "THIS SUCKS" at the top of his lungs. Shame on you Tim, I've come to expect more objectivity from you.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 This is all he had to do three days ago: http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...tion-with-media Notice how many comments his quotes generated at the bottom of the blog? 10 as of this post. The column I wrote about his behavior after the game generated 600 comments within 24 hours. So you can't play "no matter what he says it will get blown out of proportion" card. He said a bunch of insightful stuff Wednesday that was accepted at face value. He could have done that Sunday. thebandit27 said: I understand your frustration regardint TO, Tim, and I would tend to take your word for the situation since you're closer to the situation than I am. However, I have one question: If TO had said what Lee Evans did regarding the need to take shots/missed opportunities, etc., how would that preclude some in the media from trumpeting that he was throwing his QB and coaches under the bus? In the past, when TO has said such things, he's been ripped in the media, so--in my opinion--it's not difficult to understand where he's coming from.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 dave mcbride said: If I faced the questions that Sullivan offered and I knew (as TO surely does) the motive behind Sullivan's questioning, I'd have responded in exactly the same way. Why doesn't the media call Sullivan out? He appears to be the most read columnist in the area, but he does no reporting (good columnists do) and is simply gushing with negativity. Yes, the Bills stink, but his negative vibe is of a different order -- above and beyond what the situation calls for. Sullivan's column was sympathetic to Owens and the fans who paid to watch him. That fact alone defuses your theory. Sully had no "motive."
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Hi, jreed. I've been responding to the comments on my blog for a day now. You're allowed to communicate with me there, too. I get paid to spend time on ESPN.com. I come here when I can. jreed82 said: it's dead because Tim is taking heat and doesn't know how to respond. the article was amateur material and I am assuming we won't hear from him.
billsrcursed Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Tim, sorry to hear your house isn't ready yet. I can sympathize with your situation. It's quite frustrating, but in the end it'll be worth the wait, I'm sure. Concerning this TO issue, I'm fairly certain had it been any other Bills player, this would not be as big a deal as it has turned into. It was a frustrated player after a bad loss who didn't want to answer questions. Were people fishing, sure. But I think TO brought that on himself, if for no other reason, because he's an interesting figure who has been known in the past for creating great pieces to report about. I don't see the problem.... Keep on fighting the good fight, and good on you for coming here to face some of these posts. It shows your character.
thebandit27 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: This is all he had to do three days ago: http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...tion-with-media Notice how many comments his quotes generated at the bottom of the blog? 10 as of this post. The column I wrote about his behavior after the game generated 600 comments within 24 hours. So you can't play "no matter what he says it will get blown out of proportion" card. He said a bunch of insightful stuff Wednesday that was accepted at face value. He could have done that Sunday. I appreciate the response, Tim, but I didn't say that. I simply attempted to point out that, in the past, TO has made comments similar to those made by Evans on Sunday--and that such comments have landed him in hot water. Now I'll stipulate that he brought most of that reaction upon himself by earning a reputation for bashing teammates, but nevertheless he's often taken to task for similar remarks. My only relevant point on the subject is that--given such past occurrences--I can understand why TO would behave the way he did on Sunday. I'm not condoning kicking open doors or being dismissive with people trying to do their jobs, but I am saying that I understand him being careful about not speaking out in frustration given his past squabbles with with teammates due to his comments to the media. As a side note: I saw another poster (somewhere) make an interesting comment--why does the NFL choose to enforce the "every player must be available to the media" rule with regard to TO, but no such action was taken last season when Marshawn Lynch refused to speak with the media repeatedly? Do you have any insight on that? Just seems odd to me. Perhaps the NFL was being more careful with a younger, less-media-aware player like Lynch? Any input you have would be appreciated.
Dan Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: Owens' tone was combative from the start. He kicked the door open and then kept giving snide responses right off the bat. I don't recall all the questions, but the first two were about his streak coming to an end and the Bills scoring only 7 points. Those are the two most obvious questions I can think of. We were asking a football player football questions after a football game. Nobody got personal. Dick Jauron news conferences are much more heated than what Owens went through. This whole "you bullied T.O." theme is silly. How about the Larry Quinn news conference after they lost Briere and Drury? What T.O. faced on Sunday was ordinary by comparison. On the scale of 1-10 for intense news conferences I've attended, this was a 6. I'm sure T.O. averaged an 8 in Dallas. I think this whole topic has just about been played, so I hesitated to even post again on it. However, just wanted to be clear... my grievance was with the idea that TO (or any athlete) has an obligation to us (the fans) or the media to answer questions and tell us their opinions on the game. It seems that's at the root of most of this "mess". TO didn't want to speak to the press, some took that as an offense, the league stepped in, we all got a neat press meeting out of it, then the storm ensued. IMO, I would rather the players focus on playing and not talking. Perhaps that's just me. I agree though, I don't think the line of questioning was particularly heinous and TO certainly added to the melodrama with his attitude. But, hey, we all hoped/wanted TO to bring some excitement to the team, right? Well, we're getting it. I find it quite facinating that one individual can be so polarizing, so easily. When has a player said so little yet created such impassioned opinions? Perhaps there's already just a lot of deep seated angst among Bills fans and TO is just the final degree needed to bring it to a boil? Either way, at least we get something to talk about other than the boring, uninspired play on the field. Again, thanks for all your efforts here and in covering the best team in all of sports (by that I mean the Bills just to avoid potential confusion ).
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I didn't mean "you" specifically. The "refuse to speak" deal is after games. Lynch spoke after games when somebody interviewed him. The local media stopped interviewing him because they got sick of dealing with him. But he speak when approached after games. I talked to him in Miami last year. thebandit27 said: I appreciate the response, Tim, but I didn't say that. I simply attempted to point out that, in the past, TO has made comments similar to those made by Evans on Sunday--and that such comments have landed him in hot water. Now I'll stipulate that he brought most of that reaction upon himself by earning a reputation for bashing teammates, but nevertheless he's often taken to task for similar remarks. My only relevant point on the subject is that--given such past occurrences--I can understand why TO would behave the way he did on Sunday. I'm not condoning kicking open doors or being dismissive with people trying to do their jobs, but I am saying that I understand him being careful about not speaking out in frustration given his past squabbles with with teammates due to his comments to the media. As a side note: I saw another poster (somewhere) make an interesting comment--why does the NFL choose to enforce the "every player must be available to the media" rule with regard to TO, but no such action was taken last season when Marshawn Lynch refused to speak with the media repeatedly? Do you have any insight on that? Just seems odd to me. Perhaps the NFL was being more careful with a younger, less-media-aware player like Lynch? Any input you have would be appreciated.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Dan said: I think this whole topic has just about been played, so I hesitated to even post again on it. However, just wanted to be clear... Thanks for the kind words, Dan. But what struck me (and I agree) is your statement that this has just about been played. I wrote the column less than two days ago and, despite the fury, everybody has moved on to something else. It's a fast-food world ... and don't blame McDonald's for making people buy their french fries.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I think you have hit on something there. I get the sense that Bills fans -- deep down -- know Owens isn't a Bill. He's not supposed to be here. This isn't the type of player the Bills historically employ. This isn't the type of team Owens has played for. He's a short-timer, a one and done. He's still considered an unknown in regard to the Bills and by the time most of us get a handle on what he's about he'll be gone. Wilson, Brandon, Jauron, Edwards, Lynch ... THEY'RE Bills and, therefore, part of the problem. T.O. is not a Bill. I think we've accidentally hit on a very intriguing point. Union2008 said: Tim, Again, much respect for coming on to face the comments. Not entirely sure I would have the same endurance to deal with some of the baiting posts at 2 am in the morning. Though I disagree with you on this point, I can empathize with the media to a degree. Fair on or unfair, you guys deal with these people on a daily basis for years on end. I'm sure that the temperaments of a lot of these players are much more blatant to you guys than they are to us. Its not natural to become fed up over a period of time. My main complaint with the TO situation now and going forward is just this: TO is TO and that will never change. You can either be righteous about it or accept it. I don't mean to say that it is proper to accept the obnoxious shortcomings of people. But at least with TO, it does not take a brain surgeon to understand that the guy is TRYING. You can see him in those interviews literally FIGHTING with himself to not go off on his coach, teammates, the media. I will given anyone credit for trying. Does he look like a little kid trying not to yell at his mother for taking away the TV? Yes! But, at least he is trying. I honestly think the reason Bills fans are coming to TO's defense in such large numbers is for one HUGE reason that is not really discussed, but always implied: WE CAN RELATE TO HIS FRUSTRATIONS! We see ourselves on TOs face when he is disappointed, angry, fed up, obnoxious, and flat out SHOCKED at the dysfunction of the Bills. I think that is why he gets away with it.
thebandit27 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: I didn't mean "you" specifically. The "refuse to speak" deal is after games. Lynch spoke after games when somebody interviewed him. The local media stopped interviewing him because they got sick of dealing with him. But he speak when approached after games. I talked to him in Miami last year. Gotcha, guess I read the original response wrong...thanks for taking the time to clarify. Regarding Lynch, I guess either I missed the occasions on which he did comment or he said nothing of note (which I guess would indicate why the local guys stopped interviewing him). Oh and congrats on the house.
GG Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: I think you have hit on something there. I get the sense that Bills fans -- deep down -- know Owens isn't a Bill. He's not supposed to be here. This isn't the type of player the Bills historically employ. This isn't the type of team Owens has played for. He's a short-timer, a one and done. He's still considered an unknown in regard to the Bills and by the time most of us get a handle on what he's about he'll be gone. Wilson, Brandon, Jauron, Edwards, Lynch ... THEY'RE Bills and, therefore, part of the problem. T.O. is not a Bill. I think we've accidentally hit on a very intriguing point. 100% correct and this is the story. You can definitely sense the frustration in TO, evidenced by his appearance & demeanor on Sunday evening. If you ask him off the record if he regrets agreeing to join the Bills so soon after getting dumped in Dallas, the answer would be a resounding yes. No one for a minute buys that he didn't care about his record. You alluded to that on your ESPN Radio spot on Monday evening. Everything TO is doing is to paint himself in a good light for his employer next year. We see that and recognize that. True fans' hope was that his combative nature would somehow infiltrate Milquetoast's locker room. We were wrong, the result has been the opposite. But, we also see the transparent attempts by the questioners on Sunday to prod the bull to provide good copy for Monday.
BUFFALOTONE Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: I think you have hit on something there. I get the sense that Bills fans -- deep down -- know Owens isn't a Bill. He's not supposed to be here. This isn't the type of player the Bills historically employ. This isn't the type of team Owens has played for. He's a short-timer, a one and done. He's still considered an unknown in regard to the Bills and by the time most of us get a handle on what he's about he'll be gone. Wilson, Brandon, Jauron, Edwards, Lynch ... THEY'RE Bills and, therefore, part of the problem. T.O. is not a Bill. I think we've accidentally hit on a very intriguing point. Dude, I said this on Page 45. Owens is Mr. Right Now. He doesn't want to be here, he took the money because Buffalo is the only one that offered it and had he sat out a year his career would have been pretty much over. We have to get out of the 90's mentality for a second. Those guys are pretty much ghosts. Yeah Kelly will stalks the sidelines from time to time but the reality is guys like that come along once in a life time (Bill Polian). We all new he circus T.O. would bring and mocked it openly when he wasn't a BILL. All if the the sudden now he's a Bill and it all changes and the worst part is we take offense to it. And Owens does have some gripe but his past actions out weigh any no comment, or answering with "just goin with what's called". Can you blame these guys for trying to get him to say something they can actually right? I enjoy having him here. At least every time I throw on ESPN the Bills get mentioned.
BUFFALOTONE Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 GG said: 100% correct and this is the story. You can definitely sense the frustration in TO, evidenced by his appearance & demeanor on Sunday evening. If you ask him off the record if he regrets agreeing to join the Bills so soon after getting dumped in Dallas, the answer would be a resounding yes. No one for a minute buys that he didn't care about his record. You alluded to that on your ESPN Radio spot on Monday evening. Everything TO is doing is to paint himself in a good light for his employer next year. We see that and recognize that. True fans' hope was that his combative nature would somehow infiltrate Milquetoast's locker room. We were wrong, the result has been the opposite. But, we also see the transparent attempts by the questioners on Sunday to prod the bull to provide good copy for Monday. Good post. Agree 100%. Adding T.O. didn't fix anything. That was just 1 of the problems we had. We are going in the right direction but at a snails pace. Jauron is what keep this team from continuous success. We all know that. Enjoy what you have now with the Bills because its going to get a lot worse when they have to rebuild.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 GG said: 100% correct and this is the story. You can definitely sense the frustration in TO, evidenced by his appearance & demeanor on Sunday evening. If you ask him off the record if he regrets agreeing to join the Bills so soon after getting dumped in Dallas, the answer would be a resounding yes. No one for a minute buys that he didn't care about his record. You alluded to that on your ESPN Radio spot on Monday evening. Everything TO is doing is to paint himself in a good light for his employer next year. We see that and recognize that. True fans' hope was that his combative nature would somehow infiltrate Milquetoast's locker room. We were wrong, the result has been the opposite. But, we also see the transparent attempts by the questioners on Sunday to prod the bull to provide good copy for Monday. Whoa, whoa, whoa ... So then what's the problem? You want him to speak out about the Bills' problems, but we're not supposed to ask him about it when it's obvious that's what he's thinking but refusing to say? The media is supposed to ask the questions the fans want answered. Based on your comments, we did just that.
GG Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: Whoa, whoa, whoa ... So then what's the problem? You want him to speak out about the Bills' problems, but we're not supposed to ask him about it when it's obvious that's what he's thinking but refusing to say? No, you are supposed to ask him about it. But don't throw a hissy fit in return for his hissy fit. TO is a classic media darling because the two sides feed off one another. Your point about Marshawn is very appropriate. He didn't want to talk, you guys got tired of his act and walked away. Not so with TO, because he feeds off you and you feed off him. It's far easier to dump Lynch into the ignore corner. Most of the complaints about your article focused on the point that TO's opinion needs to be heard. No it doesn't, because his opinion is obvious, but would serve very little purpose when he recognizes that he needs to spend his next four months in purgatory running the plays that are called.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 GG said: No, you are supposed to ask him about it. But don't throw a hissy fit in return for his hissy fit. TO is a classic media darling because the two sides feed off one another. Your point about Marshawn is very appropriate. He didn't want to talk, you guys got tired of his act and walked away. Not so with TO, because he feeds off you and you feed off him. It's far easier to dump Lynch into the ignore corner. Most of the complaints about your article focused on the point that TO's opinion needs to be heard. No it doesn't, because his opinion is obvious, but would serve very little purpose when he recognizes that he needs to spend his next four months in purgatory running the plays that are called. I still haven't seen this hissy fit. I merely was pointing out the guy is playing the role of victim AFTER THE NEWS CONFERENCE. I don't care that he didn't say anything Sunday. Fine, let's move on. But he can't do that. As Jemele Hill pointed out today "I think Terrell Owens has a persecution complex." Since people seem to think I'm up in arms, listen to the tone of my voice when I discuss the situation on this ESPNEWS video clip of me being interviewed about it. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...loggers-blitz-2 Do I sound upset? Do I sound like I'm owed something? As I mentioned to Sal Maiorana on Monday after somebody said "Too bad T.O. didn't give you anything to work with" on Sunday: He gave us plenty. Whatever the opposite of a hissy fit is, that's what I'm throwing. Owens presents material for me to write about no matter what he does or says. People gobble it up. I couldn't be happier.
Tortured Soul Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Hey Tim, Changing topics for a minute, what in the division do you personally find most intriguing here on out? Jets rise? Sanchez's play? End of Patriots dynasty? Owens? Other? Just wanted to point out in blitz post, the Raiders have more sacks than the Jets.
GG Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 TimGraham said: I still haven't seen this hissy fit. I merely was pointing out the guy is playing the role of victim AFTER THE NEWS CONFERENCE. I don't care that he didn't say anything Sunday. Fine, let's move on. But he can't do that. As Jemele Hill pointed out today "I think Terrell Owens has a persecution complex." Since people seem to think I'm up in arms, listen to the tone of my voice when I discuss the situation on this ESPNEWS video clip of me being interviewed about it. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...loggers-blitz-2 Do I sound upset? Do I sound like I'm owed something? As I mentioned to Sal Maiorana on Monday after somebody said "To bad T.O. didn't give you anything to work with" on Sunday: He gave us plenty. Whatever the opposite of a hissy fit is, that's what I'm throwing. Owens presents material for me to write about no matter what he does or says. People gobble it up. I couldn't be happier. Don't want to get into a definitional fight over a "hissy fit" but for me this was the offending passage: Quote All those Billeivers who spent $80 on Owens jerseys deserve to hear from him, especially when he and supposed 1-2 punchmate Lee Evans have combined for 13 catches, 186 yards and two touchdowns. As I mentioned in either this thread or the other one, true Billeivers deserve to follow a competitive team more than to hear what a one-year mercenary has to say. Your intention was probably to write a piece about TO's self flagellation, but it came off sounding like sour grapes for you and your compatriots that TO decided to take his spotlight and go home on Sunday.
TimGraham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Tortured Soul said: Hey Tim, Changing topics for a minute, what in the division do you personally find most intriguing here on out? Jets rise? Sanchez's play? End of Patriots dynasty? Owens? Other? Just wanted to point out in blitz post, the Raiders have more sacks than the Jets. The Patriots aren't dead yet. I think this division already has turned into a two-team race. I think that's the story I find most fascinating. The Jets are full of fun, and the Patriots are the old guard.
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