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Obama undoes his predecessor's legacy

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Interesting piece:




The upshot is that the predecessor's legacy that Obama is really unravelling is that of Clinton.


"It's Bush's fault, because whereas Clinton recognized that free trade can benefit the common American, Bush distorted that vision for the benefit of corporate America and at the expense of the average American. Obama isn't undoing Clinton's legacy as much as he's undoing Bush's destruction of Clinton's policy and returning it to its populist roots."



PastaJoe, Connor/Bad Lieutenant, Bishop Hedd...how'd I do? Summarize your bull sh-- pretty well?

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"It's Bush's fault, because whereas Clinton recognized that free trade can benefit the common American, Bush distorted that vision for the benefit of corporate America and at the expense of the average American. Obama isn't undoing Clinton's legacy as much as he's undoing Bush's destruction of Clinton's policy and returning it to its populist roots."



PastaJoe, Connor/Bad Lieutenant, Bishop Hedd...how'd I do? Summarize your bull sh-- pretty well?

Wow. You could run for office. :lol:

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"It's Bush's fault, because whereas Clinton recognized that free trade can benefit the common American, Bush distorted that vision for the benefit of corporate America and at the expense of the average American. Obama isn't undoing Clinton's legacy as much as he's undoing Bush's destruction of Clinton's policy and returning it to its populist roots."



PastaJoe, Connor/Bad Lieutenant, Bishop Hedd...how'd I do? Summarize your bull sh-- pretty well?


Might want to throw in something totally unrelated about Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh

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Wow! Could you guys be bothered to read the article before commenting on it or predicting the comments of others? It's a provocative headline but to twist a famous phrase --There's just no there, there!


Obama is somehow undoing Clinton's Legacy because his (Obama's) administration has a different set of priorities to deal with a different set of problems than those that faced the Clinton administration?



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"Its no matter that we're in the position that we're in , in this country. The fact of the matter is , is that we cant govern from the past party's who have dragged us down to the position that we are in. We must change our spending policys, we must protect our American people from any invasion. With that being said, we must stop taxing the middle class. We must stop taxing the people that drive this country to success.



Thomas Jefferson



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Wow! Could you guys be bothered to read the article before commenting on it or predicting the comments of others? It's a provocative headline but to twist a famous phrase --There's just no there, there!


Obama is somehow undoing Clinton's Legacy because his (Obama's) administration has a different set of priorities to deal with a different set of problems than those that faced the Clinton administration?




I did read it. I just chose to use it as an opportunity to mock our resident leftist "My Messiah, right or wrong" moonbats. Didn't represent any actual opinion on my part either way.


My serious opinion? It's a vaguely silly article, a long-winded statement of nothing more than "But Obama isn't Clinton!" Uh...yeah?

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