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Tim Tebow

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Yeah, scouts are "alarmed" by his slow release, and throwing motion. Yet, he is doing nothing to change them.





Mike Mayock on Tim Tebow being like Vince Young














Shall i go on?

Sure. But read the ones you posted first. They're a bit contradictory.

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First of all, Gruden is about as weird of a coach as they come. Secondly, Gruden thinks he can establish a spread-option in the pros. That is why he would take Tebow, however, Gruden is off his rocker if he thinks it would work. Gruden might be salivating over him, because of some gimmick offense he might implement, but the NFL scouts are all panning Tebow.


Of course, Gruden thinks every QB is good. That's why he signs 7-8 of them every year. He's a terrible evaluator of QB talent.


Obviously, Gruden needs to consult with you, Fingon.


Tell me, how closely were you advising him during the Buccaneers' Superbowl run in 2002?

I have to side with Fingon on this one. There are more concerns about Tebow as a pro than there is certainty that he will succeed. With regards Gruden, again he inherited a very excellent team from Tony Dungy and his victory in the Super Bowl is very arguably due to the fact that he was facing the very team he coached the previous year. Gruden and the Tampa Bay defense knew what Gannon was going to do before Gannon did.


When you take away his Super Bowl year, Gruden's record as a head coach (regular season) is 83-77. And his seasons in Tampa Bay were marked by not being able to either pick or develop a quarterback. Gruden's a good coach. He was also in the right place at the right time.


And the jury is out on Tebow. This year will determine if he's drafted in the 1st round or the 3rd. I like the guy but he still has lots of work to do to prove that he's not just a Bobby Douglas type quarterback.

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I have to side with Fingon on this one. There are more concerns about Tebow as a pro than there is certainty that he will succeed. With regards Gruden, again he inherited a very excellent team from Tony Dungy and his victory in the Super Bowl is very arguably due to the fact that he was facing the very team he coached the previous year. Gruden and the Tampa Bay defense knew what Gannon was going to do before Gannon did.


When you take away his Super Bowl year, Gruden's record as a head coach (regular season) is 83-77. And his seasons in Tampa Bay were marked by not being able to either pick or develop a quarterback. Gruden's a good coach. He was also in the right place at the right time.


And the jury is out on Tebow. This year will determine if he's drafted in the 1st round or the 3rd. I like the guy but he still has lots of work to do to prove that he's not just a Bobby Douglas type quarterback.

I agree the jury is still out on Tebow, but there is no way he is drafted lower than Pat White was. He will be drafted in the 1st the question is how high in the 1st.

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Tell me, how are they contradictory? Scouts aren't raving about Tim Tebow, the columnists are. There is a BIG difference.

You say he's not working on his throwing motion, yet one of the links provides spells out that he is. You say that he can't make it to the top 10, but he's compared to both Young and Vick, both top 10 picks.


Young had more question marks than positives coming out of the draft, and he was taken high. Vick had SERIOUS accuracy issues (and very obvious questions about is ability to actually play QB), yet he was taken first. Phillip Rivers had one of the worst throwing motions I've ever seen coming out of college, and he was top 5. Do you think scouts were telling their GM's/Owners to stay away from these guys, and they drafted them anyway? And even if that's the case, it proves that anyone, no matter what their issues are, can go in the top 10 if they are proven winners and have something (leadership, athleticism, rocket arms, etc...) that teams covet.


Basically the only people that go on and on about how Tebow has NO CHANCE in the NFL are FSU fans. It's truly pathetic. He's a unique player that could go top 5 or 2nd round. He could be an immediate bust, or find a niche and become one hell of a player. There's nobody to compare him to, so there's no way to know. But listening to sow fans drone on and on and spread lies about him is just annoying.

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You say he's not working on his throwing motion, yet one of the links provides spells out that he is. You say that he can't make it to the top 10, but he's compared to both Young and Vick, both top 10 picks.


Young had more question marks than positives coming out of the draft, and he was taken high. Vick had SERIOUS accuracy issues (and very obvious questions about is ability to actually play QB), yet he was taken first. Phillip Rivers had one of the worst throwing motions I've ever seen coming out of college, and he was top 5. Do you think scouts were telling their GM's/Owners to stay away from these guys, and they drafted them anyway? And even if that's the case, it proves that anyone, no matter what their issues are, can go in the top 10 if they are proven winners and have something (leadership, athleticism, rocket arms, etc...) that teams covet.


Basically the only people that go on and on about how Tebow has NO CHANCE in the NFL are FSU fans. It's truly pathetic. He's a unique player that could go top 5 or 2nd round. He could be an immediate bust, or find a niche and become one hell of a player. There's nobody to compare him to, so there's no way to know. But listening to sow fans drone on and on and spread lies about him is just annoying.

I will enjoy it when Tebow has the Gators back in the Championship Game, then again when next years Draft comes.

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I live in the Gainesville area and I was initially annoyed at the complete lovefest for Tebow. Even when the Gators won the National Championship in 2006 under Chris Leak, a large number of fans were clamoring to have Tebow start even though Leak was having a very solid year. However, Tebow has really impressed me. He's not let all the attention go to his head. The guy is totally grounded. He definitely has leadership qualities and pushes the people around him to succeed. That said, I just question if he can compete in the NFL. I'm not saying he can't, but I'm just saying it's not a slam dunk by a long shot. I think he would be more of a project and not a guy who will step in his rookie season to lead a team.

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You say he's not working on his throwing motion, yet one of the links provides spells out that he is. You say that he can't make it to the top 10, but he's compared to both Young and Vick, both top 10 picks.


Young had more question marks than positives coming out of the draft, and he was taken high. Vick had SERIOUS accuracy issues (and very obvious questions about is ability to actually play QB), yet he was taken first. Phillip Rivers had one of the worst throwing motions I've ever seen coming out of college, and he was top 5. Do you think scouts were telling their GM's/Owners to stay away from these guys, and they drafted them anyway? And even if that's the case, it proves that anyone, no matter what their issues are, can go in the top 10 if they are proven winners and have something (leadership, athleticism, rocket arms, etc...) that teams covet.


Basically the only people that go on and on about how Tebow has NO CHANCE in the NFL are FSU fans. It's truly pathetic. He's a unique player that could go top 5 or 2nd round. He could be an immediate bust, or find a niche and become one hell of a player. There's nobody to compare him to, so there's no way to know. But listening to sow fans drone on and on and spread lies about him is just annoying.

Too bad Tebow himself says he is not altering his throwing motion, and his quote is in the more recent article. And guess what? No QB like Vick or Young will be taken in the top 5 again. Let me know when a run first QB accomplishes anything. Want to know the difference between Phillip Rivers and Tim Tebow? Rivers was a pocket passer in college and showcased the ability to read defenses and throw the ball accurately. Tim Tebow is NOT a pocket passer, and he has severe accuracy issues. He also tends to throw wobbly passes than end up as floaters. Tebow has trouble getting the ball to WRs that are not wide open, and he cannot complete throws that are within the window that NFL QBs need to be able to hit.


Face it, Tim Tebow is NOT a QB prospect. If half the scouts evaluating you think you cannot be a QB, then you aren't a very good QB prospect.



PS: I'm not a FSU fan.

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Too bad Tebow himself says he is not altering his throwing motion, and his quote is in the more recent article. And guess what? No QB like Vick or Young will be taken in the top 5 again. Let me know when a run first QB accomplishes anything. Want to know the difference between Phillip Rivers and Tim Tebow? Rivers was a pocket passer in college and showcased the ability to read defenses and throw the ball accurately. Tim Tebow is NOT a pocket passer, and he has severe accuracy issues. He also tends to throw wobbly passes than end up as floaters. Tebow has trouble getting the ball to WRs that are not wide open, and he cannot complete throws that are within the window that NFL QBs need to be able to hit.


Face it, Tim Tebow is NOT a QB prospect. If half the scouts evaluating you think you cannot be a QB, then you aren't a very good QB prospect.



PS: I'm not a FSU fan.

I was trying to highlight things that were wrong or straight made up in your post, but everything was highlighted, so I said screw it. You either don't watch the games, or are simply lying about what you see. And I've seen you on here rooting on FSU before, so whatever. Keep up the good scouting work. IMO, anyone who makes claims like you do in this post (no QB like Young/Vick will be taken in top 5 again) are just plain ignorant, so I guess we'll just have to disagree. If Tebow were as bad as you keep saying, he would be a horrible QB, no matter what the system. You just don't compete, and win championships, being that bad at throwing the ball. And it's not like all he does is run, his passing stats are outstanding. The truth is in the tape AND the stats. Yes, he has his issues. He tends to push the ball more than throw it, especially on short routes. His passing motion (at least up until now) has been awkward, and he IS slow in his release (the biggest negative he has in his game, IMO). But those are all possibly correctable, and even if it doesn't happen with Tebow, there will always be teams who will take that chance. That said, Tebow CAN throw the ball on a rope, he's done it many times, both short and long. It's all about consistency for him right now. If he can learn to do it all the time, he'll be top prospect.


And I don't have to "face" anything. I've made no claims about what Tebow will do in the NFL, nor do I care. But unlike you, I haven't decided to flood a message board with made up crap in order to feel better about myself (or my team).



. He's still slow with it, but it's a new delivery.
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I was trying to highlight things that were wrong or straight made up in your post, but everything was highlighted, so I said screw it. You either don't watch the games, or are simply lying about what you see. And I've seen you on here rooting on FSU before, so whatever. Keep up the good scouting work. IMO, anyone who makes claims like you do in this post (no QB like Young/Vick will be taken in top 5 again) are just plain ignorant, so I guess we'll just have to disagree. If Tebow were as bad as you keep saying, he would be a horrible QB, no matter what the system. You just don't compete, and win championships, being that bad at throwing the ball. And it's not like all he does is run, his passing stats are outstanding. The proof is in the tape and the stats. Yes, he has his issues. He tends to push the ball more than throw it, especially on short routes. His passing motion (at least up until now) has been awkward, and he IS slow in his release (the biggest negative he has in his game, IMO). But those are all possibly correctable, and even if it doesn't happen with Tebow, there will always be teams who will take that chance. That said, Tebow CAN throw the ball on a rope, he's done it many times, both short and long. It's all about consistency for him right now. If he can learn to do it all the time, he'll be top prospect.


And I don't have to "face" anything. I've made no claims about what Tebow will do in the NFL, nor do I care. But unlike you, I haven't decided to flood a message board with made up crap in order to feel better about myself (or my team).



. He's still slow with it, but it's a new delivery.

You must be on !@#$ing crack. I have no ties to FSU, at all. So, in that whole paragraph you basically state that:


Yes, his mechanics suck

and that he will need to completely reinvent himself to be a top NFL prospect.


So, he needs to completely overhaul his game to succeed in the NFL? You could say that of almost any mid to late round QB in the NCAA. And yeah, you can win in college even if you throw the ball terribly. Vince Young did it. I have made NOTHING up the whole time, and everything i have stated are the opinions of people who get paid lots of money to evaluate players. The reason his passing stats are so good is that his running ability keeps an extra defender or two in the box, and he has played with very good talent. As any NFL scout will tell you, his passing production is not a factor of how well or accurately he throws the ball, but of how wide open his receivers are. Now, Tebow is not a horrible QB, but he pales in comparison to the top passers in college. If we were judging him just on his ability as a QB, and not his ability to play other positions, he would be a late round to undrafted player.


You need to take Tebow's balls out of your mouth and realize that, bar a miracle that he can completely reinvent himself in a few months, he is not a legit QB prospect. Clearly, you do not understand that what it takes to win in the NFL vs college is completely different. You also don't understand that there have been hundreds of players that were great in college and won a lot, but did not have the skills to be considered for the NFL. (Jason White)



Also, his "new" throwing motion is still horrendous.

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eh I'm done arguing with you people. I could link to Belichick, Polian, Dungy, and AJ Smith saying Tebow will never amount to anything, and you guys would still say he will win 5 straight super bowls.

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eh I'm done arguing with you people. I could link to Belichick, Polian, Dungy, and AJ Smith saying Tebow will never amount to anything, and you guys would still say he will win 5 straight super bowls.

Thank God you are done with your STUPID argument. Link where any of those people said Tebow will never amount to anything, & while you are at it link to one post that said he would win even one Super Bowl.

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eh I'm done arguing with you people. I could link to Belichick, Polian, Dungy, and AJ Smith saying Tebow will never amount to anything, and you guys would still say he will win 5 straight super bowls.

Except Belichick has said repeatedly that he thinks he will succeed.


And again, you're still missing the point. Why do you insist that I keep saying Tebow will be a great NFL QB? I've never said it. In fact, I think it will take a specific set of circumstances to come together for him to succeed, and the chances of all of it happening are slim. But the fact is, the qualities he does have are qualities that NFL teams look for and have proven to draft high. Even JUST his draw. Hell, there's a 7 page thread on the guy, before he even plays his final college season, on a message board of a team that will never go after him! You don't think there are teams out there salivating over the attention and ticket sales that are possible with a guy like Tebow on the team? Especially a team like Jax or Tampa that could continue to use his FL following.


My point has nothing to do with what he will or will not do in the NFL. It's basically been two things. One, you are WAY over dramatizing his weaknesses (in addition to over dramatizing my description of his weaknesses), and two, there is absolutely a chance that he is drafted high. Like I said, as much as people are desperate to compare him to other players, there is no precedent for Tebow. None. Nobody knows what's going to happen with him. And there have been worse players with less potential drafted higher to play QB (Vick is one example).

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Stop it. The NFL has never seen anyone with Tebow's unique blend of talents. Tebow is going to revolutionize the QB position in the NFL.


Just like Michael Vick and Vince Young did.



This is either the all time best post, if you were being sarcastic and witty. Or the worst post ever. :o:lol::wallbash:

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I, for one, think he will succeed as an NFL QB. I'd love to see the Bills draft him. He has more drive to win than Kelly, never gives up on a play and IS an accurate passer. The best part about him is he will make the players around him better.


What's not to like? That his passes aren't picture perfect spirals?? He's accurate, with a lot of zip. That's all that's necessary.



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