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Tim Tebow

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I am not a huge college football guy but I think that comparison is valid. I know that the Florida team Tebow plays for is a really good team much better than Vicks team and a bit better than Vince Youngs Texas teams. So what Tebow add in his SEC competition he loses in the fact that he has a better supporting cast than those guys (Much better than what Vick had). So he faces better competition with a better team around him.


As for Leadership give me a break. His leadership is based off the fact that he wins he won't be able to command a team in the NFL the way he does in Florida because the guys in the NFL don't care what you have done in college. Tebow won't have that leadership in the NFL till he wins consistently so that is overstated big time. Eli Manning who is soft spoken is the Man on the Giants because he has a ring on his finger.


And if he doesn't play in a pro style system how much more intelligence and knowledge of the pro game can he have? I don't buy your argument at all. If you want to say he is smarter than Vick or Young in general OK I don't know that for sure but if he is than maybe he will adjust better. BUT being smarter (in general not football smarts) isn't enough to make me say the comparison is completely invalid.


As NFL readiness give me another break. The guy as you said doesn't play in a pro style offense and his throwing motion is no where near NFL caliber. Tebow is Vick and Young the only reason the media ignores the comparison is because he is white and a church going guy.


wow, well i guess somebody had to pull the rush limbaugh routine, why not you? really, you stopped just short of saying that the media is desperate for a good white running QB, so they love on Tebow.


white, black, blue, green, or purple, they're different players.


as i tend to do, i'll refute one topic at a time:


- think about this: you want to knock the guy for playing with more highly-talented players...even if that were true, who do you think he'll be playing with in the NFL, guys less talented than his UF teammates? And just so you know, that Texas team that Young played on had at least as many offensive skill players drafted into the NFL as Tebow's National Championship team in his sophomore year. Texas had Young, Limas Sweed, Jamaal Charles, and David Thomas (that's not counting offensive lineman Casey Studdard and Justin Blalock--since they aren't skill position players); UF had Dallas Baker, Percy Harvin, and (I think) Earnest Graham.


- here's the definition of leadership personified: your team faces an early-season, possibly National-Championship-run-crippling loss on National television, and your starting QB goes to the podium, and not only accepts full responsibility, but makes a pledge to his coaches, teammates, family, and fans to do whatever it takes to win out the rest of the season...and then delivers on his promise. you think that kind of attitude and effort wouldn't have a positive affect on an NFL team? if so, you're kidding yourself. to say it'll be tougher to deliver on that kind of promise would be fine, but to pretend like that type of determination is meaningless inside an NFL locker-room is simple ignorance (note: not trying to insult you by calling you stupid, there's a big difference).


- show me where i said knowledge of the pro game...i thought what i said was "knowledge of the game". i realize that college and the NFL are different, which i think is your only discernable point. however, college football-regardless of what system you play in--is what prepares a kid to play in the NFL. since Tebow has already spent more time around the college game than either Young or Vick, and will spend another season honing his skills, i'd say that factor alone makes him more well prepared to play in the NFL than either of them. and yes, he is definitely more intelligent than Young (i cite Young's 6 on the Wonderlic), and I can't find Vick's Wonderlic score, but I seem to remember it being in the low teens.


- you know, there are plenty of guys that supposedly had funny deliveries in college that have been excellent NFL QB's. here are just a few of note: Dan Marino, Boomer Esiason, Bernie Kosar, Philip Rivers, should i keep going?


Anything else?

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wow, well i guess somebody had to pull the rush limbaugh routine, why not you? really, you stopped just short of saying that the media is desperate for a good white running QB, so they love on Tebow.


white, black, blue, green, or purple, they're different players.


as i tend to do, i'll refute one topic at a time:


- think about this: you want to knock the guy for playing with more highly-talented players...even if that were true, who do you think he'll be playing with in the NFL, guys less talented than his UF teammates? And just so you know, that Texas team that Young played on had at least as many offensive skill players drafted into the NFL as Tebow's National Championship team in his sophomore year. Texas had Young, Limas Sweed, Jamaal Charles, and David Thomas (that's not counting offensive lineman Casey Studdard and Justin Blalock--since they aren't skill position players); UF had Dallas Baker, Percy Harvin, and (I think) Earnest Graham.


- here's the definition of leadership personified: your team faces an early-season, possibly National-Championship-run-crippling loss on National television, and your starting QB goes to the podium, and not only accepts full responsibility, but makes a pledge to his coaches, teammates, family, and fans to do whatever it takes to win out the rest of the season...and then delivers on his promise. you think that kind of attitude and effort wouldn't have a positive affect on an NFL team? if so, you're kidding yourself. to say it'll be tougher to deliver on that kind of promise would be fine, but to pretend like that type of determination is meaningless inside an NFL locker-room is simple ignorance (note: not trying to insult you by calling you stupid, there's a big difference).


- show me where i said knowledge of the pro game...i thought what i said was "knowledge of the game". i realize that college and the NFL are different, which i think is your only discernable point. however, college football-regardless of what system you play in--is what prepares a kid to play in the NFL. since Tebow has already spent more time around the college game than either Young or Vick, and will spend another season honing his skills, i'd say that factor alone makes him more well prepared to play in the NFL than either of them. and yes, he is definitely more intelligent than Young (i cite Young's 6 on the Wonderlic), and I can't find Vick's Wonderlic score, but I seem to remember it being in the low teens.


- you know, there are plenty of guys that supposedly had funny deliveries in college that have been excellent NFL QB's. here are just a few of note: Dan Marino, Boomer Esiason, Bernie Kosar, Philip Rivers, should i keep going?


Anything else?


For every Dan Marino there are like 15 other guys who failed in the NFL because of their release. Thats not really good logic well Marino had a weird relase and he was good so Tebow will be good. Now I get your point its not like having an unconventional release means you won't be good but its more likely you won't. Its true thats the reason scouts look at release point so much.


As for leadership its all based off of winning. In the NFL Tebow is going to have to win to be a leader and anyone as long as they win can be a leader (EX Eli Manning). I am not saying being determined isn't going to help but being determined in college where you have won a championship isn't that hard (Because you know you can do it). If Tebow loses his first few starts in the NFL thats when his detirmination will be tested (Because you don't know for sure you can do it)


So leadership and detirmination is a little overstated in most cases (Not just Tebow I usually say that about most college guys). And knowledge of the game is still not enough for me to say well he isn't even comparable to Vick or Young. If you know a non-pro system better than most you still are going to have a big adjustment to make in the NFL. I just don't see how playing more ball in a non-pro system is enough to separate him from those guys.


Like I said Tebow is comparable to those guys because all of those guys lit it up in college with good running and unconventional passing motions. Now I know that Tebow is a little more enticing than those guys because he seems to have a better head on his shoulders but to say its not even a reasonable comparison is just wishful thinking.


The media loves the guy because not only is he white but he is a religious guy who gives a ton of interviews to the media and is always nice to the media. Its not an intentional thing but there is a little bit of racial element in the medias coverage of Tebow. When you hear columnists talk about Tebow its almost like talking to the guy will make your life better. If the guy is black I think he doesn't get the media attention and love he gets now. Florida fans would still love him but the media just wouldn't like the guys as much.

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