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You forget to mention 22 int's as well as a terrible last half of the season. But with all that if I were a Vikes fan I would want him. The Vikes have a situation that he could work in. The Vikes could try and put Bret in a situation like he had in 2007 where he was asked to do less and it worked.


You think our qb situation is bad. The Vikes have a 40 year old qb coming off of injury who is a much better option than what they currently have.


I didn't forget, it just didn't help my point :rolleyes: If I were a Vikes fan, I'd want him too. I'd have to temper my expectations, but I'd love to bring him in for a year and just give the thing a chance.

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I don't see why any football fan would be against him continuing to play. Whatever makes the NFL season more interesting, I'm all for it. If I were faced with the prospect of hanging it up for good and NEVER experiencing an NFL game again, I think I'd hold on just as long as Brett has. People can B word and whine as much as they want about his indecisiveness, but when all is said and done it's about one person and one person only - Brett Favre. If I were in his position and felt I could still play at a productive level, I'd play. No questions asked.
I agree 100%.

As do I.


The main reason Favre's decision making remains newsworthy is that people have some strange fascination with it. Imagine...a professional athlete who loves his job wanting to squeeze every last drop out of his career. The horror!


If you don't like Brett, ignore him. And no, rolling your eyes and loudly proclaiming how this "ISN'T NEWS" doesn't fit that description.



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I've lost respect for Farve in the past 3 years. The guy continually gets quoted saying "There's no way I'm coming back", and then there he is the next season. Not a man of his word.


If he thinks there's a possibility he may come back, why not just say maybe?


Favre is officially a doucher

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Do you think Brett Favre shows up at John Clayton's door to tell him these things... or is every reporter hounding him every second about whether he's coming back or not? Come on! ESPN started doing this a long time ago, you can't blame Favre, every time he steps in a room, people ask him if he's coming back. So he told people he was retired for good, maybe he's just trying to let it die down until he can clear his head and make a decision.


You know why Favre's so interesting to people? Because he plays with broken fingers and other injuries like it's a regular thing, and he can fire a football through a concrete wall. Dan Marino does that? Peyton Manning does that? Psh.

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You forget to mention 22 int's as well as a terrible last half of the season. But with all that if I were a Vikes fan I would want him. The Vikes have a situation that he could work in. The Vikes could try and put Bret in a situation like he had in 2007 where he was asked to do less and it worked.


You think our qb situation is bad. The Vikes have a 40 year old qb coming off of injury who is a much better option than what they currently have.

You did know he was INJURED last year right? A Nancy boy like Trent would have BEEN FINISHED, Brett GUTTED it out & kept playing with a BAD shoulder. IF healthy ( I don't think he comes back if not) Brett will play like the QB that led a CRAPPY Jets teams to WINS prior to his injury.

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I don't see why any football fan would be against him continuing to play. Whatever makes the NFL season more interesting, I'm all for it. If I were faced with the prospect of hanging it up for good and NEVER experiencing an NFL game again, I think I'd hold on just as long as Brett has. People can B word and whine as much as they want about his indecisiveness, but when all is said and done it's about one person and one person only - Brett Favre. If I were in his position and felt I could still play at a productive level, I'd play. No questions asked.

This isn't like the NHL that needs publicity or any more fan support. The NFL has plenty of it already.


It's only sickening because E$PN will be all over it. I loved Brett through his Green Bay career and even bought a Favre jersey. But the whole soap opera of last summer just made it too much for me. He has done this every year for the past 5 or whatever. All he'd been doing was taking up a roster spot that could have been occupied by a new QB just because of who he was.


He's 39...if he can still play, then just do it and stop hemming & hawing every April-May.

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This isn't like the NHL that needs publicity or any more fan support. The NFL has plenty of it already.


It's only sickening because E$PN will be all over it. I loved Brett through his Green Bay career and even bought a Favre jersey. But the whole soap opera of last summer just made it too much for me. He has done this every year for the past 5 or whatever. All he'd been doing was taking up a roster spot that could have been occupied by a new QB just because of who he was.


He's 39...if he can still play, then just do it and stop hemming & hawing every April-May.


With regard to your first point, I totally agree...I was speaking from a totally selfish perspective. I would be in favor of anything that makes the season more interesting because I love the NFL and the more story lines to follow, the better. I've been a Favre fan ever since he took over for the Magic Man back in the day, and I enjoy watching the guy play.


I agree 100% about the media coverage...if they would just leave well enough alone until around July each year, this would have been a non-issue. I was watching Mike and Mike the other day, and Golic made a great point about the difference in how you feel between February and June of the offseason. Particularly when you get up there in years (playing years, that is), you are feeling beat down and exhausted from the wear and tear of the season in February. The idea of doing it all over again is not appealing at all. But once you've healed up and recovered, and you start to crave the gridiron once again, your outlook changes. You start to tap into that love you have for the game and the idea that you've played your last game drives you to continue on and live the dream just a little longer.


I know it's a lousy analogy, but how many times have you seen a friend - or maybe even yourself - come out of a bad relationship and say something like, "I'm not dating any more for a long time!"....or "I'm never getting married again!". And then before you know it, after they (or you) have had a little time to recover from the situation, you find that person right back up in the saddle again. Yeah, it can be annoying when people change their mind several times on a particular issue, but when the only person the indecisiveness is affecting is yourself, who cares?

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I agree 100% about the media coverage...if they would just leave well enough alone until around July each year, this would have been a non-issue. I was watching Mike and Mike the other day, and Golic made a great point about the difference in how you feel between February and June of the offseason. Particularly when you get up there in years (playing years, that is), you are feeling beat down and exhausted from the wear and tear of the season in February. The idea of doing it all over again is not appealing at all. But once you've healed up and recovered, and you start to crave the gridiron once again, your outlook changes. You start to tap into that love you have for the game and the idea that you've played your last game drives you to continue on and live the dream just a little longer.

I heard Golic and other analysts say the same thing last year and I completely buy into it. I'm the same way with golf...I'm a 4 handicap and love playing the game, but as I eek into my late 30s, I'll start to end my season earlier. But come January, I'm ready to play again.


I know it's a lousy analogy, but how many times have you seen a friend - or maybe even yourself - come out of a bad relationship and say something like, "I'm not dating any more for a long time!"....or "I'm never getting married again!". And then before you know it, after they (or you) have had a little time to recover from the situation, you find that person right back up in the saddle again. Yeah, it can be annoying when people change their mind several times on a particular issue, but when the only person the indecisiveness is affecting is yourself, who cares?

I actually don't think it's that bad of an analogy, since I said the same thing to myself years ago....then I met my eventual wife. <_<


But the problem here is that Favre's indecisiveness isn't just affecting him. Last summer, it clearly affected the Packers, then the entire NFL, then the Jets....not to mention the Packers' fans and us who watch Sportscenter for actual scores & highlights. Now it's affecting the Vikings and their entire team, especially the Vikes' QB depth. The guy who would be Minnesota's 3rd QB would now be out of a job. This guy could now decide to go use his college degree and get a real job and never live his dream of possibly playing in the NFL...just because Favre wants to stick it to Thompson and prove he can still be an elite QB.

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This isn't about Brett Favre as much as it's about the era of the 24 hour sports cable channels, 24 hour sports radio and 24 hour internet websites dedicated to the biggest sport in America.


Favre is a guy that had a very good career and who may or may not still want to try to play in the twilight of his career. Is that a big deal because all of these media outlets say it is? Or are we really just being played by the media and not by Brett Favre as they love to suggest over and over and over again.


I'll be kind of glad if he's coming back if only to show how these big "scoops" and countless articles regarding Brett's retirement were all a waste of time to anyone who cared to write or read them. I mean, how many years has this been a story???? Unless it's my team their talking about, I frankly don't give a rats ass. I'm not fascinated by these stories, just because they tell us these are really big stories.

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The best thing that we ALL could do (including the media), is to not pay any attention to any of this.


I would love to see just how much Fav-ra would be so enthused to return if there was no circus.

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The best thing that we ALL could do (including the media), is to not pay any attention to any of this.


I would love to see just how much Fav-ra would be so enthused to return if there was no circus.


TMQ (Greg Easterbrook) once opined that the most dangerous strip of land on Earth was that between Brett Favre and a camera...



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