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Trent Edwards

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Do ya think it should be taken into account that Trent was a rookie in 07?

Your right, thats good that he played againts teams with loosing record . When your a rookie thats what you want, that way it take presure off your shoulder and makes it easier to transition from college to pro. Some put down that edwards had a 12-11 record as a starter and Losman had 2-7 record at the same time. I just think that if teams your starting againts, have a winning record its harder to win than starting againts teams with loosing records with same talent and coaches. Know I hear people used reason for edwards bad play to bad coaching or bad line play. Why is O.K. to blame coach or talent for one QBs bad play, but not O.K. for other QBs play? Both QBs had the same coach and talent around them. One played tougher teams, one didn't. One Qb got sack alot ,while the other doesn't throw enough Tds. Big Ben got sack alot and Steeler still win SuperBowl. Trent Dilfer didn't throw alot of Tds, but Ravens won SuperBowl. What both Steelers and Ravins had was great defenses. Yea Qbs win games ,but also defense can to. Also special teams can win games. Someone like Devon Hester could run a kickoff back for a winning TD. Or kicker could kick a winning FG with time running out. Its a team sport.

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Guest dog14787
We called it chrose because there was no exact way to describe how someone so young could display so much confidence and control at what is clearly the hardest team position to play both physically and mentally in all of sports, starting QB in the National Football league. Trent Edwards, from the very first time he stepped onto a football field up until now has shown steadfast courage and determination in his quest to carry the Buffalo Bills back to the perennial powerhouse it once was in the Glory days of Jim(Machine Gun)Kelly and Thurmal warfare.


Some say a QB doesn't win ball games, I say he does, just like Eli Manning won the Superbowl a couple of years back and then you have his brother Peyton of course, just like Brady has won a few Superbowl's then you have the play of Big Ben in last years Superbowl. So when you tell me QB's don't win ball games, sorry folks, I'm not buying it. We just went through one of the worst stretches in Bills history that I can remember, anyone care to guess the main reason why we have struggled? The QB, that's right, and just to prove a point try to remember this post and then you look at our Head Coach, our schedule, the hard division we play in, all the young players around him and you tell me a year or two from now how this team turned the corner.


I'm not making any bold predictions this year especially after what happened last season, but I'll say what I have said all along, Trent Edwards is a Championship caliber QB in the makings and he's on a mission.



Sure its a team sport Hanoverbills, and without a good QB your team is going to lose, does that even register with some of you guys? Trent Dilfer played for the Ravens, how many Ray Lewis defenses have you seen in the last ten years?


In this day and age when you make the playoffs chances are every team you face has a good defense and special teams because of the depth of the team. It takes individual players making big plays at the most important position on the team to win the game, the QB position.


I see more and more the win/loss being posted next to starting QB's when in discussion on ESPN and other sports channels, hmmmm, I wonder why that is, couldn't be because the QB may have had something to do with the outcome of the games, nawwww, what are them guys thinking. :cry:

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How does he have a winning record? I thought they're 11 players on offense and defense. I thought this is a team sport. Can we put down the total win, lost records of the teams we beat when he was a starting QB since his rookie year. You'll find out that we won those games, because we had better overall talent. That funny, everytime I here about his won and lost record.

Hey Genius: 12 and 11 is a WINNING record. Pack up the rest of your negative drivel pls. Thanks.

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Hey Genius: 12 and 11 is a WINNING record. Pack up the rest of your negative drivel pls. Thanks.

One game that should be added was N.E. game that he came into For Losman after the third play of game.Edwards played the entire game except three plays.That was a lost and the Jets game that Losman came in and threw the winning T.D. So that would be 11 wins 12 lost, its a loosing record. Thanks.

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