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Trent Edwards

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The Heat are the worst of the bunch. I can't convey the hatred I had for that team when they and the Knicks were brawling during playoff games.

<_< I HATE all teams from Miami, now if you want to ban supporters of Miami teams from the board............

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Wait until the 09 season is over then get back to me. I will say TODAY, Tebow will be a day 1 pick (if not injured) care to wager? I will explain to all the Tebow haters the reason he will be a VALUED pick in the draft. He has the QUALITY most desired in a QB, but one many QB's LACK.........................................Tim Tebow is a LEADER of men.

Yet, he cannot pass as well as some players that were UDFAs this year. There is a reason scouts project him to TE/H-back.

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If Trent falls on his face, which he may with one of the least athletic Offensive Lines in the NFL, we have to draft a QB. I wouldn't mind Brady Quinn, he would be worth maybe a 2nd round pick. If any team in the NFL hands the future over to Fitzpatrick, the NFL needs to take the team away from them. He is barely even good enough to be a backup, much less the future of a team.

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Yet, he cannot pass as well as some players that were UDFAs this year. There is a reason scouts project him to TE/H-back.

....and pure passers Ryan Leaf and Tim Couch and David Carr and noodle-armed Joe Montana and 6th round draft choice Tom Brady and blah de blah blah blah.


Those "scouts" and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee, no tip.

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Riiiiiight, because the NFL is all about running QBs? Tebow is nowhere close to a refined passer.

Like refined passers Ryan Leaf and Tim Couch, for example.


Look, you are more than entitled to your opinion. Lets wait and see how this pans out. Okay?

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Riiiiiight, because the NFL is all about running QBs? Tebow is nowhere close to a refined passer.

Tebow is a MUCH better passer than you give him credit for. He also has another YEAR of COLLEGE to refine his passing. You have probably only seen him in a couple of games & are just regurgitating CRAP you heard from some idiot. How about that wager, put up or SHUT up.

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Tebow is good. He won't be the first qb chosen and probably not even the second, but he will be a mid to early first day pick. I say no earlier than mid 1st round to no later than late 2nd round.


He's a winner and I think that is what most scouts will value about him more than anything else. He doesn't throw a poor ball, not a great one, but not a bad one either.


Having said that, I'd take Bradford over him any day of the week. His arm accuracy in unbelievable.

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Tebow is a MUCH better passer than you give him credit for. He also has another YEAR of COLLEGE to refine his passing. You have probably only seen him in a couple of games & are just regurgitating CRAP you heard from some idiot. How about that wager, put up or SHUT up.

Yes, I'm going to wager with someone on the internet <_< . Tebow MAY be a first rounder, but i seriously doubt it. Vince Young has scared teams away from drafting a running QB in the first round. Then again, most scouts project him as a TE/H-back, and those aren't drafted until the mid rounds.



You may tell me I'm wrong, but I've read what a few scouts for NFL teams have said about Tebow, and it isn't flattering.

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Tebow is good. He won't be the first qb chosen and probably not even the second, but he will be a mid to early first day pick. I say no earlier than mid 1st round to no later than late 2nd round.


He's a winner and I think that is what most scouts will value about him more than anything else. He doesn't throw a poor ball, not a great one, but not a bad one either.


Having said that, I'd take Bradford over him any day of the week. His arm accuracy in unbelievable.

Not according to the reports from actual scouts, that I've read. There are plenty of winners in college football, and guess what? There are plenty of people who throw "good" balls. Guess what? Drew Willy is a better pocket-QB prospect than Tebow.

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If Trent falls flat on his face and is horrible, what do we do? Do we spend a fortune on drafting a qb in next year's draft? Is Fitzpatrick a decent replacement? Do we go after Brady Quinn, if he is not a starter in Cleveland? We seem to have most of the pieces in place to be good, the o-line and Trent will decide everything.



The answer is simple, go out and get a decent QB with at least 5 years of experience! The Bills have no more time for rookies from the draft to develop and find their way.



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Grab Tebow in next year's draft. In fact, draft him whether TE flops or not. Whichever NFL team lands TT will reap the benefits for years.


Marketh my words.


I fully agree, trade up if we have to. Tebow whether or not TE is a superstar.

I watch Tebow, the Kelly flashbacks kick in involuntarily.

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Yeah, but.....that's what we (well I, anyway) thought last year......and we all know how THAT turned out. Sigh.



It's been that way for a number of years at the QB position. Actually, it pretty much goes back to the Todd Collins era with the possible exception of Bledsoe, but there was always that question with him each and every year he was a Bill.


If there is one position the Bills really need to sit down and address seriously, it's the QB position. Edwards hopefully was a diamond in the rough but the Bills might need to go high 1st round next year if TE stumbles as he did last year. Even if he plays average, the Bills will need to look because this team can not wait any longer and us fans can not keep hoping that one of these Quarterbacks pans out.

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