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workout tips?

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Exactly what problems down the road? You don't run into any problems if you keep it in moderation. Loading phases of creatine is what causes problems.


Anything in excess will causes problems. You ever seen the symptoms list for taking in too much Vitamin C??



That's right - moderation.


I take a 1000 mg Omega-3 (Nature Made brand) per day, also 1,100 mg Calcium (slight osteopenia condition), 1/2 Centrum multi-vitamin (watch the vitamin intake - today's fortified foods can lead to excess), and approximately 100 mg additional vitamin C. I have to cut the OTC Vitamin C pills - they have too much. I used to be able to buy 250 mg pills, but they seem to have disappeared from the shelves.


Here's an excellent site for nutrition values of foods:



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Well, at least that's what I just learned in Wellness and Fitness class. :rolleyes:

You got bad info. As said earlier, if you're trying to build muscle (lots of lean or bulk), it's almost impossible to get enough protein from your food intake. Not even close really. If you're working out a lot, you could drink 3 or 4 shakes a day and maybe not be getting everything your muscles could use.

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thanks for advice. i cant throw up a lot of weight yet, so would i be better off to do less reps/sets and lift at a higher weight close to my max?


what i have been doing is each new machine/exercise, i will start off with a lower weight and maybe do about 8 reps, then next set increase the weight and drop down to about 6ish reps and the last set increase the weight a little more so i am near my limit and try and do between like 3-5


what would you recommend as far as trying to come up with a routine for planning out reps/sets/weights


Your reps sound fine.....and the definition of "lifting heavy" should not be compared to the powerlifters who frequent your gym......it should be compared to what YOUR max is.


As your body adapts you will be able to lift more and more. Just remember there are different routines and different diets for gaining mass then say as opposed to "cutting"


When you are gaining mass you can eat pretty much whatever you want.....dirty bulking will result in you gaining some fat along with muscule........but then you can always cut when you get to a certain point.....increase sets and reps.....refine diet.


Protein shakes and creatine are helpful but they dont replace real food....they are a supplement to it (that is why they call it supplementation...:rolleyes:

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Your reps sound fine.....and the definition of "lifting heavy" should not be compared to the powerlifters who frequent your gym......it should be compared to what YOUR max is.


As your body adapts you will be able to lift more and more. Just remember there are different routines and different diets for gaining mass then say as opposed to "cutting"


When you are gaining mass you can eat pretty much whatever you want.....dirty bulking will result in you gaining some fat along with muscule........but then you can always cut when you get to a certain point.....increase sets and reps.....refine diet.


Protein shakes and creatine are helpful but they dont replace real food....they are a supplement to it (that is why they call it supplementation...:rolleyes:


thanks for all the helpful info guys, its most appreciated


if you have any more suggestions let me know! I'm off to grill up some chicken to make a mega salad for lunch tommorow

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